Signatures and Powers Delegation Act
Chapter 10:24
- Commenced on 3 March 1950
- [This is the version of this document at 31 December 2016 and includes any amendments published up to 31 December 2017.]
- [Note: This version of the Act was revised and consolidated by the Law Development Commission of Zimbabwe. This version is up-to-date as at 31st December 2016.]
1. Short title
This Act may be cited as the Signatures and Powers Delegation Act [Chapter 10:24].2. President may authorize a Vice-President or Minister or officer in the Public Service to sign or seal documents on his behalf
Where by any law or custom the President is required to sign, or to sign and affix the Public Seal of Zimbabwe to, any warrant, permit, document or other instrument set out in the First Schedule, the President may, by statutory instrument, authorize a Vice-President or any Minister or officer in the Public Service to sign, or to sign and affix the Public Seal of Zimbabwe to, any such warrant, permit, document or other instrument on his behalf.3. Vice-President or Minister may authorize officers in the Public Service to sign certain documents on his behalf
Where by any law or custom a Vice-President or a Minister is required to sign any warrant, permit, document or other instrument set out in the Second Schedule, the Vice-President or the Minister, as the case may be, may, by statutory instrument, authorize any officer in the Public Service to sign any such warrant, permit, document or other instrument on his behalf.4. Contents of notice
Any statutory instrument published in terms of section three or four shall describe the nature of the warrant, permit, document or other instrument and specify the person who is authorized to sign or to sign and affix the Public Seal of Zimbabwe to any such warrant, permit, document or instrument.5. Documents signed in terms of this Act to be of full force and effect
Any warrant, permit, document or other instrument which has been signed or signed and sealed in terms of an authorization given under section three or four shall, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any other law, be of the same effect as if such warrant, permit, document or other instrument had been signed or signed and sealed by the President, appropriate Vice-President or Minister, as the case may be.6. Documents signed by Deputy Ministers to be of full force and effect
Where in terms of section 31D of the Constitution the President has authorized a Deputy Minister to sign on behalf of a Minister any warrant, permit, document or other instrument, the warrant, permit, document or instrument, as the case may be, so signed shall, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any other law, be of the same effect as if it had been signed by the appropriate Minister.7. Powers of Vice-Presidents and Ministers to delegate authority
8. Amendment of First and Second Schedule
The President may, by statutory instrument, amend, add to or replace the First or Second Schedule.History of this document
31 December 2016 this version
03 March 1950