First Schedule (Section 27)
Provisions applicable to persons employed by commission other than persons seconded from public service
1.In this Schedule—“contributor” means an employee of the Commission who is required in terms of subparagraph (1) of paragraph 2 to contribute to the Consolidated Revenue Fund.2.(1)Subject to this Schedule, the Commission may, with the approval of the Public Service Commission, require an employee to whom this Schedule applies to contribute to the Consolidated Revenue Fund as though he were a member of the Public Service.(2)Whenever an employee of the Commission is required to contribute in terms of subparagraph (1), the Public Service Commission shall—(a)fix the date from which he shall contribute; and(b)declare whether the employee shall be regarded as an established officer or a senior or junior employee in the Public Service for the purpose of determining, in accordance with the provisions of this Schedule, the rate at which he shall contribute and any other matter relating to the payment of a pension or other benefit to him.3.Subject to paragraphs 4 and 5, the law relating to—(a)the payment of contributions and arrear contributions in respect of pensions by members of the Public Service; and(b)the retirement, resignation, discharge and pensionable age of members of the Public Service; and(c)the payment of pensions and other benefits to members of the Public Service and their dependants; and(d)the commutation of pensions payable to former members of the Public Service; and(e)the recall to duty of former members of the Public Service who were required to retire on the grounds of their ill-health or mental or physical infirmity or deficiency;including the Pensions and Other Benefits Act , shall apply, mutatis mutandis, in respect of every contributor in accordance with the declaration made in regard to him by the Public Service Commission in terms of subparagraph (b) of subparagraph (2) of paragraph 2, as though his service with the Commission were service with the State and any reference in such law to the Public Service Commission were a reference to the Commission.4.The salary paid to a contributor by the Commission, together with any allowance declared by the Public Service Commission to be pensionable for the purposes of this paragraph, shall be regarded as the pensionable emoluments of the contributor.5.If the Commission, without the approval of the Public Service Commission, discharges a contributor or requires him to retire—(a)on the grounds of his continued ill-health or if he becomes incapable because of mental or physical deficiency or infirmity of efficiently performing his duties; or(b)owing to the abolition of his post or a reduction in or an adjustment of the organization of the Commission;and the contributor is, in terms of the law referred to in paragraph 3, entitled to a pension on such discharge or retirement, the pension payable to him shall be calculated as if he had been discharged or required to retire owing to the abolition of his post but in relation to his actual pensionable service.Second Schedule Section 11
Powers of Commission
1.To do anything which this Act provides may or shall be done by the Commission.1A.With the approval of the Minister, to promote, establish, manage or acquire Companies or other undertakings and, in connection with any such Company or undertaking, to appoint any person to act on behalf of the Commission or the Minister as a director or in any other capacity in relation to it.1B.With the approval of the Minister and the Minister responsible for finance, to transfer to a Company or undertaking referred to in paragraph 1A such of the Commission’s funds or other assets as the Commission considers necessary to enable the Company or undertaking to carry out its functions.2.To purchase, lease or otherwise acquire land for any of the purposes specified in this Act.3.To acquire, establish or construct saw-mills, seasoning kilns, preservation plants and offices and any other plant, apparatus or premises necessary or convenient for the operations of the Commission.4.To provide accommodation, entertainment and other facilities in demarcated forests for visitors.5.To purchase or otherwise acquire any timber, forest produce or livestock, to keep livestock in any demarcated forest and to sell or otherwise dispose of any such timber or forest produce or anything manufactured therefrom or any such livestock.6.To construct and maintain roads, tracks, irrigation works and other developments necessary or convenient for the operations of the Commission.7.To buy, take in exchange, hire or otherwise acquire movable property, including aircraft, vehicles, machinery, plant or apparatus, necessary or convenient for the operations of the Commission.8.To obtain, in terms of the Water Act , water rights necessary or convenient for the operations of the Commission as if it were the owner of demarcated forests.9.To maintain, alter and improve property of, or controlled and managed by, the Commission.10.To apply for, buy or otherwise acquire patents, licences, concessions or the like conferring an exclusive or nonexclusive or limited right to use information or a process which may seem to the Commission capable of being used for the operations of the Commission or the acquisition of which may seem to the Commission calculated, directly or indirectly, to benefit the Commission and to use, exercise, develop and grant licences in respect of, or otherwise turn to account, rights, information and processes so acquired.11.To sell, exchange, lease, mortgage, dispose of, turn to account or otherwise deal with the assets of the Commission or any part thereof for such consideration as the Commission may determine.12.To grant to other persons rights in connection with the occupation or use of land which is owned or occupied or controlled and managed by the Commission for such consideration as the Commission may determine.13.To draw, make, accept. endorse, discount, execute and issue for the purpose of the operations of the Commission promissory notes, bills of exchange, bills of lading, securities and other negotiable and transferable instruments.14.To insure against losses, damages, risks and liabilities which the Commission may incur.15.To enter into agreements, including agreements of suretyship or guarantee, and to modify or rescind such agreements.16.Subject to the approval of the Minister and the Minister responsible for finance, to invest the funds of the Commission not immediately required by it.17.To construct, purchase, take on lease or in exchange or otherwise acquire dwelling-houses for occupation by employees of the Commission.18.On such terms and conditions as the Commission, with the approval of the Minister responsible for finance, may determine, to guarantee loans made to employees of the Commission or their spouses for the purchase of dwelling-houses or land for residential purposes, the construction of dwelling-houses and the improvement of dwelling-houses or land which are the property of such employees or their spouses.19.To make loans to employees of the Commission for the purpose of purchasing vehicles, tools, or other equipment to be used by those employees in carrying out their duties.20.To provide recreational facilities for, and activities conducive to, the welfare of employees and pensioners of the Commission and the families of such persons and to assist the promotion by other persons of such activities.21.To fix fees or charges in connection with services, accommodation or facilities provided by the Commission or for licences or permits issued under this Act.22.To do anything for the purpose of improving—(a)the skill, knowledge or usefulness of persons employed in connection with forestry;(b)the efficiency of the equipment of the Commission or the manner in which the equipment is operated;and in that connection to provide or assist other persons in providing facilities for training, education and research.23.To establish and maintain nurseries and to promote or embark upon research in connection with, and to investigate problems affecting, forestry.24.Subject to the approval of the Minister and the Minister responsible for finance, to grant such scholarships or bursaries and provide for such fellowships as the Commission considers to be in the interests of forestry on such terms and conditions as the Commission may fix in each particular case.25.Generally, to do all such things as are incidental or conducive to the performance of the duties of the Commission or are incidental to the powers specified in this Schedule or which are calculated, directly or indirectly, to enhance the value of, or to develop, the operations or the property of the Commission.Third Schedule (Sections 33, 34 and 35)
Forest estate
Part I – Demarcated forests on forest land
Binga districtItem 1: KaviraArea: 28 200 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from the point where the Mlibizi River flows into Lake Kariba, generally southwards up that river to its confluence with the Liwando River; thence proceeding south-westwards up that river to a point where it is intersected by a game-fence at map reference 35KNL074050 on the 1:50 000 map Masutu 1827A1, Edition l; thence south-westwards direct along itto a point at map reference NL037029 on that map; thence along it to a point at map reference NK000989 on that map; thence south-westwards along it to a point at map reference 35KMK965943 on the 1:50 000 map Boma 1826B2, published 1968; thence due south along it to a point at map reference MK966925 on that map; thence due west to a point on the Gwai River at map reference MK861922 on that map; thence generally northwards down that river to its confluence with an unnamed tributary at map reference ML879014 on that map; thence north-eastwards direct towards the former confluence of the Zambezi and Kaunga rivers until the full-supply level of Lake Kariba is reached; thence generally eastwards along that full-supply level to the starting-point.Map references quoted in this description are given to the nearest hundred metres.Item 2: MzoloArea: 67 200 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from a point on the Chepali River at map reference 35KNK824822 on the 1:50 000 map Lusulu 1827B2, Edition 1, north-eastwards direct to a point on the Kwaaieepa Escarpment at map reference NK953890 on that map; thence proceeding due south to the confluence of the Sitokolombizi and Kamisowe rivers; thence south-westwards up the Kamisowe River to its commencement at map reference 35KNK907726 on the 1:50 000 map Dandanda Pan 1827B4, Edition l; thence southwards direct to a point on the Kamwali River at map reference NK905672 on that map; thence west-south-westwards along a fence, to the confluence of an unnamed tributary and the Kakulu River at map reference 35KNQ607625 on the 1:50 000 map Cewali 1827B3, Edition l; thence north-westwards direct to a point at map reference NQ569670 on that map; thence north-westwards direct to a point on the confluence of the head-waters of the Kasawe River at map reference NQ546692 on that map; thence west-south-westwards direct to a point on a line drawn south-eastwards from Trigonometrical Station Chimeja (239/P) direct to Lubimbi Fly-gate at map reference 35KNK352644 on the 1:50 000 map Lubimbi 1827A4, Edition l; thence north-eastwards direct to a point at map reference NK451736 on that map; thence due east to a point on the road from Lubimbi Hot Springs to Siambolo Fly-gate at map reference NK473736 on that map; thence north-eastwards along that road to Siambolo Fly-gate; thence eastwards direct for 30 kilometres to a point on the Chepali River at map reference 35KNK827789 on the 1:50 000 map Dandanda Pan 1827B4, Edition 1; thence northwards down that river to the starting-point.Map references quoted in this description are given to the nearest hundred metres.Item 3: SijariraArea: 25 600 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from a point where the Senkwi River flows into Lake Kariba, generally eastwards up that river to its confluence with the Makandabwe River; thence proceeding generally southwards up that river to a point where it is crossed by a road at map reference 35KNL647582 on the 1:50 000 map Siganda 1727Dl, Edition l; thence south-eastwards direct towards beacon Siganda until the Binga-Siabuwa road is reached, at map reference NL662522 on that map; thence westwards along that road to the Masumo River; thence generally northwards down that river to the point where it flows into Lake Kariba; thence generally northwards and eastwards along the fully-supply level of Lake Kariba to the starting-point.Map references quoted in this description are given to the nearest hundred metres.Bubi districtItem 4: BembesiArea: 55 100 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from the south-eastern beacon of Pioneer Block East south-westwards direct to the north-western beacon of Westgate; thence proceeding south-westwards along the western boundaries of Westgate and Bembezaan to the Bembezi River; thence generally eastwards up that river to its intersection by the western boundary of Glenarton West; thence south-westwards and eastwards along its western and southern boundaries to its south-eastern beacon; thence south-westwards along the western boundaries of Nthobi Ranch to its westernmost beacon; thence north-westwards along the northern boundaries of Winter Block, Spring Block and the Eland Block to the northern beacon of the Eland Block; thence southwards to the south-western beacon of that property; thence north-westwards direct to the easternmost beacon of Grants Farm; thence north-westwards along the eastern boundaries of Grants Farm, Batley, Groote Schuur 2, Umzibani and Franklands Farm to the northernmost beacon of Franklands Farm; thence north-eastwards direct to a point on the southern boundary of Pioneer Block East at map reference 35KPJ276779 on the 1:50 000 map Lake Alice 1928A1, Edition l; thence south-eastwards along the southern boundary of Pioneer Block East to the starting-point.The map reference quoted in this description is given to the nearest hundred metres.Item 5: MoloArea: 2900 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from the south-western beacon of Goodwood Block eastwards along its southern boundary to beacon LE (as shown on plan in Survey Record 8346, filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Bulawayo); thence proceeding southwards direct to the north-eastern beacon of Beeslack and along its northernmost boundary to the eastern boundary of Westgate; thence northwards along its eastern boundary to its north-eastern beacon and eastwards direct to the starting-point.Chirumanzu districtItem 6: MtaoArea: 8 170 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from the south-western beacon of Sandfontein generally eastwards along the southern boundary of Sandfontein, the western and southern boundaries of Mooifontein, the western and south-western boundaries of Good Hope and the south-western boundary of Aldeby, so as to exclude them, to the southernmost beacon of Aldeby, thence proceeding south-westwards and generally westwards along the boundaries of the following properties so as to exclude them: the north-western boundary of Rome of Shasha Fountains, the northern boundaries of the Remainder of Grootfontein, Railway Strip of Grootfontein and Ruben Vale of Grootfontein, the north-eastern boundary of the Remainder of Drie Hoek, the northern boundary of Railway Strip of Driek Hoek, the western boundary of Van Zyl and the northern boundaries of Sondags Fontein and Jessmint to its north-western beacon; thence north-westwards along the eastern boundaries of the following properties so as to exclude them: the Remainder of Requeza, Lot B Fairfield Siding of Requeza and Lot A Fairfield Siding to its northern-most beacon; thence generally westwards and northwards along the boundaries of the following properties so as to exclude them: the northern boundaries of Lot A Fairfield Siding, the north-eastern boundaries of Railway Strip of Murchiston and Railway Strip of Fairview and the south-eastern boundary of the Remainder of Hartebeestfontein to its eastern-most beacon; thence generally eastwards along the boundaries of the following properties so as to exclude them: the south-western boundary of Elandsvlei and the south-western and south-eastern boundaries of Stelstand to the starting-point.Excluded from this area is a portion of the Masvingo-Mvuma railway strip, as shown on plan VU8, filed in the offices of the Surveyor-General, Harare.Chipinge districtItem 7: ChirinduArea: 950 hectaresThe area of land comprising the surveyed properties Subdivision A of Houtberg and Subdivision A of Mount Selinda, and approximately 92 hectares situated in the south-western corner of Subdivision A of Gungunyana.Item 8: GungunyanaArea: 1 650 hectaresThe area of land comprising Subdivision A of Gungunyana, but excluding 92 hectares in the south-western corner, being a portion of Chirinda Forest.Gokwe districtItem 9: MafungabusiArea: 82 100 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from the intersection of the Sengwa River by the Gokwe-Nkai road at map reference 35KQK052750 on the 1:50 000 map Gwehava Mission 1828B4, Edition 1; generally eastwards up that river to its commencement at map reference 35KQK203711 on the 1:50 000 map Ngondoma 1829A3, Edition 2; thence proceeding due east to a point on the Que Que-Gokwe road at map reference QK211711 on that map; thence southwards along that road to a point on the north-western boundary of the former Chemagora Purchase Land at map reference QK200605 on that map; thence south-westwards along that boundary to a point at map reference 35KQK117492 on the 1:50 000 map Wolverley 1829C1, Edition 2; thence generally westwards along a series of straight lines drawn consecutively through points at map references 35KQK087527, QK053529, PK980492 and PK900530 to a point on a road at map reference PK851530 on the 1:50 000 map Nesikwe 1828D2, Edition l; thence south-westwards along that road and its prolongation to its intersection by a road at map reference 35KPK833502 on the 1:50 000 map Kana Mission 1828D1, Edition l; thence westwards direct to the junction of a road and track at map reference PK671528 on that map; thence generally northwards along that track to a point at map reference 35KPK668560 on the 1:50 000 map Mbumbusi Confluence 1828B3, Edition l; thence down an unnamed valley to the Lutope River at map reference PK657625 on that map; thence eastwards up the Lutope River to a point at map reference PK820601 on that map; thence northwards and generally eastwards along a series of straight lines drawn consecutively through points at map references PK820650 on that map and 35KPK903668 on the 1:50 000 map Gwehava Mission 1828B4, Edition 1, to a point on the Gokwe-Nkai road at map reference QK002658 on that map; thence north-eastwards along that road to the starting-point.Map references quoted in this description are given to the nearest hundred metres.Item 10: MudzongweArea: 1 420 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from a point at map reference 35KQL333165 on the 1:50 000 map Gowe Pools 1729C3, Edition 2, south-westwards direct to a point at map reference QL317152 on that map; thence proceeding south-westwards direct to a point at map reference QL300143 on that map; thence southwards direct to a point on the Mudzongwe River at map reference QL302133 on that map; thence up that river to a point at map reference QL290130 on that map; thence northwards direct to a point at map reference QL288138 on that map; thence westwards direct to a point at map reference QL259141 on that map; thence north-westwards direct to the southern-most beacon of Copper Queen l; thence north-eastwards along the southern boundary of that property to its eastern-most beacon; thence generally eastwards and south-eastwards along the southern boundaries of Copper Queen 2, 36, 38, 39 and 45 to the southernmost beacon of Copper Queen 45; thence north-eastwards along the south-eastern boundary of that property to its easternmost beacon; thence eastwards direct to the starting-point.The map references quoted in this description are given to the nearest hundred metres.Item 11: UngweArea: 567 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from the southernmost beacon of Copper Queen 62 north-eastwards along the south-eastern boundary of that property direct to a point at map reference 35KQL315264 on the 1:50 000 map Gowe Pools 172903, Edition 2; thence proceeding south-eastwards direct to a point at map reference QL320253 on that map; thence southwards direct to a point at map reference QL318244 on that map; thence south-eastwards direct to the northernmost beacon of Copper Queen 72; thence south-westwards along the north-western boundaries of Copper Queen 72 and 73 to the westernmost beacon of the latter property, thence southwards direct to a point at map reference QL312225 on that map; thence south-westwards direct to a point at map reference QL301220 on that map; thence north-westwards direct to a point on the southern boundary of Copper Queen 27 at map reference QL289229 on that map, thence north-eastwards along that boundary and its prolongation to a point at map reference QL304231 on that map; thence north-eastwards direct to a point at map reference QL308249 on that map; thence north-westwards direct to a point at map reference QL307254 on that map; thence north-westwards direct to the starting-point.The map references quoted in this description are given to the nearest hundred metres.Nyanga districtItem 12: NyanguArea: 16 600 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from Trigonometrical Beacon No. 518/S northwards direct to the south-eastern beacon of Sterkstroom and generally northwards along the eastern boundaries of the following properties, so as to exclude them: Sterkstroom, Flaknek, Doornhoek, Rhino Valley and Summershoek to the northernmost beacon of the last-mentioned property; thence proceeding northwards direct to Trigonometrical Beacon No. 35/P and northwards along the western boundary of the former property Lucan for approximately 2,61 kilometres; thence generally south-eastwards along a series of straight lines through the points set out in numerical order below and defined by the approximate co-ordinates on the Trigonometrical Survey system (Lo 33°) and from the last-mentioned of these westwards along the northern boundary of Inyanga Block to the starting-point.Point No. | Co-ordinates (metres) |
| Y | X |
1 | 26 140 | 1 974 840 |
2 | 24 320 | 1 975 530 |
3 | 23 870 | 1 976 110 |
4 | 21 990 | 1 979 110 |
5 | 19 800 | 1 979 700 |
6 | 21 610 | 1 981 730 |
7 | 20 450 | 1 982 290 |
8 | 19 750 | 1 984 310 |
17 | 19 950 | 1 992 210 |
18 | 21 850 | 1 994 390 |
19 | 19 460 | 1 995 310 |
20 | 18 180 | 1 997 840 |
21 | 18 150 | 1 999 530 |
Item 13: York | Area: 1 455 hectares | |
The area of land comprising the surveyed property York, as described in Diagram S.G. No. 902/75.Lupane districtItem 14: GwaaiArea: 144 265 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from the south-western beacon of Pioneer Block East, south-eastwards along the southern boundary of that property to a point at map reference 35KPJ275779 on the 1:50 000 map Lake Alice 1928A1, Edition 1; thence proceeding south-westwards direct to the northernmost beacon of Franklands Farm and along its north-western boundary to the Umguza River; thence westwards down that river to its confluence with the Gwaai River, thence generally north-westwards down that river to the southern boundary of Gutamegwa; thence eastwards along that boundary and its prolongation to the eastern boundary of Railway Strip 244 Matupula; thence generally north-westwards along that boundary to the southern beacon of Sunbeam; thence along its south-eastern, north-eastern and north-western boundaries to the north-eastern boundary of Railway Strip 244 Matupula; thence along that boundary and the eastern boundaries of Gwaai Siding Reserve Extension and Railway Reserve Extension and Railway Reserve at Gwaai Station to the south-eastern boundary of Melrose; thence north-eastwards along that boundary to its eastern beacon; thence north-eastwards direct towards the south-western beacon of Pioneer Block East until the Bembezi River is reached; thence generally north-westwards down that river to the point where it is crossed by a road at map reference 35KNJ777964 on the 1:50 000 map Mpindo 1927B1, Edition l; thence northwards along that road to the old Bulawayo-Victoria Falls Road at map reference 35KNK815041 on the 1:50 000 map Lupane 1827D4, Edition 1; thence generally south-eastwards along that road to a point approximately 620 m from the intersection of this road and the western boundary of Subdivision A of Kenmaur of Pioneer Block East; thence 650 m parallel to western boundary of Subdivision A of Kenmaur of Pioneer Block East, thence at right angles to a position approximately 25 m north-east of the starting point on this boundary of Subdivision A of Kenmaur of Pioneer Block East and thence southwards along that boundary to the starting point.This description excludes the following properties: Umgusa Siding 1, Umgusa Siding 2, Railway Strip 242 Umgusa, Teakland Siding 1 and 2, Railway Strip 243 Teakland, Matupula Siding 1 and 2, and Railway Strip 244 Matupula.Map references quoted in this description are given to the nearest hundred metres.Item 15: Lake AliceArea: 39 000 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from the eastern end of Hlawe Pan at map reference 35KPJ509904 on the 1:50 000 map Hlawe 1928A2, Edition 1, southwards direct to a point on the north-eastern boundary of Goodwood Block at map reference PJ510811 on that map; thence proceeding north-westwards and southwards along its north-eastern and western boundaries to its south-western beacon; thence westwards and northwards along the southern and western boundaries of Molecomb to its north-western beacon; thence north-westwards along the northern boundary of Pioneer Block East to a point at map reference 35KPJ140890 on the 1:50 000 map Lake Alice 1928A1, Edition 1; thence northwards direct to a point on the Gwampa River at map reference PJ142979 on that map; thence eastwards up that river to the western boundary of Lonely; thence southwards, eastwards, and northwards along its western, southern and eastern boundaries to the Gwampa River; thence generally eastwards up that river to the starting-point.Map references quoted in this description are given to the nearest hundred metres.Item 16: NgamoArea: 102900 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from the southern beacon of Railway Farm 31, north-eastwards along the south-eastern boundary of that farm to its eastern beacon; thence proceeding direct to the southernmost beacon of Chamankanu; thence generally north-eastwards along its south-eastern boundaries to the westernmost beacon of Sotani; thence generally south-eastwards along the southern boundaries of Sotani, Volunteer Farms 82, 83, 95 and 96 to the north-western beacon of Volunteer Farm 97; thence south-westwards and eastwards along its western and southern boundaries to the Gwai River; thence generally southwards up that river to its confluence with the Insuza River; thence westwards direct to the easternmost beacon of Railway Strip 250 Ingwe; thence north-westwards along the north-eastern boundaries of Railway Strip 250 Ingwe, Ngamo Tanks, Railway Strip 250 Ingwe, Ingwe Siding East, Railway Strip 249 Intundhla South, Intundhla Siding Reserve and Railway Strip 248 Intundhla North to the starting-point.Chimanimani districtItem 17: ChisenguArea: 4 006 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from a point at map reference 36KVP889023 on the 1:50 000 map Melsetter 1932D4 and 1933C1/C3 south-eastwards direct to the north-western beacon of Tilbury and south-westwards and south-eastwards along its western boundaries, so as to exclude it, to its south-western beacon; thence proceeding in a south-westerly direction to the south-eastern beacon of Springvale and north-eastwards and generally westwards along the eastern and north-eastern boundaries of Springvale and the northern boundary of Umsanza of Springvale, so as to exclude them, to the northernmost beacon of Umsanza; thence northwards along the eastern boundaries of State Land (formerly Boskat Rand) and Tweelingspruit, so as to exclude them, to the north-eastern beacon of the latter and north-eastwards direct to the starting point.The map reference quoted in this description is given to the nearest hundred metres.Item 18: GlencoeArea: 2050 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from the easternmost beacon of Mermaids Grotto south-eastwards direct to a point at map reference 36KVN936880 on the 1:50 000 map Junction Gate 2032B2 and 2033A1; thence proceeding generally westwards along the northern boundary of Ngorima Tribal Trust Land, so as to exclude it, to the south-eastern beacon of Stronachavie; thence north-westwards and generally eastwards along the eastern boundary of Stronachavie and the southern boundary of Mermaids Grotto to the starting-point.The map reference quoted in this description is given to the nearest hundred metres.Item 19: LionhillsArea: 2 747 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from a point at map reference 36KVP912071 on the 1:50 000 map Melsetter 1932D4 and 1933Cl/C3 eastwards along the southern boundary of Welgelegen, so as to exclude it, to the northern beacon of Dunstan; thence proceeding southwards along the western boundary of Dunstan, so as to exclude it, to its southernmost beacon; thence generally north-westwards and south-westwards along the northern boundary of Chisengu Forest Land to the north-eastern beacon of Tweelingspruit; thence northwards and north-eastwards along the eastern boundaries of Nyhodi and Lot 1 of Nyhodi, the southern boundaries of Greenmount, Belmont and Belmont Valley, so as to exclude them, to the starting-point.The map reference quoted in this description is given to the nearest hundred metres.Item 20: Martin (i)Area: 600 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from boundary-pillar 64 on the Zimbabwe-Mozambique international boundary, north-eastwards along that boundary to its intersection by an undefined line (as shown on plan RN58, filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Harare); thence proceeding southwards along that undefined line to a point on an unnamed river at map reference 36KVP949217 on the 1:50 000 map Cashel 1932D2, Edition 1, and generally northwards along a series of straight lines through points at map references VP940223 and VP938235 on that map, to the starting-point.Map references quoted in this description are given to the nearest hundred metres.Martin (ii)Area: 4 400 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from the intersection of the eastern boundary of Jantia by the Musapa River and down that river to its intersection by an undefined line (as shown on plan RN58, filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Salisbury); thence proceeding southwards along that undefined line to its intersection by the northern boundary of Vooruitzicht and generally westwards along the northern boundaries of Vooruitzicht, Lindley East of Lindley and Lindley North Estate, so as to exclude them, to a point on the northern boundary of Lindley North Estate at map reference 36KVP893133 on the 1:50 000 map Melsetter 1932D4 and 1933C1/C3, Edition 1; thence generally northwards along a series of straight lines through points at map references VP894136, VP892140, VP894145, VP900147, VP899150, VP900151, VP900153, VP896152, VP889155 and VP885157 to the south-eastern beacon of Umsapa of Jameson and northwards along the eastern boundaries of Umsapa of Jameson and Remainder of Jantia to the starting-point.Map references quoted in this description are given to the nearest hundred metres.Item 21: MudimaArea: 6 355 hectaresAn area of land bounded by a line drawn from Boundary Beacon 52B on the Mozambique-Zimbabwe international boundary, generally eastwards and southwards along this international boundary to the north-eastern beacon of Diepfontein, thence westwards and south-westwards along the northern and north-western boundaries of Diepfontein, so as to exclude it, to its south-western beacon; thence generally south-westwards along the eastern and southern boundaries of the former property Lusthof Ranch (as shown on S.G. Diagram No. 482/64, filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Harare) so as to include it, to its southernmost beacon; thence northwards along the eastern boundaries of Athene Estate and the former property Ostend (as shown on general plan DG 673, filed in the office of the: Surveyor-General, Harare), so as to exclude them, to the Umvumvumvu River; thence down this river to the eastern boundary of the Remainder of Thabanchu and generally northwards along the boundaries of the following properties, so as to exclude them: the eastern boundary of the Remainder of Thabanchu, the southern, eastern and northern boundaries of Lot 1 of Mudima of Thabanchu and the eastern and northern boundaries of the Remainder of Thabanchu to its north-western beacon; thence generally north-eastwards along the north-western boundaries of the former properties Kent of Steyns Stroom and Subdivision A of Steyns Stroom (as shown on general plan EG 238, filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Harare), so as to include them to the starting-point.The following properties are excluded from this description:(1)Thabanchu Police Camp Site of Thabanchu.(2)Lot 2 of Mudima of shown on S.G. Diagram 1422/77 filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Harare.Item 22: NyambewaArea: 5 484 hectaresAn area of land bounded by a line drawn from Boundary Beacon 50A on the Mozambique-Zimbabwe international boundary, generally southwards and eastwards along this international boundary to Boundary Beacon 52B; thence generally westwards along the boundaries of the following properties, so as to exclude them: the north-western boundaries of the former properties subdivision A of Steyns Stroom and Kent of Steyns Stroom (as shown on general plan EG 238, filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Harare), the northern boundary of East Penkridge of Penkridge and the north-eastern and north-western boundaries of the former property Lot 1 of Madagascar (as shown on S.G. Diagram No. 2740/63, filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Harare) to the southernmost beacon of Uitsig A; thence generally northwards and north-eastwards along the south-western, western and north-western boundaries of Uitsig A, so as to include it, to its northernmost beacon and eastwards direct to the starting-point.Item 23: TandaiArea: 5 450 hectaresAn area of land bounded by a line drawn from the southernmost beacon of Diepfontein, generally southwards along the Mozambique-Zimbabwe international boundary to Boundary Beacon 58D and generally north-westwards and northwards along the boundaries of the following properties, so as to exclude them: the northern boundaries of Tank Nek of Moodies Nek of Hendriksdal and the Remainder of Moodies Nek of Hendriksdal, the eastern and north-eastern boundaries of Pietershoek A and the eastern boundary of Quaggas Hoek to the north-western beacon of Athene Estate; thence north-eastwards and southwards along the northern and eastern boundaries of Athene Estate, so as to include it, to the southernmost beacon of the former property Lusthof Ranch; thence generally eastwards along the boundaries of the following properties so as to exclude them: the southern and eastern boundaries of the former property Lusthof Ranch (as shown on S.G. Diagram No. 482/64, filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Harare) and the south-western boundary of Diepfontein to the starting-point.The following properties are excluded from this description: Lot 1 of Johannes Rust, School Site A of Johannes Rust and School Site B of Vergadering.Item 24: TarkaArea: 4 343 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from the south-western beacon of Tilbury generally eastwards along its southern boundary, so as to exclude it, to its south-eastern beacon; thence proceeding direct to the eastern beacon of Hayfield B and north-westwards and south-westwards along its northern and western boundaries, so as to exclude it, to its south-western beacon; thence westwards along the northern boundary of Ngorima Tribal Trust Land to the eastern beacon of Glencoe Forest Land; thence north-westwards along the eastern boundary of that forest land, so as to exclude it, to the eastern beacon of Mermaids Grotto; thence north-westwards along its eastern boundary and north-eastwards along the southern boundary of Chisengu Forest Land, so as to exclude them, to the starting-point.Nkayi districtItem 25: GwampaArea: 47 000 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from a point on the Gwampa River at map reference 35KPJ992752 on the 1:50 000 map Nkai 1928B2, Edition 1, southwards direct to a point on the north-western boundary of The Kenilworth Block at map reference 35KQJ000699 on the 1:50 000 map Kenilworth 1928B4, Edition l; thence proceeding south-westwards along its north-western boundary to its western beacon; thence north-westwards along the north-eastern boundaries of Gourlays Block and Goodwood Block to a point on the north-eastern boundary of Goodwood Block at map reference 35KPJ510811 on the 1:50 000 map Hlawe 1928A2, Edition 1; thence northwards direct to a point on the Gwampa River at map reference PJ509904 on that map; thence up that river to the starting-point.Map references quoted in this description are given to the nearest hundred metres.Nyamandhlovu districtItem 26: ChesaArea: 14 250 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from the south-western beacon of Compensation, eastwards along the southern boundaries of Compensation and Bongolo to the south-eastern beacon of Bongolo; thence proceeding northwards along its eastern boundary to the southern beacon of Caithness; thence south-eastwards along the southern boundary of Imvani to its south-eastern beacon; thence southwards along the western boundaries of Samunya and Badminton Block to the northern beacon of Mandau; thence south-westwards along its northern boundary to its western beacon; thence north-westwards along the north-eastern boundaries of Naseby South, Naseby North, Stanhope South, Stanhope North, Lonsdale and Bantu to the starting-point.Item 27: InsezeArea: 35 200 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from the intersection of the Umgusa River by the eastern boundary of Pelera, up that river to the western boundary of Buda A; thence proceeding south-westwards along that boundary and the northern and western boundaries of Bushy Park to the Insezi River; thence south-eastwards up that river to the western boundary of Seafield Estate; thence south-westwards along its western boundary to the eastern beacon of Teakdale; thence north-westwards along the northern boundaries of Teakdale and Woodlands to the northern beacon of Woodlands; thence southwards along its western boundary to the Gwai River; thence generally northwards down that river to its confluence with the Insezi River; thence up that river to the south-eastern boundary of Frys Farm; thence north-eastwards along that boundary to the western beacon of Pelera; thence south-eastwards and northwards along its western, southern and eastern boundaries to the starting-point.Item 28: Inseze ExtensionArea: 8 400 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from the western beacon of Seafield Valley, south-eastwards along its south-western boundary to its southern beacon; thence proceeding south-westwards along the western boundaries of Greater Norfolk and Drysdale to the Khami River; thence down that river to the eastern boundary of Seafield Estate and north-eastwards along that boundary to the starting-point.Item 29: UmgusaArea: 32 200 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from the easternmost beacon of Grants Farm south-eastwards direct to the south-western beacon of The Eland Block; thence proceeding south-eastwards along the southern boundaries of The Eland Block and Spring Block to the northern beacon of Mindoro; thence south-westwards along its north-western boundary to the eastern beacon of Dalmeny; thence generally westwards along its north-eastern boundary, the north-eastern and north-western boundaries of Aberelwyn and the north-eastern and north-western boundaries of Inverell and Irrira to the Umgusa River; thence generally north-westwards down that river to the south-eastern boundary of Grants Farm and north-eastwards along its south-eastern boundary to the starting-point.This description excludes the following properties:Sawmills Railway Strip 1, Sawmills Railway Strip 2, Sawmills Station Reserve, Sawmills Triangle Site and Sawmills Water Right.Item 30: UmzibaniArea: 2 471 hectaresThe area of land comprising the surveyed property Umzibani.Mutare districtItem 31: BantiArea: 2 219 hectaresThe area of land comprising the properties Banti North and Banti South.Item 32: StaplefordArea: 24 600 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from boundary-pillar 4 on the Zimbabwe-Moçambique international boundary, generally southwards and westwards along that boundary to the south-eastern beacon of Strathmore; thence proceeding generally north-eastwards along the boundaries of the following properties, so as to exclude them: the eastern boundary of Strathmore, the southern, eastern and northern boundaries of Lambton, the north-western boundary of Harris Ville, the north-eastern boundary of Walmer, the south-eastern boundary of Simla and the south-eastern and north-eastern boundaries of Charity to the northernmost beacon of the last-mentioned property; thence generally eastwards and north-eastwards along the southern boundaries of Mutasa North Tribal Trust Land, so as to exclude it, to the starting-point.Hwange districtItem 33: FullerArea: 23 300 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from the south-western beacon of Ursula Estate eastwards along its southern boundary to the new Bulawayo-Victoria Falls road at map reference 35KLL767081 on the 1:50 000 map Victoria Falls Airport 1825B2; thence proceeding south-eastwards along that road to a point at map reference LK936920 on that map; thence generally eastwards along the southern boundaries of Wankie Tribal Trust Land to the south-western boundary of Holfontein; thence south-eastwards along that boundary to its southernmost beacon; thence southwards direct to the north-eastern beacon of Hillcrest and along its northern boundary to the northernmost beacon of Masekari and along its north-western boundary and the northern boundary of Zutphen to the north-western beacon of the lastmentioned and southwards along its western boundary to the point where it is intersected by the prolongation eastwards of the northern boundary of The Pause; thence westwards along that prolongation and the northern and north-western boundaries of The Pause to i ts westernmost beacon; thence generally westwards along the northern boundaries of Matetsi River Ranch and Kalala to the northern boundary of Railway Strip 284, Dibangombie; thence north-westwards along that boundary to the eastern boundary of Waterford and along its eastern, northern and western boundaries to the north-eastern boundary of Railway Strip 285, Mubiya; thence generally north-westwards along the north-eastern boundary of Railway Strip 285, Mubiya, to the eastern boundary of Woodlands Estate B; thence northwards and westwards along its eastern and northern boundaries to the south-eastern beacon of lot 4 of Nakavango and northwards along the eastern boundaries of Lots 4, 3, 2 and 1 of Nakavango to the starting-point.This description excludes the following areas of land—(a)the Victoria Falls Aerodrome Reserve, as show on plan XVF/22/1120, filed in the office of the Director of Civil Aviation, Harare; and(b)the property Mubiya Siding.Map references quoted in this description are given to the nearest 100 metres.Item 34: KazumaArea: 24 000 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from the south-western beacon of Matentwa, eastwards along the southern boundaries of Matentwa and The Sanctuary to the Kasetsheti River and down that river to the north-western boundary of Sisuma; thence proceeding generally southwards along its western boundaries to its southernmost beacon; thence generally south-westwards along the western boundaries of Gideon, Mazabeni, By-and-By and Border Ranch to the Zimbabwe-Botswana international boundary; thence generally north-westwards along that boundary to boundary-pillar 708; thence north-eastwards direct to a point at map reference 35KLK515732 on the 1:50 000 map Kazuma Depression 1825B3 A4, Edition l; thence south-eastwards at right angles to that line to a point at map reference LK541709 on that map on a straight line joining boundary-pillar 703 of the Zimbabwe-Botswana international boundary and the south-western beacon of Matentwa; thence north-eastwards along that line to the starting-point.Map references quoted in this description are given to the nearest hundred metres.Item 35: MvutuArea: 2 100 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from a point on the Bulawayo-Victoria Falls road at map reference 35KLK892937 on the 1:50 000 map Victoria Falls Airport 1825B2, Edition 1, north-eastwards along the boundary of Wankie Tribal Trust Land to a point at map reference LK908979 on that map; thence proceeding south-eastwards along its boundary to a point at map reference 35KLK951963 on the 1:50 000 map Lukunguni 1826A1, published 1965; thence south-westwards along its boundary to a point on the Bulawayo-Victoria Falls road at map reference 35KLK936920 on the 1:50 000 map Victoria Falls Airport 1825B2, Edition l; thence generally north-westwards along that road to the starting-point.Map references quoted in this description are given to the nearest hundred metres.Item 36: Panda-MasuieArea: 33 500 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from a point on the western boundary of Deka-Falls Railway Strip 3 at map reference 35KLL676051 on the 1:50 000 map Myila 1825Bl, Edition 1, southwards along that boundary to the northernmost beacon of France; thence proceeding south-westwards along its northern and western boundaries and the western boundary of Woodlands to its south-western beacon; thence eastwards along its southern boundaries to the north-western beacon of Utopia; thence south-westwards along the north-western boundaries of Utopia and Riviera to the north-western beacon of Riviera; thence south-westwards direct to a point at map reference LK524852 on that map; thence south-westwards direct to a point at map reference 35KLK396832 on the 1:50 000 map Stoffels Pan 1825A2, Edition l; thence north-westwards direct to a point at map reference LK365888 on that map; thence north-eastwards direct to a point at map reference LK411921 on that map; thence north-westwards direct to a point at map reference LK400937 on that map; thence north-eastwards direct to a point at map reference 35KLK510972 on the 1:50 000 map Myila 1825Bl, Edition l; thence north-eastwards direct to a point at map reference LL576045 on that map; thence north-eastwards direct to the southern boundary of Zambezi National Park at map reference LL585050 on that map; thence eastwards along that boundary to the starting-point.Map references quoted in this description are given to the nearest hundred metres.Item 37: SikumiArea: 54 400 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from the intersection of Bulawayo-Victoria Falls road by a game-fence at map reference 35KMK985507 on the 1:50 000 map Dett 1826D2, provisional print dated 1978, south-eastwards along that game-fence to a point at map reference 35KNK075436 on the 1:50 000 map Malindi 1827Cl, Edition l; thence proceeding north-eastwards direct to beacon E9 (bn) of Lot 2 of Dett Valley (as shown on Diagram S.G. No. 105/64 filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Bulawayo); thence along the boundaries of the following properties so as to exclude them: the north-western boundary of Lot 2 of Dett Valley, the western boundaries of Lot 1 of Dett Valley, the south-western boundary of Good Luck Ranch, the southern boundary of Carl Lisa, the western and southern boundaries of Sikumi Estate, the southern boundary of Lugo Ranch and the south-western boundary of Chamankanu to its southern beacon; thence south-westwards direct to the eastern beacon of Railway Farm 31; thence generally north-westwards along its north-eastern and north-western boundaries to the northern boundary of Railway Strip 230 Mukwa; thence north-westwards along the northern boundaries of that property and Railway Strip 231 Kennedy to the northern beacon of Annex Antoinette of Railway Farm 33; thence along its south-eastern and north-eastern boundaries, the north-eastern boundaries of Antoinette and Railway Farm 35 and the north-western boundary of Railway Farm 35 to the northern boundary of Railway Strip 232 Isilwana; thence along the northern boundaries of Railway Strip 232 Isilwana and Railway Strip 235 Malindi to the south-eastern boundary of Railway Farm 37; thence along that boundary and its north-eastern and north-western boundaries to the northern boundary of Railway Strip 235 Malindi; thence along that boundary and the eastern, northern and western boundaries of Railway Reserve at Malindi Station and the northern boundary of Railway Strip 234 Impofu to the southern beacon of Railway Farm 39; thence along its south-eastern and north-eastern boundaries to its northern beacon; thence northwards direct to the southern beacon of Wankie National Park Airport Reserve at map reference 35KMK991389 on the 1:50 000 map Dett 1826D2, Edition 1; thence north-eastwards along the southern boundary of that reserve to a point at map reference 35KNK047411 on the 1:50 000 map Malindi 1827C1, Edition 1; thence north-westwards along the eastern boundary of that reserve direct to a point at map reference NKO42424 on that map; thence south-westwards along a game-fence to the eastern beacon of Railway Farm 41; thence along the north-eastern and north-western boundaries of Railway Farm 41 to the northern boundary of Railway Strip 233 Dett; thence north-westwards along that boundary to the south-eastern boundary of Dett Township Reserve; thence along the south-eastern and north-eastern boundaries of Dett Township Reserve, the north-eastern boundaries of Dett African Township and Dett Township Reserve to the south-eastern boundary of Last Hope Estate; thence north-eastwards along that boundary and the south-eastern boundary of Nazareth Ranch to its intersection by a game-fence at map reference 35KMIC872447 on the 1:50 000 map Dett 1826D2, provisional print dated 1978; thence north-eastwards along that game-fence to a point at map reference MK897499 on that map; thence eastwards along that game-fence to the starting-point.Map references quoted in this description are given to the nearest hundred metres.Total extent: 917 152 hectaresPart II – Demarcated forests on Rhodes estates
Nyanga districtItem 1: ErinArea: 10 700 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from a point on the north-western boundary of Bideford at map reference 36KVQ742762 on the 1:50 000 map Inyangani 1832B4/1833A3, Edition 1, south-eastwards direct to a point on the north-eastern boundary of Bideford at map reference VQ761757 on that map; thence proceeding southwards along its north-western boundary to its easternmost beacon and south-westwards direct to a point at map reference VQ753715 on that map; thence southwards direct to a point at map reference VQ741662 on that map; thence southwards, south-westwards, north-westwards and north-eastwards along the boundaries of the following properties, so as to include them: the eastern, south-eastern, south-western and north-western boundaries of Erin and the north-western boundaries of Placefell and Bideford to the starting-point.Map references quoted in this description are given to the nearest hundred metres.Item 2: Sauerdale NorthArea: 214 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from a point A on the northern boundary of Sauerdale Block at map reference 35KPH6715-6285 on the 1:50 000 map Bulawayo 2028B1, Edition 3, southwards to a point B at map reference 6715-6235 on that map, thence eastwards to a point C at map reference 6765-6235 on that map; thence southwards through a point D at map reference 6760 -6210 to a point E at map reference 6770-6135 on that map; thence westwards to a point F at map reference 6725-6135 on that map; thence southwards to a point G at map reference 6725-6080 on that map, thence westwards to a point H on the eastern edge of the old Gwanda Road at map reference 6660-6075 on that map; thence following that road edge northwards through a point J at map reference 6630-6205 to a point K at map reference 6625-6250 on that map; thence eastwards to a point L at map reference 6645-6250 on that map, thence northwards to a point M on the northern boundary of Sauerdale Block at map reference 6645 -6285 on that map; thence eastwards along that boundary to the starting-point.The map references quoted in this description are given to the nearest fifty metres.Total extent: 10 914 hectaresPart III – Land owned by the Commission
Gweru districtItem 1: Remainder of Area: 0,267 4 hectaresMessengers’ Camp,Gweru TownlandsThe area of land as shown on Diagram S.G. No. 245/29, filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Bulawayo.Item 2: Remainder of Area: 1,238 3 hectaresStand 1297A Gweru TownshipThe area of land as shown on Diagram S.G. No. 8648/57, filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Bulawayo.Item 3: Remainder of Area: 3,941 hectaresStand 1299 Gweru Township LandsThe area of land as shown on Diagram S.G. No. 4288/51, filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Bulawayo.Item 4: Stand 626,Area: 0,302 8 hectaresGwelo Township of Stand 1003, Gweru TownshipThe area of land shown on Diagram S.G. No. 128/47, filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Bulawayo.Chimanimani districtItem 5: Remainder ofArea: 704,899 hectaresSpringvaleThe area of land as shown on Diagram S.G. No. 399/1901, filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Harare.Item 6: Stand 25 Mel-Area: 0,349 2 hectaressetter TownshipThe area of land as shown on Diagram S.G. No. 2664/51, filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Harare.Item 7: Stand 240Area: 0,069 6 hectaresMelsetter TownshipThe area of land as shown on General Diagram No. 4441, filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Harare.Harare districtItem 8: Stand 647Area: 32,946 9 hectaresHighlands EstateThe area of land as shown on Diagram S.G. No. 834/77, filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Harare.Item 9: Lot 4 of Lot 16AArea: 0,396 5 hectaresof RietfonteinThe area of land as shown on Diagram S.G. 3788/57, filed in the offices of the Surveyor-General, Harare.Item 10: Lot 1 of Sub-Area: 4 047 Squaredivision D of Kings-metresmead of Sub-division Aof Section 3, Borrowdale EstateThe area of land is shown on Diagram S.G. No. 75/72, filed in the offices of the Surveyor-General, Harare.Mutare districtItem 11: MusangoArea: 20,489 1 hectaresRemainder Nyabara of Lot 12 of Imbeza ValleyThe area of land as shown on Diagram S.G. No. 1836/1947, filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Harare.Item 12: Stand 2523,Area: 10,565 7 hectaresMutare Township of Mutare Lands TownshipThe area of land as shown on Diagram S.G. No. 90/70, filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Harare.Item 13: Toronto Estate Area: 27,713 hectaresThe area of land shown on Diagram S.G. No. 241/83, filed in the offices of the Surveyor-General, Harare.Item 14: Remainder ofArea: 24,562 7 hectaresMeole Brace East of AlphaetonThe area of land shown on Diagram.S.G. No. 953/52, filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Harare.Item 15: Stand 2345,Area: 0,320 3 hectaresUmtali Township of Umtali Township LandsThe area of land shown on Diagram S.G. No. 5375/52, filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Harare.Bulawayo districtItem 16: Remainder ofArea: 830 square metresStand 337, Bulawayo TownshipThe area of land shown on Diagram S.G. No. 1665/1895, filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Bulawayo.Item 17: Lots 1 and 2 ofArea: 13,116 3 hectaresAzaleaThe areas of land shown on Diagram S.G. 2041/58 and S.G. 2042/58, filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Harare.Total extent: 841 hectares