First Schedule (Section 22)
National parks
Part I – National parks on parks and wild life land
Binga district
Item 1: ChizariraArea: 191 000 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from a point on the Sengwa River at its confluence with an unnamed tributary at map reference 35KPL283615 on the 1: 50 000 map Tundazi 1728C1, Edition 1, southwards up that river to its confluence with an unnamed tributary at map reference PL291564 on that map: thence proceeding southwards up that tributary to the edge of an escarpment at map reference PL267499 on that map; thence generally south-westwards for 27 kilometres along the edge of that escarpment to its intersection by a cleared track at map reference 35KPL133330 on the 1: 50 000 map Domwe 1728C3, Edition 1; thence generally south-eastwards along that cleared track to its intersection by a cut line at map reference PL155274 on that map; thence south-westwards along a cleared track, which forms the western boundary of Chirisa Safari Area for 18 kilometres to its intersection by another cleared track at map reference 35KPLO72096 on the 1: 50 000 map Tivuli Spring 1828A1, Edition 1; thence generally westwards along that cleared track for 10 kilometres to the Busi River at map reference 35KNL986083 on the 1: 50 000 map Lusulu 1827B2, Edition 1; thence generally north-westwards along a cleared track for 45 kilometres to the northern Sebungwe game-fence at map reference 35KNL669238 on the 1: 50 000 map Kariyangwe 1727D3, Edition 1; thence northwards along that game-fence to a point at map reference NL676294 on that map; thence north-westwards direct to beacon Chizarira (Trigonometrical Station 240/P); thence north-eastwards along the crest of the Chizarira Range to beacon Siganda at map reference 35KNL688416 on the 1: 50 000 map Siganda 1727D1, Edition 1; thence north-eastwards direct to beacon Tundazi (Trigonometrical Station 231/P); thence north-eastwards along the Tundazi Escarpment Range to a point at map reference 35KPL179616 on the 1: 50 000 map Tundazi 1728C1, Edition 1; thence due east to the starting-point.Map references quoted in this description are given to the nearest hundred metres.Chiredzi district
Item 2: GonarezhouArea: 505 300 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from a point where the Sabi River is met by the southern boundary of Sangwe Tribal Trust Land, down the Sabi River to the Rhodesia-Moçambique international boundary; thence proceeding south-westwards along that boundary to beacon B2L of Vila Salazar (as shown on plan RN59, filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Salisbury) and generally northwards, westwards and southwards along the boundaries of Vila Salazar, so as to exclude it, through beacons BD3, BD2, BD1, R5, R4 and TN1 to beacon C1A on that international boundary; thence south-westwards along that boundary to the Bannockburn-Maputo railway line and north-westwards along that railway line to its intersection by the prolongation north-eastwards of a game-fence at map reference 36KUL612657 on the 1: 50 000 map Malvernia 2231B1/B3, Edition 2; thence south-westwards along that prolongation and the game-fence to the eastern boundary of Sengwe Tribal Trust Land between beacons SNG3 and SNG2 (as shown on plan CG2101, filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Salisbury) and northwards along the eastern boundaries of Sengwe Tribal Trust Land and Malapati Safari Area to the Nuanetsi River; thence up that river to the southern boundary of the former Gonakudzingwa Purchase Land and eastwards and north-eastwards along its southern boundaries and the south-eastern boundaries of Matibi No. 2 Tribal Trust Land, so as to exclude them to the Lundi River; thence up that river to the south-eastern boundary of Lone Star Ranch and north-eastwards along its south-eastern boundary, so as to exclude it, to a point where it is met by a cattle-fence at map reference 36KUM885579 on the 1: 50 000 Makamandima 2131B2, Edition 1; thence north-eastwards along that cattle-fence to map reference 36KVM002641 on the 1: 50 000 map Mutandahwe 2132A1, Edition 2; thence generally eastwards along that cattle-fence to the south-western boundary of Sangwe Tribal Trust Land, at map reference VM076662 on that map; thence south-eastwards along the south-western boundary of Sangwe Tribal Trust Land; thence south-eastwards direct to the confluence of the Murondozi River and an unnamed tributary (as shown on plan RN10, filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Salisbury) and generally north-eastwards along the southern boundaries of Sangwe Tribal Trust Land to the starting-point.Map references quoted in this description are given to the nearest hundred metres.Nyaminyami district
Item 3: MatusadonaArea: 140 700 hectaresThe area of land and inundated land bounded by a line drawn from the westernmost point of the western boundary of Gatshe Gatshe Tribal Trust Land at map reference 35KPM876401 on the 1: 50 000 map Sanyati Gorge 1628D4, Edition 2; generally southwards along the western boundaries of Gatshe Gatshe and Kanyati Tribal Trust Lands to the northern boundary of Omay Tribal Trust Land; thence proceeding south-westwards and north-westwards along the northern boundaries of Omay Tribal Trust Land to the Ume River; thence generally northwards down that river and its former course to a point at map reference 35KPM512389 on the 1: 50 000 map Bumi Hills 1628C4, Edition 2; thence north-eastwards direct to a point on the full-supply level of Lake Kariba at map reference PM516399 on that map; thence generally north-eastwards along its full-supply level to a point at map reference 35KPM641486 on the 1: 50 000 map Sanyati West 1628D1, Edition 2; thence direct to a point on its full-supply level at map reference PM644490 on that map; thence generally eastwards along its full-supply level to a point at map reference 35KPM784471 on the 1: 50 000 map Matusadona 1628D3, Edition 1; thence south-eastwards direct to a point on the full-supply level of Lake Kariba at map reference PM800443 on that map; thence south-eastwards direct to a point on its full-supply level at map reference PM841406 on that map; thence generally eastwards along its full-supply level to a point at map reference 35KPM871399 on the 1: 50 000 map Sanyati Gorge 1628D4, Edition 2; thence north-eastwards direct to the starting-point.Map references quoted in this description are given to the nearest hundred metres.Chimanimani district
Item 4: ChimanimaniArea: 17 110 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn generally southwards along the Rhodesia-Moçambique international boundary from boundary-pillar 6034 to the Haroni River; thence proceeding up that river to its intersection by the eastern prolongation of the southern boundary of Hayfield B and westwards along that prolongation to the south-eastern beacon of Hayfield B; thence northwards along the eastern boundaries of the following properties, so as to exclude them: Hayfield B, Rumble Rills, Tilbury, Dunstan, Welgelegen and Vooruitzicht to the north-eastern beacon of the last-named property and westwards along the southern boundary of Rocklands to a point on that boundary approximately 2,55 kilometres from its south-western beacon; thence generally northwards along an undefined boundary (as shown on plan RN58, filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Salisbury) to its intersection by the Rhodesia-Moçambique international boundary and north-eastwards along that boundary to the starting-point.Hurungwe district
Item 5: Mana PoolsArea: 219 600 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from a point on the mouth of the Sapi River at map reference 35LQN763665 on the 1: 50 000 map Mana Pools 1529C2, and Chikwenya Island 1529D1, Edition 1, up the Sapi River to its intersection by a road at map reference 35LQN793524 on the 1: 50 000 map Sapi 1529D3, published 1968, and generally southwards along that road to its intersection by another road at map reference QN723256 on the 1: 50 000 map Manganyai 1629B1, Edition 1; thence generally eastwards along that road to a point on the Chiwore River at map reference 35KQN934223; thence up that river to a point on the north-eastern boundary of Mukwichi Tribal Trust Land at map reference 35KQM907972 on the 1: 50 000 map Manyangau 1629B3, Edition 2; thence north-westwards along the north-eastern boundary of Mukwichi Tribal Trust Land to the highest point on hill Chitanga and westwards direct to the highest point on an unnamed hill 3,2 kilometres due east of the confluence of the Rukomechi and Fundundi rivers; thence westwards direct to the confluence of those rivers and down the Rukomechi River to its confluence with the Nyacharara River; thence up the Nyacharara River to its confluence with an unnamed river at map reference 35KQN561083 on the 1:50000 map Rekometje Research Station 1629A2, Edition 1, and up that unnamed river to a point on that river at map reference QN533079 on that map; thence westwards direct to a point on another unnamed river at map reference QN526080 on that map and down that unnamed rived to its confluence with the Mashayani River at map reference QN480105 on that map; thence northwards direct to a point on a gravel road at map reference QN479146 on that map and north-eastwards direct to a point at map reference QN495189 on that map; thence north-eastwards direct to a point on the Matupa River at map reference QN519219 on that map and north-eastwards direct to a point 365 metres west of the course of the Rukomechi River at map reference QN553247 on that map; thence generally north-westwards along the western edge of the riverine vegetation of the Rukomechi River; but not closer to the river than a line parallel to and 365 metres west of the course of the Rukomechi River to a point at map reference 35KQN301474 on the 1: 50 000 map Nyakasanga 1529C3, published 1959, and north-westwards to a point on the Rhodesia-Zambia international boundary on the Zambezi River, approximately 4,8 kilometres downstream from the intersection of that international boundary by the Deeds Registry district boundary-line of Kariba; thence north-eastwards downstream along that international boundary to a point approximately 1,6 kilometres from the mouth of the Sapi River on an approximate bearing of 196°, (measured in a clockwise direction from true north at that point) and southwards direct to the starting-point.Map references quoted in this description are given to the nearest hundred metres.Hwange district
Item 6: Kazuma PanArea: 31 300 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from boundary-pillar 730 on the Rhodesia-Botswana international boundary, north-eastwards direct to a point at map reference 35KLK380861 on the 1: 50 000 map Stoffels Pan 1825A2, Edition 1; thence proceeding south-eastwards and eastwards along the south-western and southern boundaries of Panda-Masuie Forest Land to a point at map reference 35KLK603870 on the 1: 50 000 map Myila 1825Bl, Edition 1; thence south-eastwards along the western boundary of Riviera to the Kasetsheti River, at map reference 35KLK644788 on the 1: 50 000 map Kazuma Depression 1825B3/ A4, Edition 1; thence down that river to the northern boundary of Kazuma Forest Land; thence generally south-westwards along the northern and north-western boundaries of Kazuma Forest Land to boundary-pillar 708 on the Rhodesia-Botswana international boundary; thence generally north-westwards along that boundary to the starting point.Map references quoted in this description are given to the nearest hundred metres.Item 7: HwangeArea: 1 465 100 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from a point on the Rhodesia-Botswana international boundary on the westward prolongation of the northern boundary of the former property Deka, eastwards along that prolongation and boundary to its northernmost beacon; thence proceeding generally north-eastwards along the north-western boundaries of the former properties Prestwich, Nantwich, Nantwich North and Nantwich East to the north-eastern beacon of the last named; thence north-eastwards direct to the northernmost beacon of the former property Bumboosie; thence south-eastwards along a straight line towards the westernmost beacon (beacon Y, as shown on plan BT486, filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Bulawayo) of the southern section of Wankie Coal Concession to its intersection by the north-western boundary (L-K) of Wankie Coal Concession; thence south-westwards, south-eastwards and north-eastwards along the north-western, south-western and south-eastern boundaries of Wankie Coal Concession to the aforementioned line; thence south-eastwards along that line to beacon Y; thence south-eastwards along the south-western boundary of Wankie Coal Concession to its intersection by the prolongation south-westwards of a straight line drawn from the intersection of the south-eastern boundary of Wankie Coal Concession by the southern boundary of Railway Strip 229 Lukosi to Trigonometrical Station 514/S (Karundu); thence north-eastwards along that prolongation and that line to the south-western boundary of that railway strip; thence generally eastwards along the southern boundaries of Railway Strips 229 Lukosi, 228 Pongoro, 227 Tshontanda, 226 Inyantue, 225 Nchokomela and 224 Mambanje, Railway Strip 196 of Railway Farm 43, Railway Strip 223 of Hope of Railway Farm 43 and Railway Strip 222 Dett to the north-western boundary of Dett Annex; thence along the northern, western and south-western boundaries of Stand 17 Dett Township, and the north-western, south-western and south-eastern boundaries of Dett Annex to the southern boundary of Railway Strip 233 Dett; thence south-eastwards along the southern boundaries of Railway Strip 233 Dett, Railway Strip 234 Impofu, Railway Reserve at Malindi Station, Railway Strip 235 Malindi and Railway Strip 232 Isilwana to the north-western boundary of Kennedy Annex; thence along the north-western, south-western and south-eastern boundaries of Kennedy Annex to the north-western beacon of Railway Strip 231 Kennedy; thence south-eastwards along the southern boundaries of Railway Strip 231 Kennedy, Railway Strip 230 Mukwa, Railway Strip 248 Intundhla North, Intundhla Siding Reserve, Railway Strip 249 Intundhla South and Railway Strip 250 Ingwe to the northern boundary of Tjolotjo Tribal Trust Land; thence generally south-westwards along the northern and western boundaries of Tjolotjo Tribal Trust Land to the Rhodesia-Botswana international boundary; thence generally north-westwards along that boundary to the starting-point.Item 8: Victoria Falls “A”Area: 1 904 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from a point on the Zambezi River at map reference 35KLL842115 on the 1: 50 000 map Victoria Falls 1725D4 and on a straight line drawn between beacons M44 and M43 of Victoria Falls Reserve (as shown on General Plan CG152, filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Bulawayo) and generally westwards along the boundaries of that Reserve, through beacons M43, M17 and towards M23 to the Bulawayo-Victoria Falls road; thence proceeding generally north-westwards along that road to Deka-Falls Railway Strip 4; thence north-eastwards and northwards along the eastern boundary of that railway strip to the southern boundary of Railway Reserve Victoria Falls A; thence eastwards and generally northwards along its southern, south-eastern and eastern boundaries to a point 29 metres south of beacon NO2; thence north-westwards direct to a point 20 metres north of beacon NO2 on that boundary and northwards along that boundary to beacon NP (as shown on Diagram S.G. No. 3333/58, filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Bulawayo); thence north-eastwards direct to beacon BR55 on the southern boundary of Deka-Falls Railway Strip 6 (as shown on Diagram S.G. No. 358/35, filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Bulawayo); thence eastwards along the southern boundaries of that property to the Zimbabwe-Zambia international boundary and down the Zambezi River, following that international boundary, to the starting-point.Victoria Falls “B”Area: 436 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from the easternmost point of Deka-Falls Railway Strip 6, on the Zimbabwe-Zambia international boundary, generally westwards along the north-eastern and northern boundaries of that property to the north-eastern boundary of Victoria Falls Customs Post Reservation; thence proceeding north-westwards along the north-eastern and northern boundaries of that reservation and the northern boundaries of the Road Reservation, so as to exclude them, to the Zambezi Drive; thence north-eastwards and north-westwards along that drive, so as to exclude it, to a point at map reference 77671824 on the 1: 5 000 map Victoria Falls LL7618; thence north-westwards direct to a point on the eastern boundary of Deka-Falls Railway Strip 5B at map reference 77591840 on that map and generally north-westwards along that boundary to a point at map reference 77271880 on that map; thence north-westwards to a point on the Zambezi Drive at map reference 77111891 on that map; thence generally north-eastwards along that drive, so as to exclude it, to a point at map reference 77271941 on that map; thence north-eastwards direct to beacon R9 (as shown on plan BM49, filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Bulawayo); thence generally north-westwards along a series of straight lines through beacons R8, R7, R6, R5, R4, R3 and R2 to R1; thence north-westwards towards beacon BL7 to a stream at map reference 75922066 on the 1: 5 000 map Victoria Falls LL7220; thence generally northwards down that stream to the south bank of the Zambezi River; thence generally westwards along that south bank to the prolongation of a straight line drawn from beacon BL1 through beacon BL2 (as shown on plan BM, filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Bulawayo) to that south bank; thence continuing north-eastwards along that prolongation to its intersection by the Zimbabwe-Zambia international boundary and generally eastwards and south-eastwards along that international boundary to the starting-point.Map references quoted in these descriptions are given to the nearest hundred metres on the 1: 50 000 map and to the nearest ten metres on the 1: 5 000 maps.Item 9: ZambeziArea: 56 010 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from the point where the prolongation of a straight line drawn from beacon BL1 through beacon BL2 meets the Zimbabwe-Zambia international boundary and southwards along that prolongation to beacon BL2; thence proceeding generally southwards along a series of straight lines through beacons BL1, W1 and W3 (as shown on plan BM49, filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Bulawayo); thence southwards direct to the intersection of the north-western boundary of Deka-Falls Railway Strip 4 by the Chamabonda River and south-westwards along the north-western boundary of Deka-Falls Railway Strip 4 to its intersection by a game-fence at map reference 35KLL711093 on the 1: 50 000 map Victoria Falls Airport 1825B2; thence south-westwards along that game-fence to a point at map reference LL697086 on that map; thence southwards along that game-fence to its intersection by the north-western boundary of Deka-Falls Railway Strip 3 at map reference LL697078 on that map; thence south-westwards along the north-western boundary of Deka-Falls Railway Strip 3 to a point on that railway strip at map reference 35KLL676051 on the 1: 50 000 map Myila 1825B1; thence westwards along a cut line to a point at map reference LL544049 on that map; thence north-westwards along that cut line direct to the .eastern beacon of the former property Westwood Ranch; thence north-westwards along its north-eastern boundary and its prolongation north-westwards to its intersection by the Zimbabwe-Zambia international boundary and generally eastwards and south-eastwards along that international boundary to the starting-point.Map references quoted in this description are given to the nearest hundred metres.Total extent: 2 628 460 hectaresPart II – National parks on Rhodes Estates
Item 1: Rhodes NyangaArea: 47 150 hectaresThe area of land in the administrative district of Nyanga, bounded by a line drawn from the northernmost beacon of Inyanga slopes, generally eastwards along the boundaries of the following properties, so as to include them: the north-eastern boundaries of Inyanga slopes and Inyangombie and the south-western, north-western and north-eastern boundaries of the proposed Lot 5 of Kwaraguza of Inyanga Downs of Inyanga Block (as shown on plan RN255 filed in the Surveyor-General’s Department, Harare) to its easternmost beacon; thence eastwards direct to the north-western beacon of Gleneagles Estate and generally south-westwards along the boundaries of the following properties, so as to exclude them: the north-western and south-western boundaries of Gleneagles Estate, the north-western boundary of Lot 1 of Inyanga Block and the north-eastern, north-western and south-western boundaries of Aberfoyle Plantations of Inyanga Block to its southernmost beacon; thence south-westwards direct to the south-eastern beacon of Inyanga Block A and generally south-westwards along the southern boundary of Inyanga Block A and the eastern boundaries of Holdenby A, so as to include them, to the southernmost beacon of the last-named property; thence generally north-westwards along the boundaries of the following properties, so as to include them: the southern, north-western and western boundaries of Holdenby A, the south-western boundary of Pungwe Falls B, the south-eastern and south-western boundaries of Subdivision A of Pungwe Falls and the southern boundary of Pungwe source to the south-western beacon of the last-named property; thence northwards along the eastern boundary of Erin Forest Land, so as to exclude it, to its north-eastern beacon and northwards, through a point at map reference 36KVO753715 on the 1: 50 000 map Inyangani 1832B4/1833A3 to the easternmost beacon of Bideford and northwards along its eastern boundary, so as to exclude it, to a point at map reference VQ761757 on that map; thence north-westwards direct to a point on the north-western boundary of that property at map reference VQ742762 on that map and generally north-westwards and north-eastwards along the boundaries of the following properties, so as to include them: the south-eastern boundary of Fruitfield, the south-western boundaries of Fruitfield and Wicklow, the south-eastern, south-western, north-western and northern boundaries of Werrendale and the north-western boundary of the Remainder of Inyanga Valley to the north-western beacon of Lot 4 of Inyanga Valley; thence generally south-eastwards, eastwards, northwards and westwards along the boundaries of the following properties, so as to exclude them: the western and southern boundaries of Lot 4 of Inyanga Valley, the western boundary of Lot 3 of Inyanga Valley, the southern and eastern boundaries of Lot 1 of Inyanga, the eastern boundary of State Land (formerly Lot 1 of Inyanga Valley, as shown on S.G. Diagram No. 770/1955 filed in the Surveyor-General’s Department, Harare) and the eastern and northern boundaries of Lot 2 of Inyanga Valley to its north-western beacon; thence north-eastwards along the north-western boundary of the Remainder of Inyanga Valley, so as to include it, to the starting point.This description excludes—(a)subdivisions C, D, E, F and G and Nyazengu of Inyanga Block; and(b)an area of Fruitfield, approximately 180 hectares in extent, which is leased to the State.Map references quoted in this description are given to the nearest hundred metres.Matobo district
Item 2: Rhodes MatoposArea: 42 400 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from a point on the Matopos Circular Drive where it is intersected by a road at map reference 35KPH587406 on the 1: 50 000 map The World’s View 2028B3 generally southwards along that drive to a point where it crosses an unnamed stream at map reference PH589356 on that map; thence proceeding generally south-eastwards direct to a point on an unnamed stream at map reference PH595352 on that map; thence down that stream to its confluence with the Mtsheleli River and up that river to its confluence with an unnamed stream at map reference PH597365 on that map; thence up that stream to its intersection by the northern boundary of Rhodes Matopos National Park Extension at map reference PH614363; thence generally eastwards, southwards, westwards and northwards along the northern, eastern, southern and western boundaries of Rhodes Matopos National Park Extension, so as to include it, to the south-eastern boundary of Ravenswood; thence north-eastwards, south-eastwards, eastwards, south-eastwards and eastwards along the boundaries of the following properties, so as to exclude them: the south-eastern boundaries of Ravenswood and Forwords Block, the south-western and southern boundaries of Mineral King and the western and southern boundaries of Manzana to its south-eastern beacon; thence generally northwards along the western boundaries of The World’s View and Hazelside, so as to include them, to an unnamed stream at map reference 35KPH551392 on the 1: 50 000 map Figtree 2028A4; thence eastwards up that stream to a point at map reference 35KPH568398 on the 1: 50 000 map The World’s View 2028B3; thence eastwards direct to a point on the Matopos Circular Drive where it is intersected by a road at map reference PH572399 on that map and generally north-eastwards along that road to the starting-point.Map references quoted in this description are given to the nearest hundred metres.Total extent: 89 550 hectaresSecond Schedule (Section 26)
Botanical reserves and botanical gardens
Part I – Botanical reserves on parks and wild life land
Beitbridge district
Item 1: PioneerArea: 38 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from a beacon on the western bank of the Shashe River at map reference 35KQF264747 on the 1: 50 000 map Tuli 2129C3, published 1959, south-westwards along the western bank of the Shashe River to a beacon at map reference QF259743 on that map; thence proceeding north-westwards direct to a beacon at map reference QF255747 on that map; thence north-eastwards direct to a beacon at map reference QF259752 on that map; thence south-eastwards direct to the starting-point.Map references quoted in this description are given to the nearest hundred metres.Item 2: Tolo RiverArea: 44 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from a beacon on the western bank of the Shashe River at map reference 35KQF252718 on the 1: 50 000 map Tuli 2129C3, published 1959, south-south-eastwards along the western bank of the Shashe River to a beacon at map reference QF255712 on that map; thence proceeding west-south-westwards direct to a beacon at map reference QF249709 on that map; thence north-north-westwards direct to a beacon at map reference QF246716 on that map; thence east-north-eastwards direct to the starting-point.Map references quoted in this description are given to the nearest hundred metres.Item 3: South CampArea: 26 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from a beacon which lies near a stream at map reference 35KQF283688 on the 1: 50 000 map Tuli 2129C3, published 1959, eastwards down that stream to the western bank of the Shashe River; thence proceeding southwards along the western bank of that river to a beacon at map reference QF291684 on that map; thence west-north-westwards direct to a beacon at map reference QF283686 on that map; thence northwards direct to the starting-point.Map references quoted in this description are given to the nearest hundred metres.Chiredzi district
Item 4: Chisekera Hot SpringsArea: 95 hectaresThe area of land comprising the surveyed property Chisekera Hot Springs, as shown on plan S.G. No. DG890 filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Salisbury.Mt Darwin district
Item 5: Mawari Raphia PalmArea: 34 hectaresThe area of land bounded on the north, east, south and west by the property Mawari as shown on plan S.G. No. DG909 filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Salisbury.Item 6: Tingwa Raphia PalmArea: 290 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from the northernmost beacon of Penrose south-westwards along its north-western boundary to beacon PB403 (as shown on General Plan S.G. No. EG49 filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Salisbury); thence proceeding north-westwards on a bearing of 342° for a distance of 1,15 kilometres, north-eastwards on a bearing of 47° for 400 metres, eastwards Oil a bearing of 67° for 1,85 kilometres and southwards on a bearing of 164° for 1,4 kilometres to the starting-point.Bearings quoted in this description are measured to the nearest degree clockwise from the true north and distances are approximate.Chimanimani District
Item 7: Haroni ForestArea: 20 hectaresThe unsurveyed area of land demarcated on the ground by cut lines, and bounded by a line drawn from the confluence of the Haroni and Makurupini rivers, down the Haroni River on the Moçambique-Rhodesia international boundary, for a distance of 300 metres and south-westwards on a bearing of 231° for 300 metres; thence proceeding north-westwards on a bearing of 295° for 350 metres and north-eastwards on a bearing of 22° for 440 metres to the Haroni River; thence down the Haroni River to the starting-point.Bearings quoted in this description are measured to the nearest degree clockwise from true north and distances are approximate.Item 8: Rusitu ForestArea: 150 hectaresThe unsurveyed area of land bounded by a line commencing at the south-eastern beacon of the property Hayfield B and drawn southwards on a bearing of 192° to the Rusitu River on the Moçambique-Rhodesia international boundary; thence proceeding up that river for a distance of 1,65 kilometres to the westernmost section of a false division of the Rusitu River and due north for 600 metres; thence north-eastwards on a bearing of 50° for 2,25 kilometres to the starting-point.Bearings quoted in this description are measured to the nearest degree clockwise from true north and distances are approximate.Kwekwe district
Item 9: Sebakwe Acacia KarooArea: 60 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from the intersection of the southern bank of the Sebakwe River by the western boundary of Sebakwe Recreational Park, eastwards along the southern bank of the Sebakwe River to a stream at map reference 36KTP072952 on the 1: 50 000 map Sebakwe Dam 1930A1, Edition 2; thence proceeding southwards up that stream to a road at map reference TP073941 on that map; thence westwards along that road to the western boundary of Sebakwe Recreational Park and northwards along that boundary to the starting-point.Map references quoted in this description are given to the nearest hundred metres.Item 10: Sebakwe Great DykeArea: 165 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from the intersection of the southern boundary of Sebakwe Recreational Park by the Fagritch Spruit westwards along that boundary to its intersection by a stream at map reference 36KTP098925 on the 1: 50 000 map Sebakwe Dam 1930A1, Edition 2; thence proceeding northwards down that stream to a track at map reference TP099927 on that map; thence generally eastwards along that track, which generally follows the shoreline of Sebakwe Dam, to the Fagritch Spruit; thence up that spruit to the starting-point.Map references quoted in this description are given to the nearest hundred metres.Item 11: Sebakwe Mountain AcaciaArea: 53 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from the intersection of a stream and a road at map reference 36KTP073941 on the 1: 50 000 map Sebakwe Dam 1930A1, Edition 2, eastwards direct to a point on a road at map reference TP089936 on that map; thence proceeding generally eastwards along that road to a stream at map reference TP091934 on that map; thence southwards up that stream to the southern boundary of Sebakwe Recreational Park; thence westwards along that boundary to a stream at map reference TP074937 on that map; thence northwards down that stream to the starting-point.Map references quoted in this description are given to the nearest hundred metres.Harare district
Item 12: Mazoe “A”Area: 43 hectaresThe area of land comprising the properties Lots 1 and 2 of Spelonken Estate, as shown on Diagrams S.G. 819/69 and 849/78, filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Salisbury.Mazoe “B”Area: 3 hectaresThe area of land comprising the properties Stands 109 and 110 of Christon Bank Township 8, of Bluehills of Christon Bank, as shown on Diagrams S.G. 1759/60 and 1760/60, filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Salisbury.Mutare district
Item 13: Bunga ForestArea: 495 hectaresAn area of land comprising the properties Lot 4 of Bunga of Cloudlands and the Remaining Extent of Ebbesborne of Greencroft and the former Subdivision A, portion of Ebbesborne, portion of Greencroft, as shown on Diagrams S.G. 5724/55, 89/34 and 2158/50, respectively, filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Salisbury.Item 14: VumbaArea: 42 hectaresThe area of land demarcated on the ground with beacons and notices and bounded by a line drawn south-eastwards from the easternmost beacon of Lot 2A Manchester on a bearing of 111° for 920 metres to its intersection by a road; thence proceeding generally south-westwards along that road to a point 25 metres west of the northernmost beacon of Subdivision R of Manchester and north-westwards on a bearing of 354° for 790 metres to the starting-point.Bearings quoted in this description are measured to the nearest degree clockwise from true north and distances in metres are approximate.Total extent: 1 558 hectaresPart II – Botanical gardens on parks and wild life land
Harare district
Item 1: National BotanicArea: 67 hectaresThe area of land comprising the properties Remainder of Stand 6990 Salisbury Township and Remainder of Stand 6991 Salisbury Township of Salisbury Township Lands, bounded on the west, north and east by Sandringham Drive, Stand 13413 of Stand 6990 Salisbury Township of Salisbury Township Lands, Borrowdale Road, Hartmann Hill A and Lot I of Stand 6991 Salisbury Township of Salisbury Township Lands and on the south by an 18,89 metre wide road contiguous to the northern boundary of Government Experimental Station Extension.This description excludes the following properties: Stand 6992 Salisbury Township of Salisbury Township Lands and Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 of Stand 6991 Salisbury Township of Salisbury Township Lands.Mutare district
Item 2: VumbaArea: 200 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn eastwards from the easternmost beacon of Lot 2A Manchester along the southern boundary of Subdivision M of Manchester, so as to exclude it, to its south-eastern beacon and generally south-westwards along the north-western boundaries of Chinyabakwe and Subdivision K of Manchester, so as to exclude them, to the south western beacon of the latter property; thence proceeding generally westwards along the boundaries of the following properties, so as to exclude them: the northern boundary of Chinyamakunga of Scandinavia, the eastern, northern and western boundaries of Lot 14A Manchester and Subdivision B of Scandinavia to the south-eastern beacon of Mutengembeya of Manchester and generally northwards along the boundaries of the following properties, so as to exclude them: the south-eastern and north-eastern boundaries of Mutengembeya of Manchester, the south-eastern boundary of Subdivision 9 of Manchester, the south-western and south-eastern boundaries of Subdivision O of Manchester, the south-eastern and north-eastern boundaries of Subdivision P of Manchester, the eastern and northern boundaries of Subdivision G of Manchester and the eastern boundary of Subdivision D of Manchester to the south-western beacon of Monegera; thence generally westwards along the southern boundaries of the following properties, so as to exclude them: Monegera, Lot 1B Manchester and Lot 2A Manchester to its south-eastern beacon and northwards along its eastern boundary to the starting-point.The Vumba Botanical Reserve is excluded from this description.Total extent: 267 hectaresPart III – Botanical gardens on trust land
Goromonzi district
Item 1: EwanriggArea: 286 hectaresThe area of land comprising the property Subdivision A of Mount Shannon of The Meadows, as shown on Diagram S.G. No. 1830/48 filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Salisbury.Total extent: 286 hectaresThird Schedule (Section 31)
Sanctuaries and specially protected animals
Part I – Sanctuaries on parks and wild life land
Specially Protected Animals
Chiredzi district
Item 1: Maniinii PanArea: 300 hectaresAll birds
The area of land bounded by a line drawn 366 metres from and parallel to the high-flood level of Manjinji Pan, so as to include it, as shown on the 1: 50 000 map Malapata 2231A2, Edition 1.Chimanimani district
Item 2: Melsetter ElandArea: 1 800 hectaresAll animals
The area of land bounded by a line drawn generally north-eastwards from the north-western beacon of Melsetter Township Reserve along the boundaries of the following properties, so as to exclude them: the southern boundary of Remainder of Sawerombi, the eastern boundary of Bedale of Westfield and the south-eastern boundaries of Middlepunt of Jantia, Remainder of Jantia and Umsapa of Jameson to the south-eastern beacon of Umsapa of Jameson; thence proceeding generally southwards along a series of straight lines through points at map references 36KVP885157, VP889155, VP896152, VP900153, VP900151, VP899150, VP900147, VP894145, VP892140 and VP894136 on the 1: 50 000 map Melsetter 1932D4 and 1933C1/C3, Edition 1, to a point on the northern boundary of Lindley North Estate at map reference VP893133 on that map and westwards along the northern boundary of Lindley North Estate to its north-western beacon; thence southwards along the eastern boundary of Melsetter Township Reserve, the eastern and south-eastern boundaries of Lot 1 of Lindley North and the eastern boundaries of Melsetter Township Reserve, so as to include them, to the north-western beacon of Lindley West of Lindley; thence westwards direct to the northernmost beacon of the former Stand 101 Melsetter Township and south-westwards direct to the north-eastern beacon of Stand 52 Melsetter Township; thence generally southwards along its north-western and western boundaries so as to exclude it, to its south-western beacon and south-westwards direct to the northernmost beacon of Stand 6 Melsetter Township; thence south-westwards along its north-western boundary so as to exclude it, to its westernmost beacon and south-westwards direct to the northernmost beacon of Stand 5 Melsetter Township; thence south-westwards along the north-western boundary of Stand 6 Melsetter Township, so as to exclude it, to its westernmost beacon and south-westwards direct to the northernmost beacon of Stand 5 Melsetter Township; thence south-westwards along the north-western boundaries of the following properties, so as to exclude them: Stands 5, 3, 2 and 1 Melsetter Township to the westernmost beacon of the latter property; thence generally south-westwards along a series of straight lines through a series of high points along the crest of a range of hills on the following bearings and for the following distances: 252° for 465 metres, 255° for 511 metres, 256° for 236 metres and 252° for 728 metres to the south-eastern beacon of Everglades; thence northwards along the western boundary of Melsetter Township Reserve, so as to include it, to the starting-point.Map references quoted in this description are given to the nearest hundred metres.Bearings are measured to the nearest degree clockwise from the north and distances in metres are approximate.Nkayi district
Item 3: Mbaze PanArea: 40 hectaresAll birds
The area of land surrounding and including Mbaze Pan, approximately 700 metres east of the Shangani River and opposite a point on that river approximately 10 kilometres direct up-stream from the confluence of the Shangani and Gwelo rivers.Guruve district
Item 4: NyamanyetsiArea: 2 480 hectaresAll animals
The area of land comprising the properties Nyamanyetzi North and Subdivision E, portion of Gurungwe, as shown on Diagram S.G. 322/57 and 787/38, filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Salisbury.Masvingo district
Item 5: MushandikeArea: 12 900 hectaresAll animals
The area of land bounded by a line drawn All animals from the south-eastern beacon of Winterton along the boundaries of the following properties, so as to exclude them: south-eastwards along the south-western boundary of Cambria, south-westwards along the north-western boundaries of Valley Pass and Koran and generally westwards along the northern boundaries of Excelsior, Maybrook Extension and Erdington to the north-western beacon of the last-mentioned property; thence proceeding generally north-eastwards along the south-eastern boundaries of the following properties, so as to exclude them: Waterhole, the former El Rakin Valley, Shane Valley, Rabe Valley and Allanvale to the Mutsungwe River and down that river to the south-western boundary of Amavula; thence south-eastwards along the south-western boundaries of Amavula and Winterton, so as to exclude them, to the starting-point.Total extent: 17 520 hectaresPart II – Sanctuaries on Rhodes Estates
Matobo district
Item 1: Rhodes-BulawayoArea: 1 100 hectaresSanctuaryAll birds
The area of land bounded by a line drawn from the north-western beacon of Remainder of Sauerdale Block generally eastwards along its northern boundary to the Bulawayo-Matopos road; thence proceeding generally south-westwards along that road to its intersection by a track at map reference 35KPH625585 on the 1: 50 000 map The Worlds View 2028B3, Edition 2; thence generally north-westwards along that track, so as to include it, to the eastern boundary of Remainder of Sauerdale Block at map reference PH608592 on that map; thence north-eastwards along that boundary to the starting-point.Map references quoted in this description are given to the nearest hundred metres.Total extent: 1 100 hectaresFourth Schedule (Section 36)
Safari areas on parks and wild life land
Beitbridge and Gwanda districts
Item 1: TuliArea: 41 600 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from a point on the Shashi River at map reference 35KQF317592 on the 1: 50 000 map Maranami 2229A1, published 1959; thence proceeding generally westwards and northwards along the Rhodesia-Botswana international boundary (as shown on General Plan EG264, filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Bulawayo) to a point on that boundary on the Shashi River at map reference 35KQF147861 on the 1: 50 000 map Tuli 2129C3, published 1959; thence down the Shashi River to the starting-point.Map references quoted in this description are given to the nearest hundred metres.Binga district
Item 2: CheteArea: 108 100 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from the point where the Mwenda River flows into Lake Kariba, generally southwards and westwards up that river to its commencement at map reference 35KNL960821 on the 1: 50 000 map Sinampande 1727B4, Edition 1; thence proceeding westwards direct to the commencement of an unnamed tributary of the Lwizilukulu River, at map reference NL937825 on that map; thence south-westwards down that tributary and south-eastwards up that river to the Binga-Siabuwa road; thence south-westwards direct to a point at map reference 35KNL696607 on the 1: 50 000 map Siganda 1727D1, Edition 1; thence south-westwards direct to a point on that road at map reference NL663522 on that map; thence northwards direct to the road-crossing on the Makandabwe River at map reference NL647582 on that map and down that river and north-eastwards along the full-supply level of Lake Kariba to the starting-point.Map references quoted in this description are given to the nearest hundred metres.Chipinge district
Item 3: ChipingaArea: 26 100 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from the point where the Tanganda River is met by the eastern boundary of Sabi Tanganda Estate, up that river to the southern boundary of Tanganda Halt and generally eastwards along the boundaries of the following properties, so as to exclude them: the southern boundary of Tanganda Halt, the south-western and south-eastern boundaries of Drie Span Berg and the south-western boundary of Buffels Drift Estate to its southernmost beacon; thence proceeding generally southwards along the boundaries of the following properties, so as to exclude them: the north-western boundary of Nafferton, the western and south-eastern boundaries of Redwood, the western boundary of Isis, the north-western and south-western boundaries of Horus Annex, the north-western boundary of Vergenoeg of Eureka to theNyamuvava River and down that river to the eastern boundary of Middle Sabi; thence generally northwards along its eastern boundaries and the south-eastern and eastern boundaries of Sabi Tanganda Estate, so as to exclude them, to the starting-point.Chiredzi district
Item 4: MalapatiArea: 15 400 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from a point on a game-fence at map reference 36KUL286860 on the 1: 50 000 map Buffalo Bend 2131C4, Edition 2, eastwards along that game-fence to the Nuanetsi River; thence proceeding down that river to the easternmost point of the loop in that river (approximately 2,2 kilometres upstream from the Malapati Bridge) at map reference 36KUL403649 on the 1: 50 000 map Malapati 2231A2, Edition 2; thence southwards direct to beacon SNG7 (as shown on plan CG2101, filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Salisbury); thence south-westwards direct to beacon SNG8 on that plan and south-westwards direct to a point on a game-fence at map reference 36KUL370611 on the 1: 50 000 map Malapati 2231A2, Edition 2; thence south-westwards and north-westwards along that game-fence to the starting-point.Map references quoted in this description are given to the nearest hundred metres.Gokwe district
Item 5: ChinsaArea: 171 300 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from the Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Control traffic-barrier known as Sipani Gate, at map reference 35KPL484095 on the 1: 50 000 map Chipani Pan 1728C4, Edition 1, generally north-eastwards along the Sessami game-fence to the point where it crosses the Dopota River for the second time, at map reference 35KPL607342 on the 1: 50 000 map Sessami Mission 1728D3, Edition 1; thence proceeding northwards down that river and the Sessami River to a point where it is intersected by a cut line at map reference 35KPL575454 on the 1: 50 000 map Chidomo 1827C2, Edition 1; thence north-westwards along that cut line to the Chirisa track at map reference PL548480 on that map; thence generally westwards along that track to a cut line commencing at the Manyuli road at map reference PL460450 on that map, and generally south-westwards along that cut line to its intersection by a cleared track at map reference 35KPL155274 on the 1: 50 000 map Domwe 1728C3, Edition 1; thence generally southwards along that cleared track to where it is intersected by the northern Sebungwe game-fence at map reference 35KPL089028 on the 1: 50 000 map Tivuli Spring 1828A1, Edition 1; thence eastwards along the northern Sebungwe game-fence to the Link game-fence at map reference PL133031 on that map; thence southwards along the Link game-fence to the southern Sebungwe game-fence at map reference PK115898 on that map; thence south-eastwards and north-eastwards along the southern Sebungwe game-fence to the Sessami game-fence at map reference 35KPL468067 on the 1: 50 000 map Charama 1828A2, Edition 1 and north-eastwards along the Sessami game-fence to the starting-point; as will more fully appear on plan BM41, filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Bulawayo.Map references quoted in this description are given to the nearest hundred metres.Chegutu district
Item 6: HartleyArea: 44 500 hectaresThe area of land comprising the properties Valhalla, Hartley 7, Hartley 8 and Hartley 9.Nyaminyami district
Item 7: Sibilobilo AArea: 2 270 hectaresThe areas of land comprising the following islands—Number of island | Name | Approximate extent, in hectares |
109 | Weather | 136 |
110 | — | 3 |
111 | Namagwaba | 649 |
117 | Namembere | 1 062 |
118 | — | 11 |
119 | — | 9 |
120 | Balabi | 11 |
121 | Partridge | 90 |
124 | Nyamurongo | 16 |
126 | — | 12 |
127 | — | 15 |
128 | Lubangwa | 59 |
133 | Starvation (or Ukubula) | 197 |
Sibilobilo BArea: 2 130 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from a point at map reference 35KPM184316 on the 1: 50 000 map Sengwa Sound 1628C3, Edition 2; thence proceeding generally north-westwards, north-eastwards and south-westwards along the full-supply level of Lake Kariba to a point at map reference PM202341 on that map and south-westwards direct to the starting-point.Kariba and Hurungwe districts
Item 8: ChararaArea: 169 200 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from the intersection of the Karoi-Chirundu road by the western boundary-line of the former Vuti Purchase Land north-westwards along that road to its intersection by the Makuti-Kariba road; thence proceeding generally south-westwards along that road to its intersection by the Kessesse River at map reference 35KPM97867383 on the 1: 5 000 map Kariba PM9672 and down that river to a point at map reference PM98037309 on that map; thence eastwards direct to a point at map reference PM98527300 on that map and south-westwards direct to a point at map reference 35KPM98107195 on the 1: 5 000 map Kariba PM9670; thence westwards direct to a point on the full-supply level of Lake Kariba (484,64 metres above mean sea-level) at map reference 35KPM97297209 on the 1: 5 000 map Kariba PM9672 and generally south-eastwards and eastwards along that-full-supply level to a point at map reference 35KPM98407106 on the 1: 5 000 map Kariba PM9670; thence northwards direct to a point at map reference PM98407150 on that map and north-eastwards direct to a point at map reference 35KPM98657220 on the 1: 5 000 map Kariba PM9672; thence north-eastwards direct to a point on the southern boundary of the former property Kariba Aerodrome Site at map reference PM98907241 on that map-and eastwards along that boundary to its southernmost beacon; thence eastwards direct to a point on a cut line at map reference PM99307234 on that map and southwards direct to a point on the full-supply level of Lake Kariba at map reference 35KPM99307164 on the 1: 5 000 map Kariba PM9670; thence generally south-eastwards along its full-supply level to its intersection by an unnamed tributary at map reference 35KQMO70696 on the 1: 50 000 map Kariba 1628D2 and up that unnamed tributary to its intersection by the southernmost verge of the Kariba Power-line Service Road at map reference QM082708 on that map; thence generally south-eastwards along that road verge (following the direction of the southernmost power-line) to its intersection by a road at map reference QM108696 on that map and generally southwards along that road to its intersection by the Rifa River at map reference QK102678 on that map; thence down that river to its intersection by the full-supply level of Lake Kariba and generally eastwards and. southwards along that full-supply level to the point where the Gache Gache River enters Lake Kariba; thence up that river to the northern boundary of Kanyati Communal Land and eastwards along the northern boundaries of Kanyati, Urungwe and Nyaodza communal lands to the western boundary of the former Vuti Purchase Land; thence generally northwards along its western boundaries to the starting-point.This description excludes that portion of Makuti Township Reserve falling within this area.Map references quoted in this description are given to the nearest 100 metres on the 1: 50 000 map and to the nearest 10 metres on the 1: 5 000 maps.Item 9: HurungweArea: 289 400 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from the confluence of the Rukomechi and Fundundi rivers down the Rukomechi River to its confluence with the Nyacharara River; thence proceeding up that river to its confluence with an unnamed river at map reference 35KQN561083 on the 1: 50 000 map Rekometje Research Station 1629A2 and up that unnamed river to a point at map reference QN533079 on that map; thence westwards direct to a point on another unnamed river at map reference QN526080 on that map and down that unnamed river to its confluence with the Mashayenyi River at map reference QN480105 on that map; thence northwards direct to a point on a gravel road at map reference QN479146 on that map and north-eastwards direct to a point at map reference QN495189 on that map; thence north-eastwards direct to a point on the Matupa River at map reference QN519219 on that map and north-eastwards direct to a point 365 metres west of the course of the Rukomechi River at map reference QN553247 on that map; thence generally north-westwards along the western edge of the riverine vegetation of the Rukomechi River, but not closer to the river than a line parallel to and 365 metres west of the course of that river to a point at map reference 35LQN301474 on the 1: 50 000 map Nyakasanga 1529C3 and north-westwards to a point on the Zimbabwe-Zambia international boundary on the Zambezi River approximately 4,8 kilometres downstream from the intersection of that boundary by the Deeds Registry district boundary-line of Kariba: thence up the Zambezi River to a point on that river at map reference 35KPM923753 on the 1: 50 000 map Nyamuomba Island 1628B4 and eastwards direct to a point on the Kessesse River at map reference 35KPM981750 on the 1: 50 000 map Kariba 1628D2; thence down that river to its intersection by the Makuti-Kariba road and generally eastwards and north-eastwards along that road to its junction with the Karoi-Chirundu road; thence south-eastwards along the Karoi-Chirundu road to its intersection by the western boundary of the former Vuti Purchase Land and generally north-eastwards along its western and northern boundaries to the Fundundi River and down that river to the starting-point.This description excludes—(i)an area of land comprising the properties Chirundu Sugar Estates A and Chirundu Landing Ground, as shown on Diagrams S.G. Nos. 1023/60 and 1896/62, respectively, filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Salisbury;(ii)an area of land bounded by a line drawn from a point on the right bank of the Zambezi River at map reference 35KPN995268 on the 1: 50 000 map Chirundu 1628B2 south-eastwards, southwards, south-westwards and westwards along a series of straight lines through points at map references QN002259, QN002252 and PN992243 on that map to a point on the right bank of the Zambezi River at map reference PN989243 on that map and generally northwards along the right bank of that river to the starting-point;(iii)that portion of Makuti Township Reserve falling within this area.Map references quoted in this description are given to the nearest 10 metres.Makonde district
Item 10: DomaArea: 94 500 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from the intersection of the Hunyani River by the southern boundary of Dande Tribal Trust Land, up that river to a point at map reference 36KTS203675 on the 1: 50 000 map Nyungwe 1630C2, published 1963; thence proceeding westwards, north-westwards and south-westwards, through points at map references TS185675 and TS136740, to a point on the north-eastern boundary of the proposed farm Gravelotte at map reference TS068710 on that map; thence generally north-westwards along its north-eastern boundaries, so as to exclude it, to its northernmost beacon; thence northwards direct to a point at map reference 36KTS025737 on the 1: 50 000 map Tchetchenini 1630C1, reprinted 1968, and westwards direct to a point at map reference SS870736 on that map; thence generally south-westwards through a series of points at map references SS869731, SS848727 and SS806664 to a point at map reference SS800610 on that map, and eastwards direct to a point on the south-western boundary of Impala Downs Extension at map reference SS824610 on that map; thence generally south-eastwards along the boundaries of the following properties, so as to exclude them: the south-western boundary of Impala Downs Extension and the western boundaries of Greenvlei Estate to its south-western beacon; thence westwards along the northern boundaries of Glendower, so as to exclude it, to the Angwa River and down that river to its intersection by the southern boundary of Dande Tribal Trust Land; thence generally eastwards along the southern boundaries of Dande Tribal Trust Land, so as to exclude it, to the starting-point.Map references quoted in this description are given to the nearest hundred metres.Shamva district
Item 11: UmfurudziArea: 76 000 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from the confluence of the Gwetera and Mazoe rivers, up the Mazoe River to the northern boundary of Mumwi and generally eastwards along its northern boundaries so as to exclude it, to the eastern boundary of Beaulieu; thence proceeding generally northwards along the boundaries of the following properties, so as to exclude them: the eastern, south-eastern, north-eastern and northern boundaries of Beaulieu and the eastern boundaries of Phoebus and Rataplan to the north-eastern beacon of the latter and northwards direct to the south-eastern beacon of Gatu; thence north-eastwards along its south-eastern boundary, so as to exclude it, to its north-eastern beacon and north-eastwards direct to a point on an unnamed hill at map reference 36KUS690288 on the 1: 50 000 map Beryl Rose Mine 1631D4, reprinted 1972; thence north-westwards direct to a point on the Gwetera River at map reference US675364 on that map and down that river to the starting-point.Map references quoted in this description are given to the nearest hundred metres.Guruve district
Item 12: DandeArea: 52 300 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn southwards from beacon BP4 on the Rhodesia-Moçambique international boundary to latitude 16° south; thence proceeding westwards along the 16° parallel to its interjection by the Mkanga River and up that river to its confluence with an unnamed river at map reference 36LST844301 on the 1: 50 000 map Chimanje 1530C3, Edition 1; thence north-eastwards direct to the highest point on the hill Chimanje and north-eastwards direct to a point on the straight line drawn between hills Chimanje and Membgwe at map reference TT052486 on that map; thence south-eastwards direct to a point on the Mwanzamtanda River at map reference 36LTT080467 on the 1: 50 000 map Kamota 1530C4, Edition 1, and generally eastwards along a series of straight lines through points at map references TT114460, TT134465, TT154459, TT198470 and TT227475 on that map to the starting-point.Map references quoted in this description are given to the nearest hundred metres.Hurungwe district
Item 13: ChelvoreArea: 339 000 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from a point on the Rhodesia-Zambia international boundary on the Zambezi River due north of Trigonometrical Beacon No. 219/P, on hill Kapsuku; thence proceeding generally south-eastwards through that beacon on hill Kapsuku and the highest point on hills Chiruwe and Kariwaya to the highest point on hill Membge and south-westwards through the highest point on hill Chimanje to the confluence of the Mkanga River and an unnamed tributary at map reference 36LST844301 on the 1: 50 000 map Chimanje 1530C3, Edition 1; thence down the Mkanga River to its confluence with the Angwa River; thence up the Angwa, Mukwishe, Sapi and Horonga rivers to the commencement of the last-mentioned river, at map reference 35KRM003920 on the 1: 50 000 map Matsikita 1629B4, Edition 1, and north-westwards direct to the highest point on hill Matsikita; thence north-westwards along a direct line to the highest point on hill Chitangazuva to the Chiwore River; thence down that river to the Rhodesia-Zambia international boundary on the Zambezi River; thence eastwards along that boundary to the starting-point.Map references quoted in this description are given to the nearest hundred metres.Item 14: SapiArea: 118 000 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from the confluence of the Zambezi and Chiwore rivers, up the Chiwore River to its intersection by a road at map reference 35KQN934223 on the 1: 50 000 map Manganyai 1629B1, Edition 1; thence generally westwards along that road to its intersection by another road at map reference QN723256 on that map and generally northwards along that road to its intersection by the Sapi River at map reference 35LQN793523 on the 1: 50 000 map Sapi 1529D3, published 1968; thence down that river to a point on the mouth of the Sapi River at map reference 35LQN763665 on the 1: 50 000 map Mana Pools 1529C2, Chikwenya Island 1529D1, Edition 1, and on an approximate bearing of 16° measured in a clockwise direction from true north to a point on the Zambezi River approximately 1,6 kilometres from the mouth of the Sapi River; thence down the Zambezi River along the Rhodesia-Zambia international boundary to the starting-point.Map references quoted in this description are given to the nearest hundred metres.Hwange district
Item 15: DekaArea: 51 000 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from the intersection of the Victoria Falls-Dett game-fence and the Deka River, up that river to the northern boundary of the Wankie National Park; thence proceeding generally eastwards along its northern boundary to the Bulawayo-Victoria Falls railway line; thence eastwards along the railway line to the south-western beacon of Last Hope Estate of Railway Farm No. 43; thence north-eastwards along its western boundary to the Victoria Falls-Dett game-fence; thence generally north-westwards along that game-fence to the starting-point.Item 16: MatetsiArea: 295 500 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from the intersection of the Victoria Falls-Dett game-fence and the Deka River, north-westwards along that game-fence to a point on the Matetsi River at map reference 35KLK794758 on the 1: 50 000 map Matetsi 1825B4, Edition 1; thence proceeding down that river to a point at map reference LK839790 on that map and generally north-westwards along the Victoria Falls-Dett game-fence to its intersection by the southern boundary of Zambezi National Park; thence westwards and northwards along its southern and western boundaries to the Rhodesia-Zambia international boundary on the Zambezi River and up that river, along the Rhodesia-Zambia international boundary to the Rhodesia-Botswana international boundary; thence generally southwards along the Rhodesia-Botswana international boundary to a point where it is intersected by the prolongation westwards of the northern boundary of the former Deka; thence eastwards along that prolongation to its north-western beacon; thence eastwards along its northern boundary to its north-eastern beacon; thence generally eastwards along the northern boundary of Wankie National Park to the Deka River; thence down that river to the starting-point.This description excludes—(a)Matetsi Wild Life Leisure Resort;(b)Kazuma Pan National Park;(c)Panda-Masuie Forest Land; andMap references quoted in this description are given to the nearest hundred metres.Total extent: 1 897 200 hectaresFifth Schedule (Section 41)
Part I – Recreational parks on parks and wild life land
Binga district
Item 1: ChibwatataArea: 6 hectaresThe area of land, being Stand 197 Binga Township as shown on Diagram S.G. No. 1734/79, filed in the office of the Surveyor-general, Bulawayo.Item 2: KaviraArea: 50 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from a point on the Mlibizi River on the 1: 50 000 map Masutu 1827A1 at map reference 35KNL129095, eastwards direct to a point at map reference NL135094 on that map; thence proceeding southwards direct to a point at map reference NL135086 on that map; thence westwards direct to a point on that river at map reference NL126087 on that map and northwards down that river to the starting-point.Map references quoted in this description are given to the nearest hundred metres.Binga Nyaminyami and Hwange districts
Item 3: Lake KaribaArea: 287 200 hectaresThe area of land and inundated land bounded by a line drawn from the point where the Zimbabwe-Zambia international boundary intersects the full-supply level of Lake Kariba at map reference 35KPM881728 on the 1: 50 000 map Kariba 1628D2, Edition 2, generally eastwards, southwards and westwards along that full-supply level to a point at map reference 35KPM876401 on the 1: 50 000 map Sanyati Gorge 1628D4, Edition 2; thence proceeding generally westwards along the northern boundary of Matusadona National Park to a point on that full-supply level at map reference 35KPM784471 on the 1: 50 000 map Matusadona 1628D3, Edition 1; thence generally westwards and south-westwards along that full-supply level to a point at map reference 35KPM516399 on the 1: 50 000 map Bumi Hills 1628C4, Edition 2; thence direct to a point at map reference PM512389 on that map; thence generally southwards up the former course of the Ume River to that full-supply level; thence generally northwards, north-westwards and westwards along that full-supply level to a point on the Zambezi River at map reference 35KML657016 on the 1: 50 000 map Mapeta 1826B1/1726D3, Edition 2; thence northwards direct to a point at map reference ML658022 on that map and generally north-eastwards along the Zimbabwe-Zambia international boundary to the starting-point.This description excludes the following areas of land—(a)Sibilobilo Safari Area;(b)islands 160 to 165 (inclusive);(c)islands 187 to 190 (inclusive); and(d)an unnumbered island commonly known as “Rhino Island”.Map references quoted in this description are given to the nearest hundred metres.Kadoma district
Item 4: NgeziArea: 5 800 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn south-westwards direct from the south-eastern beacon of Mambo Ranch to beacon G (as shown on Diagram S.G. No. 374/57, filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Salisbury) and south-eastwards direct to the northernmost beacon of Lot 3 of Rhodesdale Estate; thence proceeding south-westwards along the north-western boundaries of Lot 3 of Rhodesdale Estate and Manyoni Estates of Rhodesdale Estate, so as to exclude them, to the north-eastern beacon of Silver Star Ranch and generally westwards along its northern boundaries, to as to exclude it, to the Ngezi River; thence down that river to the eastern boundary of Turf Estate and northwards and generally eastwards along its eastern boundary and the southern boundaries of Mambo Ranch, so as to exclude them, to the starting-point.Chegutu district
Item 5: UmfuliArea: 12 700 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from the intersection of the Umfuli River by the north-western boundary of Blackmore Vale A, generally south-westwards, westwards and northwards along the boundaries of the following properties, so as to exclude them: the north-western boundaries of Blackmore Vale A and Deweras Extension, the northern boundaries of Rhodesian Plantations, the south-eastern and north-eastern boundaries of Deytheur, the eastern boundary of Dawnways, the north-eastern boundaries of Last Chance, Constantia and Deep Waters and the eastern boundaries of Hartley 6 to the Umfuli River; thence proceeding up that river to the starting-point.Chegutu, Makonde and Harare districts
Item 6: Lake RobertsonArea: 11 200 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from the northernmost beacon of Lot 1 of Greenside Ranch, generally southwards along the eastern boundaries of the following properties, so as to include them: Lot 1 of Greenside Ranch, Lot 3 of Downend of Charfield A, Lot 1 of California of Eclipse Block, State land (formerly Lot 1 of Audley End of Eclipse Block and Lot 1 of Longwood of Tarnagulla of Eclipse Block) and Lot 1 of Tarnagulla of Eclipse Block to its south-eastern beacon, thence proceeding generally eastwards along the boundaries of the following properties, so as to exclude them: the western, southern and eastern boundaries of Diandra Estate A, the southern and south-eastern boundaries of Jonker Estate and the southern and eastern boundaries of Remainder of Jonker to its north-eastern beacon and generally eastwards along the western, northern and eastern boundaries of State land (formerly Lot 1 of Subdivision B of Jonker) and the northern boundaries of State land (formerly Lot 1 of Subdivision E of Jonker, Lot 1 of Subdivision A of Vergenoeg and Lot 1 of Subdivision B of Vergenoeg), so as to include them, to the Muzururu River; thence generally south-westwards and eastwards along the boundaries of the following properties, so as to exclude them: the northern boundaries of Remainder of Voorspoed, the western boundaries of Lot 2 of Subdivision E of Jonker, the north-western and southern boundaries of Wilbered, the north-western and south-western boundaries of Darwendale 5, the southern boundaries of Wilbered and the south-western boundaries of Aberdeen Estate to its southernmost beacon and generally south-eastwards along the boundaries of the following properties, so as to include them: the northern boundaries of Lot 1 of Subdivision A of Crebilly, the northern and eastern boundaries of Lot 1 of Crebilly, the northern boundaries of Lot 1 of Gowrie and the north-eastern boundaries of Lot 1 of Riverside E to its north-eastern beacon; thence eastwards direct to the westernmost beacon of Remainder of Lot 3 of Clearwater of Subdivision A of Riverside and generally eastwards along the boundaries of the following properties, so as to include them: the north-eastern boundaries of State land (formerly Lot 1 of Lot 3, Lot 1 of Lot 4 and Lot 1 of Lot 5 all of Clearwater of Subdivision A of Riverside), the northern boundary of Lot 6 of Clearwater of Subdivision A of Riverside, the western and northern boundaries of State land (formerly Lot 14 of Clearwater of Subdivision A of Riverside), the north-western boundary of Lot 1 of Lot 9 and the north-western and north-eastern boundaries of Lot 1 of Lot 10 all of Clearwater of Subdivision A of Riverside, the northern boundaries of Robertson 2 and State land (formerly Lot 1 of Lyndhurst) and the northern, eastern and southern boundaries of State land (formerly Lot 2 of Porta) to the middle of the Hunyani River; thence up the middle of that river to the eastern boundary of Robertson 1 and generally westwards along the boundaries of the following properties, so as to include them: the eastern and south-western boundaries of Robertson 1, the southern boundaries of State land (formerly Lot 1 of Galloway) and the southern and western boundaries of Lot 2 of Galloway to its northernmost beacon; thence northwards along the lines joining the high-flood permanent marks 100265, 110266, 100267, 100268, 100269 and 110270 to the southernmost beacon of Lot 1 of Stand 19 Norton Township and generally westwards along the boundaries of the following properties, so as to include them: the south-western boundary of Lot 1 of Stand 19 Norton Township, the southern boundaries of Lot 1 of Endeavour A, the southern boundaries of Remainder of Lot 1 of Endeavour B and the south-eastern and western boundaries of State land (formerly Lot 2 of Marshlands) to its northernmost beacon; thence northwards along the lines, joining the high-flood permanent marks 100288, 100289, 110290 and 100291 to the easternmost beacon of Remainder of Highfield and generally westwards along the boundaries of the following properties, so as to exclude them: the north-eastern boundaries of Remainder of Highfield, the northern and western boundaries of Swandale Estate, the north-eastern boundaries of Clifford Estate, the north-eastern boundaries of Remainder of John O Groat, the northern and western boundaries of Lot 2 of Cressydale, the north-western boundaries of Remainder of John O Groat and the north-eastern and western boundaries of Cressydale Estate to its south-western beacon; thence generally westwards along the eastern, southern and western boundaries of Lot 5 of Hunyani Estate No. 3 and the southern and western boundaries of Remainder of Lazy River, so as to include them, to the middle of the Hunyani River and up the middle of that river to the eastern boundary of Remainder of Roehampton of Hunyani Estate; thence generally north-eastwards along the boundaries of the following properties, so as to exclude them: the eastern boundaries of Remainder of Roehampton of Hunyani Estate, the western and southern boundaries of Remainder of Eclipse Block, the western, southern and eastern boundaries of Remainder of Entre Rios of Eclipse Block and the eastern boundaries of Remainder of Eclipse Block to its northernmost beacon and generally northwards along the boundaries of the following properties, so as to include them: the western boundaries of Lot 1 of Subdivision B of New Burnside, Lot 22 of New Burnside, Lot 1 of Subdivision D of Fishponds and Lot 1 of Greenside Ranch to the starting-point.This description excludes the area bordered red on plan 11357-H, filed in the office of the Ministry of Lands, Natural Resources and Rural Development, Salisbury.Insiza district
Item 7: Lake CunninghamArea: 4 172 hectaresThe area of land, comprising the surveyed properties Lot 1 of Lancaster, Lot 1 of Kildare, Lot 1 of Fairview Estate, Lot 1 of Chelo, Lot 1 of Reitfontein, Lot 1 of Bradford, Lot 1 of Hamilton, Lot 1 of Mayfair and Insiza Bridge Store Site of Fairview.This description excludes an area of land, approximately 359 hectares in extent, bordered red on plan LC (RP) 1/80, filed in the office of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Water Development, Salisbury.Makonde district
Item 8: Sinoia CavesArea: 120 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn south-eastwards from the westernmost beacon of Hillview along its south-western boundary to its-southernmost beacon; thence proceeding south-westwards along the north-western boundary of Olympus Estate to the point where it is intersected by the north-eastern boundary of the road reservation on the Karoi-Sinoia main road and north-westwards along that reservation to the north-western boundary of the former Lot 1 of Highlands; thence generally north-eastwards along the north-western and northern boundaries of the former Lot 1 of Highlands and the south-eastern boundary of the Remaining Extent of Highlands to the starting-point.Zaka district
Item 9: ManjirenjiArea: 3 400 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from the north-eastern beacon of Manjirenji 1A, generally south-westwards along its north-eastern, north-western and south-western boundaries and the north-western boundary of Ngwane Extension of Glendevon Estate, so as to exclude them, to beacon MD1 of Manjirenji Dam Reserve (as shown on plan CG2199 filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Salisbury); thence proceeding generally northwards, eastwards and southwards along a series of surveyed straight lines as shown on that plan to the starting-point.Zaka and Masvingo districts
Item 10: BangalaArea: 2 700 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a series of straight lines drawn generally south-eastwards from beacon M20 (as shown on plan RN34, filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Salisbury) through the following beaconed and unbeaconed points: DR23, R10, R9, R8, DR24, DR25, DR26, DR27, DR28, DR29, DR30, R6, R5, DR31, DR32, R4, R4A, R3, R2 and R1 to M1, as shown on that plan, and generally westwards along a series of straight lines through the following beaconed and unbeaconed points: ROCK, M2, M3, DR1, M4, DR2, M6, M6A, DR3, DR4, M6B, DR5, M7, DR6 and DR7 to DR8, as shown on that plan: thence proceeding generally north-eastwards along a series of straight lines through the following beaconed and unbeaconed points: DR9, M10, M11, DR10, M12, DR11, DR12, DR13, M15, M16, DRl4, DRl5, DR16, DR17, DR18, DR19, M17, M18B, M19, DR20, DR21 and DR22, as shown on that plan, to the starting-point.This description excludes the property Bangala 1 (as shown on Diagram S.G. No. 681/75 filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Salisbury).Kwekwe district
Item 11: SehakweArea: 2 600 hectaresThe area of land comprising the property Sehakwe Dam Reserve as shown on Diagram S.G. No. 8732/57, filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Bulawayo.This description excludes the following areas—(a)The Security Area as shown on plan 5116E, filed in the office of the Secretary for Water Development, Salisbury; and(b)The Sebakwe Acacia Karoo, Sebakwe Great Dyke and Sebakwe Mountain Acacia botanical reserves.Harare district
Item 12: Robert McIlwaineArea: 6 180 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn the northernmost beacon of Idaho north-eastwards along the south-eastern boundary of Knockmalloch; Estate of Austria to beacon EC471; thence proceeding along the south-eastern and eastern boundaries of Cumbrae, the south-western boundaries of Subdivision A of Knockmalloch Estate of Austria through beacon EC466 to beacon EC473 (situate on the southern boundary of Railway Strip 141 and Hunyani Siding Reserve); thence along the southern boundary of that railway strip to the middle of the Hunyani River and south-eastwards along the middle of that river to a point opposite the prolongation of the south-eastern boundary-of the Remainder of Cobre of Porta; thence north-eastwards along that prolongation and the south-eastern boundaries of the Remainder of Cobre of Porta, Musimu of Cobre of Porta and Kintyre to beacon BZ21; thence following a surveyed and beaconed line direct through beacons BZ20, BZ22 and BZ14 (situate on the Remainder of Sublime), BZ122, BZ123 and BZ15 (situate on the Remainder of United), BZ33, BZ32, BZ31, BZ30, BZ29, BZ28, BZ27, BZ26, BZ25 and BZ24 (situate on Warwick), BZ60, BZ61 and BZ62 (situate on the Remainder of Oatlands), BZ119, BZ63, BZ64, BZ65, BZ66 and BZ67 (situate on Glenroy), Abn, BZ68, BZ77, BZ76, BZ74 and BZ73 (situate on Poortside), BZ78, BZ79, BZ80, BZ81 and BZ82 (situate on the Remainder of Amalinda) to the middle of the Hunyani River along the prolongation of the lines between beacons BZ86 and BZ82 (situate on the Remainder of Amalinda); thence south-eastwards along the middle of the Hunyani River to a point opposite the prolongation of the western boundary of Cholo of Elladale; thence southwards along that prolongation to beacon BZ117; thence generally westwards along a surveyed and beaconed line direct through beacons BZ96, BZ97, BZ98 and BZ99 (situate on the Remainder of Elladale), BZ104, BZ105, BZ106, BZ1O7 and BZ1O8 (situate on Lot 1 of Subdivision A of Elladale), BZ110, BZ111, BZ112, BZ113, BZ114, BZ115 and BZ116 (situate on the Remainder of Carolina of Elladale); thence generally westwards along the northern and western boundaries of Carolina Extension, the northern boundaries of Cecil and Maine and the north-eastern boundary of Idaho, so as to exclude them, to the starting-point.Umzingwane district
Item 13: UmzingwaneArea: 1 233 hectaresThe area of land called Umzingwane Dam Reserve, as shown on Diagram S.G. No. 431/59, filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Bulawayo.Masvingo district
Item 14: KyleArea: 16 900 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn generally south-eastwards from the northernmost beacon of Remainder of Nestadale and along the southern boundaries of the following properties, so as to exclude them: Remainder of Nestadale, Remainder of Desmond Dale, Lot 2 of Nestadale, Remainder of Desmond Dale, Remainder of 13annockburn, Lot 2 of Bannockburn Extension, Remainder of Bannockburn Extension, Remainder of Mlinya, Remainder of Bompst, Barquest Extension and Lot 2 of Bompst, the north-eastern boundary of Lot 2 of Bompst, the eastern boundary of Barquest Extension and the north-eastern boundary of Barquest to its intersection by the Beza Range; thence proceeding north-eastwards along the crest of the Beza Range to the north-western beacon of Shamatera; thence north-eastwards and south-eastwards along the north-western and north-eastern boundaries of Shamatera, so as to include it, to the Mtilikwe River and down that river to the south-eastern boundary of Lot 1 of Subdivision B of Glenlivet and generally south-eastwards along the following properties, so as to exclude them: the south-eastern boundary of Lot 1 of Subdivision B of Glenlivet, the south-western and western boundaries of Remainder of Glenlivet, the western boundary of Lot 4 of Glenlivet and the north-western, south-western and south-eastern boundaries of Lot 2 of Glen Garry of Glenlivet; thence north-eastwards along the southern boundaries of Glengarry Township of Glen Garry of Glenlivet, Remainder of Glen Garry of Gleniivet and the south-western boundary of Cheveden to its intersection by the high flood-level of Lake Kyle; thence generally south-westwards along the high flood-level to beacon C (situated on its eastern shore-line); thence south-westwards for approximately 274 metres along the floating spillway boom to beacon B (situated on the western shore-line of Lake Kyle), and generally south-westwards along the high-flood level through the following beacons: URB2A, NRB2, URB3A, URB3, URB4A, URB4, URB5B, URB5A, URB5, URB6B, URB6A to URB7C (as will more fully appear on plan V-1620-E, filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Salisbury); thence north-eastwards for approximately 744 metres to a point intersected by the centre-line of the Mtilikwe River and down that river to its intersection by the northern boundary of Remainder of The Retreat; thence south-westwards along that boundary to the easternmost beacon of Subdivision A of The Retreat and generally westwards along the eastern and northern boundaries of the following properties, so as to exclude them: Subdivision A of The Retreat, Clifton of Le Rhone, Remainder of Oatlands, Remainder of Sikate, Remainder of Ivyland, Rebels Ridge Township of Ivyland, Lot 2 of Ivyland, Rebels Ridge Township of Ivyland, Remainder of Ivyland, Remainder of Dindingwe, Lot 2 of Bushmead, Bushmead Township of Bushmead, Lot 2 of Bushmead, Remainder of Bushmead and Remainder of Tilbury to its northernmost beacon; thence north-eastwards along the south-eastern boundary of Junction to the Shagashi River and up the Shagashi and Umpopoyani rivers to the south-western boundary of Remainder of Desmond Dale and eastwards along that boundary to the starting-point.This description excludes the following areas—(a)Hydro Island, situated approximately 1,609 kilometres west of the Kyle Dam wall (as will more fully appear on Topographical Map Lake Kyle Sheet No. TN9258, filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Salisbury); and(b)an area of land, approximately 29,4 hectares in extent, being the surveyed property Kyle 2 (as shown on Diagram No. S.G. 716/75, filed in the office of the Surveyor-General, Salisbury).The map reference quoted in this description is given to the nearest hundred metres.Total extent: 354 261 hectaresPart II – Recreational parks on Rhodes Estates
Matobo district
Item 1: Lake MatoposArea: 2 900 hectaresThe area of land bounded by a line drawn from the north-eastern beacon of the Remainder of Westacre Creek southwards along the eastern boundary of the Remainder of Westacre Creek to its intersection by a track at map reference 35KPH591462 on the 1: 50 000 map The World’s View 2028B3, Edition 2; thence proceeding generally south-eastwards along that track to its intersection by the southern boundary of the Remainder of Sauerdale Block at map reference PH620439 on that map; thence generally westwards along that southern boundary to its southernmost beacon;-thence generally southwards along the eastern boundary of Hazelside and the south-western boundary of Gulati Communal Land to its intersection by an unnamed stream at map reference PH615363 on that map; thence generally westwards down that stream to its confluence with the Mtsheleli River; thence generally southwards down that river to its confluence with an unnamed stream at map reference PH602356 on that map; thence generally westwards up that stream to a point at map reference PH595352 on that map; thence north-westwards direct to a point on the Matopos Circular Drive where it crosses an unnamed stream at map reference PH589356 on that map; thence generally northwards along that drive to its intersection by a road at map reference PH587406 on that map; thence generally south-westwards along that road to its intersection by the Matopos Circular Drive at map reference PH572399 on that map; thence westwards direct to an unnamed stream at map reference PH568398 on that map;-thence generally westwards down that stream to its intersection by the eastern boundary of the Remainder of Gladstone; thence north-westwards along the eastern boundary of the Remainder of Gladstone, so as to exclude it, to the southern beacon of Lot 1 of Hazelside; thence north-eastwards along the south-eastern boundary of that property and north-westwards along the north-eastern boundary of that property to the northern boundary of Hazelside; thence north-eastwards along that northern boundary to its intersection by the Bulawayo-Kezi Road; thence generally northwards along that road following the old road to its intersection by the Bulawayo-Matopos Research Station Road at map reference PH583459 on that map; thence westwards along that road to the eastern boundary of Rhodes Estate Preparatory School. as shown on plan BM54, filed in the offices of the Surveyor-General, Bulawayo; thence northwards along that boundary to the north-eastern beacon of Rhodes Estate Preparatory School; thence northwards direct to a point on a track at map reference PH578463 on that map; thence generally northwards along that track, so as to include it, to its intersection with a track at map reference PH573484 on that map; thence northwards along that track, so as to include it, to a point at map reference PH574488 on that map on the northern boundary of the remainder of Westacre Creek; thence south-eastwards along that boundary to the starting-point.Map references quoted in this description are given to the nearest 100 metres.Total extent: 2 900 hectaresSixth Schedule (Section 43)
Specially protected animals
Animals | Areas within which animal may be hunted without a section 37 permit |
Mammals - Mammalia | |
1. | Aardwolf — Proteles cristatus | Wankie district |
2. | Bat-eared Fox — Otocyon megalotis | |
3. | Cheetah — Acinonyx jubatus | |
4. | Gemsbok — Oryx gazella | |
5. | Lichtenstein's Hartebeest — Alcelaphus Lichtensteini | |
6. | Pangolin — Manis temmincki | |
7. | Rhinoceros -(a) Black — Diceros bicornis(b) Square-lipped — Ceratotherium simum | |
8. | Roan — Hippotragus equinus | |
Reptiles — Reptilia | |
1. | Python — Python sebae | |
Birds — Aves | |
1. | African Hawk Eagle — Hieraaetus spilogaster | |
2. | All the Bustards and Korhans — Family Otidae | |
3. | All the Cranes — Family Gruidae | |
4. | All the Flamingoes — Family Phoenicoteridae | |
5. | All the Pelicans — Family Pelecanidae | |
6. | All the Storks — Family Ciconiidae | |
7. | All the Vultures — Family Aegypiidae | |
8. | Ayres’ Hawk Eagle —Hieraaetus dubius | |
9. | Bateleur—Terathopius ecaudatus | |
10. | Black Eagle—Aquila verreauxi | |
11. | Black-breasted Snake-Eagle—Circaetus pectoralis | |
12. | Black Sparrowhawk—Accipiter melanoleucus | |
13. | Brown Snake-Eagle—Circaetus cinereus | |
14. | Crowned Eagle—Stephanoaetus coronatus | |
15. | Fish Eagle—Haliaeetus vocifer | |
16. | Hamerkop—Scopus umbretter | |
17. | Lanner Falcon—Falco biarmicus | |
18. | Long-crested Eagle—Lophaetus occipitalis | |
19. | |