This is the version of this Act as it was from 14 March 2018 to 19 February 2019. Read the latest available version.
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- Is amended by Finance Act, 2019
Parliamentary Pensions Act
Chapter 2:02
- Commenced on 23 June 1989
- [This is the version of this document as it was at 14 March 2018 to 19 February 2019.]
- [Note: This version of the Act was revised and consolidated by the Law Development Commission of Zimbabwe]
Part I – Preliminary
1. Short title
This Act may be cited as the Parliamentary Pensions Act [Chapter 2:02].2. Interpretation
Part II – Contributors and contributions
3. Contributors
4. Rate of contributions
A contributor shall contribute at the rate of five per centum per annum of the salary payable to him in terms of the Parliamentary Salaries, Allowances and Benefits Act [Chapter 2:03], excluding any allowances or benefits payable or granted in terms of that Act.5. Arrear contributions
6. Qualifying service
Part III – Pensions and benefits
7. Entitlement to pension
Subject to this Act, a person who has served as a member of Parliament for the duration of two Parliaments shall be entitled to a pension with effect from the date on which he or she ceases to be a member of Parliament:Provided that a person who has served as a member of Parliament for one term shall be entitled to gratuity.[section substituted by Act 1 of 2018]8. Calculation of pension
8A. Pensions payable to former Speakers, Deputy Speakers, Presidents of Senate and Deputy Presidents of Senate and surviving spouses
8B. Gratuity payable to former Prime Minister
A person who served as a Prime Minister shall be entitled to a once off lump sum gratuity.[section inserted by Act 1 of 2018]9. Refund of contributions
If a person ceases to be a contributor before he has served as a member of Parliament for the duration of two Parliaments, the amount contributed by him, together with compound interest thereon at the rate of five per centum per annum, calculated in such manner as the Minister responsible for finance may determine, shall be repaid to him or, if he has died and—10. Ill-health pensions for former contributors
11. Pensions for surviving spouses or children
12. Benefits for widows and children of polygamous marriages and children of former marriages
Part IV – General
13. Minister may extend periods
14. Commutation of pension
15. Prohibition of pledge or cession of pension or other benefit
Subject to the Maintenance Act [Chapter 5:09] and Part VI of the Children’s Act [Chapter 5:06], no pension or other benefit payable under this Act or right to a pension or other such benefit shall be capable of being assigned or transferred or otherwise ceded or of being pledged or hypothecated, nor shall it or any contributions paid by a contributor be liable to be attached or subjected to any form of execution under a judgment or order of a court and, in the event of the beneficiary attempting to assign, transfer or otherwise cede or pledge or hypothecate a pension or other such benefit or right to a pension or other such benefit, payment of the pension or other such benefit may be withdrawn, suspended or entirely discontinued if the President so determines:Provided that the President may direct the payment of the pension or part thereof to any one or more of the dependants of the beneficiary during such period as he may specify.[subsection as amended by section 34 of Act 6 of 2005]16. Insolvency of person receiving pension
If the estate of any person who is in receipt of a pension under this Act is sequestrated or assigned the pension shall not form part of the assets in his insolvent or assigned estate.17. Proof of age, marriage and date of death
18. Benefits to be paid from Consolidated Revenue Fund
Any pension, commutation of pension or refund of contributions payable in terms of this Act shall be paid from the Consolidated Revenue Fund, which is hereby appropriated to the purpose.19. Date pension becomes payable
Subject to this Act, a pension payable—20. Suspension and recalculation of pension
21. Accrual of benefits
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act but subject to section nineteen, a person who ceases to be a contributor on the dissolution of Parliament shall not be entitled to claim a refund of contributions or a pension under this Act until after the date fixed in terms of section 143 of the Constitution for the first meeting of Parliament after the general election.[subsection amended by Act 3 of 2016]22. Commencement of qualifying service
23. Special provisions for Attorney-General
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act—24. Special provisions where contributor is elected President
24A. Special provisions where contributor becomes Vice-President
25. Savings
History of this document
20 February 2019
Amended by
Finance Act, 2019
Read this version
14 March 2018 this version
23 June 1989