Schedule (Section 9)
Powers of officers
1.To construct, control, establish, maintain and supervise water works.2.To do the acts referred to in paragraph 1 at the request of any person on-(a)such conditions as may be prescribed; and(b)payment of such charges as may be agreed on between the Secretary and the person.3.To make estimates, investigations, plans and surveys for water works or hydro-electric power works and to record information obtained by means of such investigations and surveys.4.To examine and advise on any scheme for the alteration, establishment, maintenance or repair of water works submitted by irrigation companies involved in combined water schemes, local authorities, owners, lessees or occupiers of land, catchment councils or other persons on payment of such fees as may be fixed by the Minister in consultation with the National Water Authority.5.To inspect the courses of public streams and water works and, subject to the approval of the Minister, to order any person to do such acts and execute such repairs with respect to water works as the officer concerned may consider necessary in the public interest.6.To obtain and record information concerning the extent of land under irrigation in Zimbabwe, the quantity of water used for irrigation and the amount, nature and value of crops obtained through irrigation.7.To establish and maintain hydrological stations and record the observations made at the stations.8.Generally to obtain and record information and statistics relating to the hydrological conditions of Zimbabwe in respect of both surface and ground water.9.To abstract from any public stream water required for the construction of water works.10.To sink boreholes and wells and obtain and conserve supplies of ground water—(a)on State land or Communal Land; or(b)at the request of any person under such conditions and on the payment of such fees as may be fixed by the Minister in consultation with the National Water Authority.11.While engaged in the construction or repair of any water works—(a)to erect huts, tents or other temporary buildings; and(b)to park vehicles and any vehicles used by the officer concerned in such construction or repair; and(c)to store any equipment, machinery or supplies to be used by him in connection with such construction or repairs;on any site convenient to him:Provided that—(i)the officer concerned shall cause as little damage as possible to the site or premises;(ii)before the exercise of any power conferred by this paragraph, the person in charge of the construction or repair shall give reasonable notice to the owner, lessee or occupier of any land which will be affected by the intended exercise of the power;(iii)no hut, tent or other temporary buildings shall be erected within three hundred metres of any premises;(iv)if the owner, lessee or occupier referred to in proviso (ii) objects to any site chosen for the erection, parking or storage referred to in subparagraph (a), (b) or (c), the objection shall be referred to the Administrative Court, which may make such order thereon as it thinks fit;