Co-operative Societies Act
Chapter 24:05
- Published in Government Gazette
- Commenced on 15 July 1990
- [This is the version of this document at 31 December 2016 and includes any amendments published up to 31 December 2017.]
- [Note: This version of the Act was revised and consolidated by the Law Development Commission of Zimbabwe]
Part I – Preliminary
1. Short title
This Act may be cited as the Co-operative Societies Act [Chapter 24:05]2. Interpretation
In this Act—"allowance", in relation to a collective society, means any payment made to a member of the society in terms of its by-laws for work done for the society;"annual general meeting" means a general meeting held in terms of section forty-eight;"apex organization" means a society formed by primary or secondary societies or by both primary and secondary societies to carry out the functions specified in section nine;"by-laws" means the registered or provisionally registered by-laws of a society;"Central Fund" means the Central Co-operative Fund established by section ninety-one;"Central Fund Committee" means the committee appointed in terms of subsection (1) of section ninety-two;"certificate of provisional registration" means a certificate issued in terms of subparagraph (i) of paragraph (b) of subsection (2) of section sixteen;"certificate of registration" means a certificate issued in terms of subparagraph (i) of paragraph (b) of section (2) of section seventeen;"chairman" means the chairman of a registered society elected in terms of section forty-seven or fifty-four;"collective society" means a society—(a)all of whose members work for the society; and(b)in which the means of production are jointly owned by its members;"co-operative officer" means a co-operative officer referred to in section five;"dividend" means a share of the net surplus of a society paid to the members in proportion to the shares held by them;"employee" includes any person, other than a member of the society, who receives any form of remuneration from a society;"Federation" means the National Co-operative Federation formed in terms of section eighty-nine;"formation committee" means a committee formed in terms of subsection (1) of section twelve;"general meeting" means a meeting of members of a registered society referred to in section forty-five or a meeting of delegates referred to in section forty-six, and includes a first general meeting, an annual general meeting or a special general meeting;"honorarium" means a payment to a member of a registered society made in accordance with a resolution of a general meeting of the society in consideration for services by the member which would not otherwise be remunerated;"liquidator" means a person appointed in terms of section one hundred and three to wind up a registered society;"management committee" means the governing body of a registered society constituted in terms of subsection (1) of section fifty-four;"manager" means a person who has been appointed to be the manager of a registered society in terms of paragraph (a) of subsection (4) of section fifty-seven or who holds office as manager in terms of subsection (7) of section fifty-seven;"member" means any person who has been admitted to the membership of a registered society in accordance with the by-laws thereof and who is not disqualified from membership by section thirty-eight;"Minister" means the Minister of National Affairs, Employment Creation and Co-operatives or any other Minister to whom the President may, from time to time, assign the administration of this Act;"net surplus" means the portion of a society’s surplus remaining after contributions have been made to the society’s reserve fund and the Central Fund and any other funds provided for in the society’s by-laws;"officer", in relation to a society, means—(a)the chairman, secretary, treasurer or manager of the society; or(b)a member of the management committee or any supervisory committee of the society; or(c)any other person empowered in terms of the by-laws of the society or this Act to give directions in regard to the business of the society;"patronage bonus" means a portion of the surplus of a society divided amongst its members in proportion to the amount of business they have done with the society;"primary society" means a society all of whose members are natural persons which operates in accordance with the co-operative principles set out in section seven;"provisionally registered", in relation to a society or by-laws, means provisionally registered in terms of section sixteen;"Register" means the Register of Co-operative Societies kept in terms of section ten;"registered", in relation to a society or by-laws, means registered in terms of section seventeen;"Registrar" means the Registrar of Co-operative Societies referred to in section four or any other person who performs any function of the Registrar that has been delegated or assigned to him in terms of section one hundred and twenty-one;"secondary society" means a society formed by primary societies which operates in accordance with the cooperative principles set out in section seven;"secretary" means the secretary of a registered society elected in terms of succession forty-seven or fifty-four;"society" means a primary society, a secondary society or an apex organization;"special general meeting" means a general meeting held in terms of section forty-nine;"supervisory committee" means a committee elected in terms of section sixty-five;"surplus" means an excess of income over the expenditure of a society at the end of a financial year, as reflected in its audited financial statement;"treasurer" means the treasurer of a registered society elected in terms of section forty-seven or fifty-four;"winding-up order" means an order for the winding up of a registered society issued in terms of subsection (6) of section sixteen or subsection (1) of section one hundred and two.Part II – Functions of Minister and other officers
3. Functions of Minister and other officers
In performing the functions conferred upon them by this Act, the Minister, the Registrar and other officers shall have regard to the need to attain the following objects—Part III – Registrar and co-operative officers
4. Registrar and assistant registrars of co-operative societies
There shall be—5. Co-operative officers
Part IV – Structure of co-operative movement and co-operative principles and objectives
6. Structure of co-operative movement
The co-operative movement in Zimbabwe shall consists of—7. Co-operative principles
Every registered society shall operate in accordance with the following principles—8. Objects of societies
Every society shall in its operations have regard to the need to attain the following objects—9. Objects and functions of apex organizations
Every apex organization shall have any or all of the following objects and functions—Part V – Formation and registration of societies
10. Register of co-operative societies
11. Societies which may be registered
Subject to this Act, any society which has as its object the promotion of the economic interests of its members or other societies in accordance with co-operative principles may be registered under this Act with limited ability as—12. Formation committees and their functions
13. Requirements for registration
14. Applications for registration
15. Preliminary meeting of society
Where the Registrar is satisfied that a society complies with the requirements for registration in terms of section thirteen, he may require the society to convene a preliminary meeting of members of the society for the purpose of—16. Provisional registration of societies
17. Registration of societies
18. Rejection of applications for registration
19. Register and certificates to be proof of registration, etc.
20. Offences in connection with registration and provisional registration
Part VI – Nature, functions and privileges of registered societies
21. Registered societies to be bodies corporate
Every society shall on registration be a body corporate with perpetual succession and, in the name under which it is registered, be capable of holding property, entering into contracts, of suing or being sued and, subject to this Act, of performing all other acts that bodies corporate may by law perform.22. Limited liability of members
Subject to this Act, the present or past members of a registered society shall not by reason of their membership be liable for the debts or obligations of the society beyond the amount, if any, unpaid on the shares held by them.23. By-laws of registered societies
24. Amendment of by-laws of registered societies
25. Register of members and shares
Every registered society shall establish and keep up to date at its registered address a register showing, in relation to each member—26. Third parties not deemed to have notice of by-laws, documents etc. of registered societies
No person shall be deemed to have notice or knowledge of the contents of a registered society’s by-laws or any other document by reason only that the document has been registered or is available for inspection at the society’s registered address.27. Addresses of registered societies
28. Copy of act, regulations, by-laws and registers to be open to inspection
Every registered society shall ensure that—29. Disposal of produce to or through registered societies
30. Creation of securities in favour of registered societies
Subject to any prior rights in respect of the property of the debtor by way of pledge, mortgage, lien or other form of security and, in the case of immovable property, to any prior registered mortgage bond thereof, any debt payable to a registered society by any member, past member or deceased member shall be a first charge on all produce of labour and things used in connection with production raised, purchased or produced in whole or in part from any loan, whether in money or in goods, given to him by the society:Provided that nothing in this section shall affect the claim of any bona fide purchaser or transferee without notice.31. Charge and set-off in respect of shares of members
A registered society shall have a lien over the shares and deposits of a member, past member or deceased member and over any dividend, patronage bonus or surplus payable to a member, past member or to the estate of a deceased member in respect of any debt to the society owed by such member, past member or estate, and the society may set off any sum credited or payable to a member, past member or estate of a deceased member in or toward payment of any such debt.32. Imposition of fines
33. Acts of registered societies not to be invalid through certain defects
No decision or act of the management committee or other officer of a registered society shall be invalid only because—34. Accounts of registered societies
Every registered society shall ensure that its accounts and other records relating thereto are kept to the satisfaction of the Registrar and in accordance with generally accepted accounting practice and subject to such directions as the Registrar may give the society from time to time to ensure that the accounts and records give a true and fair view of the state of the financial affairs of the society.35. Audit of accounts of registered societies
36. Annual reports, accounts and financial statements of registered societies
Part VII – Membership of registered societies
37. Membership of registered societies
38. Qualifications for membership of registered societies
39. Restriction on memberships in more than one registered society
Except with the consent of the Registrar, no person shall be a member of more than one registered society having the same objects.40. Members not to exercise rights until due payment is made
No member of a registered society shall exercise any rights as a member unless he has made such payment to the society in respect of membership or has acquired such interest in the society as may be prescribed in terms of this Act or the by-laws of the society.41. Restriction on holding of share capital in primary societies
No member of a primary society shall hold more than one-fifth of the share capital of the society.42. Right of member to withdraw from registered society
A member may withdraw from a registered society complying with such conditions and notice as may be prescribed in its by-laws:Provided that such notice shall not exceed—43. Suspension or expulsion of member
44. Liability of past member and estate of deceased member for debts of registered society
Part VIII – Organization and management of registered societies
45. General meetings
46. Meetings of delegates
47. First general meeting
48. Annual general meetings
Every registered society shall hold an annual general meeting to be convened by the management committee and to be held not later than six months after the end of each financial year:Provided that—(i)in the first year after the registration of a society, the society’s first general meeting held in terms of section forty-seven shall be deemed to be the annual general meeting for that year;(ii)where a society does not hold its annual general meeting within six months after the end of its financial year, the society’s management committee shall report this fact to the Registrar and give reasons why the meeting was not held.49. Special general meetings
50. Quorum at general meetings
51. Voting rights of members at general meetings
52. Voting at general meetings
53. Minutes of general meetings
54. Management committees
55. Qualifications for membership of management committees
No person shall be elected or co-opted as a member of a management committee, and no person shall be qualified to hold office as a member of a management committee, who—56. Term of office of members of management committees
57. Functions of management committees
58. Proceedings of management committees
59. Liability of members of management committees
60. Prohibitions and restrictions on remuneration of members of management committees
61. Duties of chairman and vice-chairman
62. Duties of secretary
63. Duties of treasurer
64. Duties of manager
65. Supervisory committees and their functions
66. Composition of supervisory committees
67. Election of chairman and secretary of supervisory committee
68. Meetings and procedure of supervisory committees
69. Registrar may attend meetings of supervisory committees
The Registrar may attend any meeting of a supervisory committee of a registered society.70. Allowances for members of supervisory committees
Section sixty shall apply, with the necessary modifications, in relation to the making of profits and the receiving of salaries, honoraria and allowances by members of supervisory committees.71. Departures from provisions of this part
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Part, the Registrar may, by notice in writing to the society concerned, authorize or condone any departure by a registered society from any provision of this Part, if the Registrar is satisfied that the departure will not prejudice or has not prejudiced, as the case may be, any member or creditor of the society or the proper functioning of the society.Part IX – Shares and debentures of registered societies
72. Nature of shares
73. Restrictions on transfer of shares
74. Transfer of shares and interests on death of member
75. Issue of share certificates
76. Share certificates to be evidence of title
A document purporting to be a certificate issued in terms of section seventy-five and purporting to be signed by any two or more officers of a registered society shall be prima facie evidence of the title of the person named in the document to hold a share in the registered society of the nature and to the value stated in the document.77. Shares not liable to attachment or forced sale
78. Issue of debentures
79. Register of pledges, bonds and debenture-holders
Every registered society shall establish and keep up to date at its registered address a register of—Part X – Property and funds of registered societies
80. Restriction on disposal of property by registered societies
81. Funds of registered societies
The funds of a registered society shall consist of—82. Loans and credit granted by registered societies
A registered society shall not grant a loan or allow credit to—83. Loans and deposits received by registered societies
84. Investment of funds by registered societies
A registered society may invest or deposit its funds—85. Reserve funds
86. Pension and provident funds
87. Distribution of net surplus
88. Bonus shares
Part XI – National Co-operative Federation
89. Formation of Federation
90. Functions of Federation
Part XII – Central Co-operative Fund
91. Establishment and objects of Central Fund
92. Central Fund Committee
93. Contributions to Central Fund
94. Accounts and audit of Central Fund
95. Financial year of Central Fund
The financial year of the Central Fund shall be the period of twelve months ending on the 30th June in each year or on such other date as may be prescribed.96. Disbursements from Central Fund
The Central Fund Committee may authorize payments from the Central Fund for costs involved in the promotion of the objects of the Central Fund and to meet any reasonable and necessary expenses arising from the maintenance of the Central Fund.97. Holding of Central Fund
Part XIII – Amalgamations, transfers and divisions
98. Amalgamation of registered societies
99. Transfer of assets and liabilities of registered society
100. Division of registered society
Part XIV – Dissolution of registered societies
101. Restriction on dissolution of registered societies
No registered society shall be wound up or dissolved except by order of the Registrar in terms of this Act.102. Winding-up orders
103. Appointment of liquidator
104. Functions of liquidator
105. Powers of registrar on winding up
A liquidator shall exercise his powers subject to the directions of the Registrar, who may do all or any of the following—106. Remuneration of liquidator
107. Appeals against decisions or orders of liquidator or registrar
108. Closure of winding-up proceedings
109. Co-operative societies liquidation account
110. Cancellation of registration of society
111. Offences consequent upon winding up
Part XV – Inspections, inquiries and audits by registrar
112. Inspections by Registrar
The Registrar may at any time—113. Inquiries and audits by Registrar
114. Powers of registrar in relation to inspection, inquiry or audit
Part XVI – Resolution of disputes and appeals
115. Settlement of disputes
116. Appeals to Administrative Court
Part XVII – General
117. Special provisions for collective societies
118. Proof of entries in registers, books, etc.
119. Additional powers of registrar
In addition to any powers conferred upon him by this Act, the Registrar may at any time—120. Administration of affairs of society by registrar
121. Delegation, assignment and assumption of powers
122. Prohibition of use of word "co-operative"
123. Offences and penalty
Any person who—124. Regulations
History of this document
31 December 2016 this version
15 July 1990
Cited documents 0
Documents citing this one 2
Gazette 2
1. | Zimbabwe Government Gazette dated 1990-12-14 number 81 | |
2. | Zimbabwe Government Gazette dated 1992-02-28 number 14 |