Schedules (Sections 2 and 29)
Statues of the University
1. Appointment of Pro-Vice-Chancellors
(1)For the purpose of considering appointments to the office of Pro-Vice-Chancellor, there shall be a joint committee of the Council and the Senate consisting of—(a)the chairman of the Council, who shall be chairman of the joint committee; and(b)the vice-chairman of the Council; and(c)the Vice-Chancellor; and(d)two persons appointed by the Council from among its members who are not members of the Senate; and(e)three persons appointed by the Senate from among its members.(2)The joint committee constituted by this Statute shall consider each applicant for appointment to a vacancy in the office of Pro-Vice-Chancellor and shall make recommendations thereon to the Council, and the Council, after considering the joint committee’s recommendation, shall make the appointment concerned with the approval of the Minister.(3)A Pro-Vice-Chancellor shall hold office for three years from the date of his appointment and, subject to subsection (2) and the approval of the Minister, shall be eligible for re-appointment.2. Length of appointment of members of Council
(1)Members of the Council, other than ex officio members, shall hold office for three years, and shall be eligible for re-appointment or re-election, as the case may be:Provided that—(i)of the first eight members appointed by the Minister, three shall be appointed for a period ending one year after the date of commencement of the Act and a further three shall be appointed for a period ending two years after the date of commencement of the Act;(ii)of the first five members appointed by the Senate, two shall be appointed for a period ending one year after the date of commencement of the Act and a further two shall be appointed for a period ending two years after the date of commencement of the Act.(2)Any member of Council, other than an ex officio member, may resign his membership at any time by notice in writing addressed to the Registrar.3. Vacancies in Council
Any vacancy occurring among the appointed or elected members of the Council shall be filled within three months by the person or body which appointed or elected the member whose place has become vacant, and the person so appointed or elected shall hold office for the remainder of the period for which the person whose place he fills was appointed or elected.4. Meeting and quorum of Council
(1)The Council shall meet at least three times a year.(2)The quorum of the Council shall be one-half of the members holding office at the time of the meeting.5. Resolutions by circulation among members of Council
A resolution proposed by the Executive Committee of the Council, other than for the purpose of making a Statute, which is on its authority circulated or communicated by the Registrar to all members of the Council and which receives the written agreement of not less than two-thirds of such members shall have the same effect as a resolution passed at a meeting of the Council.5A. Chairman and Vice-Chairman of Council
(1)The Council shall elect from among its members a Chairman and a Vice-Chairman, each to hold office for a period not exceeding three years, and each of whom shall be eligible for re-election.(2)If both the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman are absent from a meeting of the Council the members present shall appoint from among themselves a chairman for the purpose of that meeting.(3)If both the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman are at the same time unable to carry out their duties the Council may elect one of its members to perform such duties during such time.6. Meetings and quorum of Senate
(1)The Senate shall meet at least four times a year.(2)The quorum of the Senate shall be one-half of the members holding office at the time of the meeting.(3)The Vice-Chancellor or, in his absence, a Pro-Vice-Chancellor, shall chair the Senate meeting.7. Convocation
There shall be no quorum for meetings of the Convocation, the proceedings of which shall be regulated by the chairman subject to any general or special direction of the Council.8. Faculties
The University shall include such Faculties as may from time to time be established by the Council.9. Deans
(1)There shall be a Dean for each Faculty, who shall be appointed by a selection board appointed by the Council and chaired by the Vice-Chancellor, or in his absence, by a Pro-Vice-Chancellor.(2)A Dean shall hold office for four years and, on the expiry of his term of office, shall be eligible for re-appointment.9A. Functions of Deans
(1)A Dean shall be responsible to the Vice-Chancellor and Pro-Vice-Chancellors for—(a)the character and quality of his Faculty’s academic programmes and teaching; and(b)the proper direction, control and management of the staff, students, property, equipment and finances of his Faculty; and(c)contributing to the evolution and maintenance of an environment conducive to learning at the University.(2)Without limiting subsection (1), a Dean’s functions include—(a)the planning and control of his Faculty’s budget; and(b)implementing the policies and objectives of the University and his Faculty; and(c)developing and maintaining relations with alumni of his Faculty and with other organisations and persons, with a view to enriching the academic programmes offered by his Faculty; and(d)soliciting funds and other assistance to support programmes and projects of his Faculty; and(e)co-operating with other Faculties, agencies and entities to further the programmes and projects of his Faculty; and(f)performing such other functions as may be prescribed by Ordinance.9B. Evaluation of performance of Dean
The performance of every Dean shall be evaluated annually by a committee appointed by the Vice-Chancellor and consisting of senior academic staff and administrators.9C. Termination of appointment of Dean
(1)A Dean may resign his office as such by giving the Vice-Chancellor three months’ written notice or such longer or shorter notice as he and the Vice-Chancellor may agree upon.(2)Subject to the approval of the Council, the Vice-Chancellor may terminate the appointment of a person as Dean—(a)on the recommendation of a committee referred to in section nine B; or(3)A Dean whose appointment as such has been terminated in terms of subsection (2) may appeal to the Council within fourteen days of being notified of the termination, and on any such appeal the Council may confirm, vary or rescind the termination, as the case may be, or give such other direction in the matter as it thinks appropriate.10. Composition of Faculty Boards
For each Faculty there shall be a Faculty Board which shall consist of—(a)all the full-time academic staff of the Faculty; and(b)such persons as may be assigned to the Faculty Board by the Senate; and(c)two students elected annually by the students in the Faculty.11. Functions of Faculty Boards
A Faculty Board shall have the following functions—(a)to regulate and design, subject to the approval of the Senate and the Dean of the Faculty, the teaching and study of the subjects assigned to the Faculty;(b)through the Dean of the Faculty, to report to the Senate on any matter specifically relating to the work of the Faculty;(c)to deal with any matter referred or delegated to it by the Senate;(d)to appoint committees, which may include a minority of persons who are members of the Faculty Board, to carry out any of the duties or exercise any of the powers of the Board.12. Meetings of Faculty Boards
(1)The Dean of each Faculty shall call regular meetings of the Faculty Board at which matters relating to the policy of the Faculty and appointments shall be discussed and recommendations adopted for submission to the appropriate authorities on appointments.(2)The Vice-Chancellor and every Pro-Vice-Chancellor shall be entitled to attend any meeting of a Faculty Board or any committee thereof.13. Distance and Open Teaching Departments
(1)The Teaching Departments and their allocation to Faculties shall be prescribed by ordinances.(2)A Chairman of Department shall be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor, on behalf of the Council, from among the full-time members of the academic staff of the Department, after consultation with each member of the academic staff in the Department and the Dean of the Faculty to which the Department is allocated.(3)A Chairman of Department shall hold office for a period of three years, or such other period as may be determined by ordinance, and shall be eligible for re-appointment once only for a further period of three years.(4)A Department may be allocated to two or more Faculties.14. Institutes and Centres
(1)The Council, after consultation with the Senate, may establish Institutes, Regional and District centres and study centres of the University and shall appoint the head of any such Institute or centre and give directions as to its functions, studies, research and administration.(2)There shall be a board appointed by the Council to manage the affairs of each Institute and centre referred to in subsection (1).(3)The procedure of any board referred to in subsection (2) shall be as prescribed by ordinance.15. Appointment of Registrar, Bursar, Librarian and Information Technologist
(1)For the purpose of considering appointments to the offices of Registrar, Bursar, Librarian and Information Technologist there shall be a joint committee of the Council and the Senate consisting of—(a)the chairman of the Council, who shall be the chairman of the joint committee; and(b)the vice-chairman of the Council; and(c)the Vice-Chancellor; and(d)every Pro-Vice-Chancellor; and(e)two persons appointed by the Council from among its members who are not members of the Senate; and(f)three persons appointed by the Senate from among its members.(2)The joint committee constituted by this Statute shall consider each applicant to a vacancy in the office of Registrar, Bursar, Librarian or Information Technologist and shall make recommendations thereon to the Council.16. Procedure generally
(1)Except as otherwise specifically provided by the Act or these Statutes, in the absence of the chairman or vice-chairman at a meeting of a board or committee the members present shall elect from those present a chairman to preside over that meeting.(2)Except as otherwise specifically provided by the Act or these Statutes, the quorum at any meeting of a board or committee shall be as fixed by the person or authority that appointed the board or committee.(3)Except as otherwise specifically provided by the Act or these Statutes, each board or committee shall determine and may make rules for the time, place and procedure of its meetings.(4)The minutes of a meeting of a board or committee shall be laid on the table at the next following meeting of the body that appointed it.(5)At a meeting of a board or committee, in the event of an equality of votes on any matter, the person presiding shall have a casting vote in addition to his original vote.(6)Subsections (3), (4) and (5) shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to the Council and Senate, save that minutes of the Council meetings shall be sent to the Chancellor and the Minister and a report of each meeting of the Senate shall be laid on the table at the next meeting of the Council.17. Financial procedures
(1)The Council shall fix the financial year of the University.(2)The Finance Committee shall submit to the Council, before the beginning of the financial year, draft estimates of income and expenditure, and such estimates, amended as the Council thinks fit, shall be approved by the Council before the beginning of the financial year.(3)The Council may revise the estimates during the course of the financial year and give directions for the manner in which amendments of expenditure estimates may be made, which directions may make provision for delegating the powers of revision so long as such delegation does not extend to altering the total estimated expenditure.(4)As soon as practicable after the end of the financial year, a balance sheet and income and expenditure account with supporting schedules shall be submitted to the auditors.(5)The audited accounts, with any comments thereon made by the auditors, shall be submitted to the Council.18. Auditors
(1)Subject to subsection (2) and (3), the Council shall, before the beginning of each financial year, appoint auditors who are registered as public auditors in terms of the Public Accountants and Auditors Act .(2)No person shall be appointed as an auditor in terms of subsection (1) if he, or any of his partners or employees, hold any other office in the University.(3)If no appointment of new auditors is made before the beginning of any financial year, the auditors in office shall continue in office.(4)An auditor appointed in terms of subsection (1) shall be entitled at all reasonable times to require any officer, employee or agent of the University—(a)to produce all accounts and other records relating to the financial affairs of the University as may be in the custody of such officer, employee or agent; and(b)to provide such information or explanation as, in the opinion of the auditor, is necessary for the purposes of the audit.19. University seal
(1)There shall be a seal of the University, of such design as may be approved by the Council.(2)The seal of the University shall be kept in the custody of the Registrar and, subject to the directions of the Council, shall be affixed to—(a)certificates, degrees and diplomas conferred by the University; and(b)any document attested by the signature of the Vice-Chancellor and the Registrar.20. Ordinances
(1)The Council may, with the approval of the Minister, make ordinances providing for any matter referred to in paragraphs (a) to (p) of subsection (3) of section 29 of the Act.(2)The Registrar shall publish any ordinance made in terms of subsection (1) in such manner which the Council considers will best make the ordinance known to the persons to whom it applies.21. Arrangements with other universities, affiliated bodies, etc.
(1)The Council may make arrangements for membership or affiliation with other organisations with similar objectives and interests.(2)The Council may make arrangements with any other university whereby students of the University may be registered as students of such other university and so enabled to study for, enter the examinations of and be afforded the degrees of such other university.(3)The Council may affiliate to the University any other institution or any branch or department of any other institution, and may—(a)recognise selected members of the staff of any affiliated institution, branch or department as teachers of the University; and(b)admit the members of any affiliated institution, branch or department to any of the privileges of the University; and(c)accept attendance at courses of study in any affiliated institution, branch or department in place of attendance at courses of study at the University;on such terms and conditions and subject to such rules as the Council may determine from time to time.(4)The Council may make arrangements with any other university or institutions in regard to development of course materials and use of other facilities.