Education, Innovation, Research and Development Centre Act, 2021
Chapter 25:34
- Published on 3 September 2021
- Commenced on 3 September 2021
- [This is the version of this document from 3 September 2021.]
Part I – Preliminary
1. Short title
This Act may be cited as the Education, Innovation, Research and Development Centre Act [Chapter 25:34].2. Interpretation
In this Act—"Centre" means the Centre for Education, Innovation, Research and Development;"Chief Director" means the Chief Director in the Ministry Responsible for Centre who shall be the liaison person of Centre for Education, Innovation, Research and Development Council and Government;"Eminent Scientist" means a scientist who is a holder of at least master’s degree with a minimum of 21 relevant publications;"Chief Scientist" means the Chief Scientist of Centre appointed in terms of section 8;"Council" means the Centre Council constituted in terms of section 7;"Fund" means the Centre Fund established by section 13;"institute" means the institute referred to in section 9;"member" means a member of the Council;"Minister" means Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education, Innovation, Science and Technology Development or any other Minister to whom the President may, from time to time, assign the administration of this Act;"Principal Scientist" means the Principal Scientist referred to in section 10.3. Object of Act
The object of the Act is to undertake research and innovation through fostering High-Quality Education, Innovation, Research and Development in strategically important sectors that have impact on the economy and society of Zimbabwe by harnessing a renowned pull of talent in the public (Government, Universities and Research Institutes) and private industry.4. Scope of application
This Act shall apply to the public and private industry and all institutions of higher and tertiary education in Zimbabwe which include the following—Part II – Centre for Education, Innovation, Research and Development
5. Establishment of Centre
There is hereby established an institution to be known as Centre for Education, Innovation, Research and Development, which shall be a body corporate capable of suing and being sued in its own name and of performing all acts that bodies corporate may by law perform.6. Functions and powers of Centre
7. Constitution of Council
8. Appointment and duties of Chief Scientist
9. Provincial Institutes
10. Principal Scientist
11. Execution of contracts and instruments of Centre
An agreement, contract or instrument approved by the Council may be entered into or executed on the Centre’s behalf by any person generally or specially authorised by the Council for that purpose.12. Reports of Centre
Part III – Financial provisions
13. Funds of Centre
The funds of the Centre shall consist of—14. Investment of moneys not immediately required by Centre
Moneys not immediately required by the Centre may be, with the approval of the Minister, invested in such a manner as the Council considers appropriate, including but not limited to—15. Financial year of Centre
The financial year of the Centre shall be a period of twelve months ending on the 31st December in each year.16. Accounts of Centre
17. Audit of Centre’s accounts
18. Powers of auditors
19. Centre to make certain charges to revenue account
The Centre shall charge to its revenue account all proceeds which, in the normal conduct of business, are regarded as proper to be charged to the revenue account and, in so doing, shall make proper provision in each financial year for—20. Establishment and object of Centre for Education, Innovation, Research and Development Fund
21. Administration of Fund
Part IV – General
22. Minister may give Centre directions on matters of policy
23. Regulations
History of this document
03 September 2021 this version