Frederick Clayton Trust Act

Chapter 17:02


Frederick Clayton Trust Act

Chapter 17:02

  • Commenced on 2 August 1918
  • [This is the version of this document at 31 December 2016 and includes any amendments published up to 31 December 2017.]
  • [Note: This version of the Act was revised and consolidated by the Law Development Commission of Zimbabwe]
AN ACT to give effect to the true intentions and wishes of one Frederick Clayton (deceased) as to the disposal of his estate.
WHEREAS it appears that one Frederick Clayton was a pioneer in the occupation of Southern Rhodesia;AND WHEREAS it further appears that the said Frederick Clayton on the 1st March, 1906, duly executed a will (whereof the terms are set out in Schedule “A”) leaving his whole estate for the purpose of providing an annual picnic for the European children of Salisbury and their parents, and thereafter on the 27th August, 1910, added a duly executed codicil (whereof the terms are set out in Schedule “B”) bequeathing the sum of £5,000 to one Cecil Hatcliff Whittaker, a minor;AND WHEREAS it appears also that the next of kin or successors in intestacy of the said Frederick Clayton, if any, were by the will of the 1st March, 1906, and the codicil of the 27th August, 1910, wholly disinherited by him and excluded from taking any share or interest in his estate or any part thereof, and whereas it also appears that the will of the 1st March, 1906, and the codicil thereto are the only valid testamentary dispositions of the said Frederick Clayton;AND WHEREAS it appears further that thereafter on the 1st July, 1916, the said Frederick Clayton gave instructions to the notary William Streak Honey to prepare a will which he proposed to execute, under the terms of which the will of the 1st March 1906, and the codicil of the 27th August, 1910, were to be cancelled and revoked, and in lieu of their provisions the life interest in an estate or property known as the Hatcliffe Estate was to be given and left to one Georgiana Clayton, his wife, and on her death the said property was to be devoted and used for the benefit of the pioneers of Rhodesia and their descendants who were in need of help, more especially those who had been disabled in the present war, and further a sum of £5,000 was to be bequeathed to the said Cecil Hatcliff Whittaker on his attaining the age of twenty-five years or upon his marrying, and further the residue of his estate, excluding the two above specific bequests, was to be bequeathed to one Evelyn Mary Sanderson on her attaining the age of twenty-five years, and further that pending the attainment of the said age by each of the above-mentioned minors the revenue and income of the amount and residue specifically bequeathed was to be equally shared by the three above-mentioned persons;AND WHEREAS it also appears that the said Frederick Clayton died on the 2nd July, 1916, leaving the will of 1st March, 1906, and codicil of full force and effect; and that the said will does not give effect to the true intentions of the said Frederick Clayton; and that his true intention is expressed in the instructions given to the said William Streak Honey, to whom it appears that the said Frederick Clayton did hand on the 1st July, 1916, when the said instructions were given, two sheets of paper on which the said Frederick Clayton had in his own handwriting recorded his last wishes and had written at the head of the front page of the first sheet “Will F Clayton” and had at the end of the first page of the second sheet affixed his signature “F Clayton”, whereof it appears that the Schedule “C” is a true copy, and whereas it appears also that the true intentions and last wishes of the said Frederick Clayton were thereby expressed in substance by him in his own handwriting and that it is desirable to give effect to them in terms of this Act;AND WHEREAS it further appears that it is desirable to give effect to the true intentions of the said Frederick Clayton, whilst protecting the rights of the beneficiaries under any other will, if any, that may after the 2nd August, 1918, be discovered and proved to be his last will and testament, or if owing to the invalidity of the will of the 1st March, 1906, or otherwise there are intestate heirs, then to protect such intestate heirs, and there are no means of so doing save by legislation;AND WHEREAS it further appears that the said Frederick Clayton desired that Ernest Edward Homan and Georgiana Clayton should be executors of his will; and whereas Frederick Charles Blakeway and the said Ernest Edward Homan are executors testamentary under the will which has been proved:BE IT ENACTED:—

1. Short title

This Act may be cited as the Frederick Clayton Trust Act [Chapter 17:02].

2. Definition of “pioneers

In this Act—pioneers” means—(a)the pioneer and police forces organized to occupy and settle Mashonaland in 1890 commonly known as the 1890 Column that consisted of—(i)the Pioneer Corps commanded by Major Frank Johnson, the names of nearly all if not all of the members whereof are set out in Schedule “D”; and(ii)the British South Africa Police commanded by Colonel E. G. Pennefather, the names of nearly all if not all of the members whereof are set out in Schedule “E”;and(b)the military forces of the British South Africa Company commonly known as the 1893 Columns which in 1893 overthrew the Matabele and took part in the occupation of Matabeleland, the names of nearly all if not all of the members whereof are set out in Schedule “F”:Provided that any European persons, if any, who were members of any one or more of the said Columns but whose names do not appear in any one of the said Schedules “D”, “E” and “F” shall nevertheless for the purposes of this Act be considered pioneers.

3. Vesting of estate

All the estate and effects of Frederick Clayton (deceased), whether the same consists of movable or immovable property of whatever nature and wherever situate, and whether the same is in possession, remainder or expectancy, are hereby vested in Georgiana Clayton, Ernest Edward Homan and Frederick Charles Blakeway, who shall be executors of the said estate and trustees and administrators of the same, and shall, subject to this Act, administer the same as if the will whereof Schedule “C” is a copy had been duly executed by the said Frederick Clayton.

4. Powers of trustees

The above-mentioned persons shall have all the powers and be cast in all the duties of executors testamentary, and are hereby so appointed without further act. The said persons are hereinafter called the trustees.

5. Filling of vacancies

If any vacancy occurs in the office of trustee through the death, resignation or removal for just cause of any trustee, the President shall nominate and appoint some person to be trustee, and shall have the like power of filling vacancies in the office of trustee so long as the trust prevails.

6. Quorum

(1)The trustees shall have full power, subject to this Act, to realize, invest or dispose of any of the assets of the said estate, and in case of any difference of opinion between the trustees on any question concerning any such realization, disposal or investment or the administration of the estate vested in them, the decision of any two of the trustees concurring in such decision shall prevail and be acted upon.
(2)The authority of any two of the trustees shall be sufficient to pass transfer of any landed property.

7. Life interest

The said Georgiana Clayton shall, subject to the provisions of section thirteen, have the full use and benefit during the term of her natural life of the landed property known as the Hatcliffe Estate, consisting of—
(a)a certain piece of land in extent, 1,656 morgen and 281 square roods, being farm Hatcliffe, a portion of Borrowdale Estate, section 2, situate in the district of Mazoe, more fully described in the deed of transfer thereof, with diagram annexed, made in favour of Frederick Clayton on the 8th March, 1912;
(b)a certain piece of land in extent 5 morgen and 3 square roods, being Hatcliffe Extension, a subdivision of that portion of Borrowdale Estate, section No. 3, transferred to Rhodesia Lands Limited, on the 26th June, 1903, situate in the district of Mazoe, more fully described in the deed of transfer thereof, with diagram annexed, made in favour of Frederick Clayton on the 8th March, 1912;
(c)a certain piece of land situate in the district of Salisbury in extent 1,629 morgen and 85 square roods, more fully described in the diagram thereof, attached to the transfer thereof, made in favour of Frederick Clayton on the 17th December, 1914, being Hatcliffe South Extension, and comprising (1) a portion of section 2 of Borrowdale Estate in extent 191 morgen and 365 square roods, shown as figure A on the said diagram, and (2) a portion of section 3 of Borrowdale Estate in extent 1,437 morgen and 320 square roods, shown as figure B on the said diagram;
(d)a certain piece of land in extent 23 morgen and 472 square roods, situate in the district of Salisbury, being Hatcliffe Extension No. 2, a portion of that portion of section 3, Borrowdale Estate, transferred to Rhodesia Lands Limited, on the 26th June, 1903—bought and paid for, but not transferred yet to the estate of Frederick Clayton;
with all buildings, fences and works thereon, and all livestock and implements at present upon and appertaining to the proper working and conduct of the said property:Provided that she shall from the progeny of any livestock upon the property replace in value any animals which may die of ordinary natural causes or from accident, save that should such stock die from or be destroyed on account of any general cattle plague or pestilence she shall not be obliged to replace such. Any progeny of the stock remaining after such replacing shall be at the sole disposal of the said Georgiana Clayton.

8. Legacy

From the other assets of the said estate the trustees shall pay to Cecil Hatcliff Whittaker, minor, a godson of the said Frederick Clayton, the sum of £5,000 on the said Cecil Hatcliff Whittaker attaining the age of twenty-five years or upon his marrying, whichever event sooner occurs.

9. Devolving of residue

The residue of the said estate other than the said Hatcliffe Estate and the said sum of £5,000 shall devolve upon and be paid to Evelyn Mary Sanderson on her attaining the age of twenty-five years.

10. Realizing of assets. Income

The assets of the said estate other than the Hatcliffe Estate shall be realized at the discretion of the trustees, and the proceeds invested by the trustees on good and sufficient security. The income derived from the sum of £5.000 of such assets when realized shall be paid to the said Cecil Hatcliff Whittaker until he attains the age of twenty-five years or marries, and the income derived from the remainder of the said assets, exclusive of the Hatcliffe assets and the said sum of £5,000, shall be paid in equal shares to the said Georgiana Clayton and the said Evelyn Mary Sanderson until the said Evelyn Mary Sanderson attains the age of twenty-five years:Provided that—
(i)if such last said income exceeds in any year or years double the income which is payable to the said Cecil Hatcliff Whittaker on the sum of £5,000 as aforesaid, then in each year of such excess until the said Cecil Hatcliff Whittaker attains the age of twenty-five years or marries there shall be paid to him one-third of such excess, so as to make the income payable to him under this section not less than that payable thereunder to Georgiana Clayton or to Evelyn Mary Sanderson;
(ii)during the minority of the said Cecil Hatcliff Whittaker and the said Evelyn Mary Sanderson the income devolving upon each of them shall be paid to the respective guardian or guardians of each, to be used for his or her benefit.

11. Vesting of legacies

The amounts to which the said Cecil Hatcliff Whittaker and the said Evelyn Mary Sanderson respectively are hereby declared to be entitled shall, subject to the above set out provisions, vest in them on the 2nd August, 1918, and upon his or her death, prior to attaining the said age of twenty-five years or in the case of the said Cecil Hatcliff Whittaker without being married, the amount respectively due to each of them shall devolve upon the heirs of each, unless disposed of by valid will.

12. Interest of pioneers

Upon the death of the said Georgiana Clayton the whole of the property known as the Hatcliffe Estate and already described, with all buildings, livestock, fences, works and implements thereon, shall remain vested in the trustees, who may retain the same entire or dispose of it and its aforesaid appurtenances at their discretion, and invest the proceeds thereof on good and sufficient security. The income derived from the said Hatcliffe Estate or from the investment of the proceeds thereof shall, subject to section thirteen, be used and devoted by the trustees for the assistance of such pioneers and their descendants as may be in need of help:Provided that those pioneers who may have been disabled in the war which began between Great Britain and Germany on the 4th August, 1914, and the descendants of such pioneers shall have priority in claim over other pioneers and their descendants.

13. “Pioneers Day” or “Commonwealth Day” annual picnic

The trustees shall once in every year, and preferably either on the day known as “Pioneers Day” or on the day known as “Commonwealth Day”, if so required by the City Council of Salisbury, place at the disposal of the Mayor of Salisbury for the time being a sum of money not exceeding one hundred pounds (£100) either for the purposes of carrying out a picnic for the European children and their parents who happen to be in Salisbury on the said “Pioneers Day”, or for the purpose of providing some means of enjoyment to European children and their friends who happen to be in Salisbury on “Commonwealth Day”. The said sum shall be a first charge on the income of the Hatcliffe Estate.

14. Appointment of officers. Commission and expenses

The trustees may appoint a secretary or other officers necessary for the due administration of the estate vested in them, and may pay such secretary or other officer reasonable remuneration for his services from the income derived from the estate, and further shall be entitled to commission on the basis usually allowed to executors, and shall be allowed such reasonable amounts as shall reimburse them for expenses for attendances at meetings of the trustees and also for actual expenses incurred in the administration of that portion of the estate which remains after the payment of the legacies and the death of the said Georgiana Clayton. All expenses and amounts paid shall be certified under the hand of the Master of the High Court as fair and reasonable, and shall only be paid in such amounts as are so certified.

15. Remedy of dissatisfied parties

If, in the opinion of any pioneer or descendant of any pioneer or other interested person, the estate is not being administered according to the true intents and purposes of this Act, he may make application to the Master of the High Court to compel the due administration, and upon such application being made, the said Master shall have power to cite the trustees by motion or otherwise and bring them before the High Court, which may grant such order as in the premises seems meet.

16. Power of trustees

(1)The trustees shall be a body corporate with power to sue, liability to be sued and power to defend actions brought against them.
(2)The authority of any two of them shall be sufficient to bring or defend any action at law.

17. Claims of persons to estate not prejudiced

Nothing in this Act contained shall be taken to prejudice or affect the legal claim (if any) of any person to the estate of the said Frederick Clayton or any part thereof or any interest therein which he may have otherwise than under the will of the 1st March, 1906, and the codicil of the 27th August, 1910, and such claim (if any) may be heard and adjudicated upon by any competent court:Provided in respect thereto that the trustees appointed hereunder or their agents shall not be personally liable for any act, matter or thing done by them under the provisions hereof.

Schedule “A” (Preamble)

Last will and testament of Fredrick Clayton

I, Frederick Clayton, of Salisbury, in the Territory of Southern Rhodesia, being in health of body and of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding and capable of doing any act requiring thought judgment or reflection do hereby declare my intention to make and execute this my last will and testament.I hereby revoke cancel and make void to all intents and purposes all wills codicils and other testamentary acts by me heretofore made and executed desiring that the same shall be of no force virtue or effect whatsoever.I hereby declare to give demise and bequeath all my estate and effects in Southern Rhodesia both real and personal, and of what nature or kind, and whether the same be in possession, reversion, remainder or expectancy, unto the Executor or Executors afternamed, upon the special trust and confidence and for the uses intents and purposes aftermentioned, that is to say that he or they the said Executor and Administrator or Executors and Administrators, do and shall, as soon as convenient after my death, sell and dispose thereof, and call in and receive all such debts, sum or sums of money as shall be due and owing to me, at the time of my death, and place the money arising by such sale or disposal, and the moneys to be so called in and received, out at interest on landed or other good and sufficient security in such manner as he or they shall think proper, and also in trust that he or they do and shall receive the interest thereof from time to time as the same shall become payable and use and apply the same or so much thereof as he or they shall think proper or necessary in giving and providing annually on the 12th September (Occupation Day of Mashonaland) a free picnic to all the European children and their parents who happen to be in Salisbury on the said 12th September.I do hereby constitute nominate and appoint Ernest Edward Homan and Frederick Charles Blakeway, to be the joint Executors of this my will and testament and Administrators of my estate and effects in Southern Rhodesia, and on the death of one of them, then the survivor to continue solely to be my said Executor and Administrator.On the death of both the said Ernest Edward Homan and Frederick Charles Blakeway, I nominate and appoint the Mayor of Salisbury for the time being, to thereafter be the executor of this my last will and administrator of my estate and effects in Southern Rhodesia; hereby giving and granting unto them, my said Executor or Executors and Administrator or Administrators, jointly and severally, all such power and authority as are required in law.I direct that the Executor or Executors of this my last will shall not be required to lodge with the Master of the High Court of Southern Rhodesia an inventory of my estate and effects.Lastly I declare to reserve to myself the power from time to time and at all times hereafter to make all such alterations in or additions to this will as I shall think fit, either by a separate deed, or at the foot hereof, desiring that all such alterations or additions so made under my own signature shall be held as valid and effectual as if they had been inserted herein.All which aforesaid being fully understood by me I declare that it contains my last will and testament desiring that it may have effect as such or as a codicil or otherwise as may be found best to consist with law.Thus done and passed at Salisbury aforesaid on this the First day of March in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and six in the presence of the subscribing witnesses.F. Clayton.As Witnesses:
1.J. O. Gibson.
2.W. R. Blanckenberg.
Signed at the place and on the date aforesaid by Frederick Clayton as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who in his presence and in the presence of each other all being present at the same time have hereto set our hands as attesting witnesses:J. O. Gibson of Salisbury.W. R. Blanckenberg of Salisbury.

Schedule “B” (Preamble)


I, Frederick Clayton, the Testator mentioned in my will of the 1st March, 1906, do hereby direct the executors or executor of my said Will to pay from my estate and effects in Southern Rhodesia to my godson, Cecil Hatcliff Whittaker, minor son of Frederick Robert Whittaker, of the Grand Hotel, Harrowgate, England, the sum of Five Thousand Pounds sterling (£5,000 stg.) as a legacy on his attainin g the age of twenty-five years or marrying, and such legacy until such payment is made to my said godson shall be invested on such security as my executor or executors shall in their absolute discretion think fit and the interest thereof shall either be paid to my said godson for his use or to his guardian for his maintenance and education or partly to one and partly to the other as my executors or executor shall deem wise and such legacy shall be a first charge on my estate and effects in Southern Rhodesia and as to the residue of my Estate and effects in Southern Rhodesia I confirm my said Will.Dated at Salisbury this 27th August, 1910.F. Clayton.As Witnesses:
1.W. S. Honey.
2.F. W. Robertson.

Schedule “C” (Preamble and Section 3)

Will F Clayton

£5,000 to my Godson Cecil Hatcliff Whittaker to come out of the following properties, viz.
Stands 5 in block in Stanley Avenue.......................................................................................................................................7,500
,,Baker Avenue & First Street...................................................................................................................................................2,000
,,Cape Avenue and Second St..................................................................................................................................................400
Four cottages @ £500 each........................................................................................................................................................2,000
Half Weardale Farm..................................................................................................................................................................2,000
Stands in Gatooma and Umtali to be sold discretion of Executors, the above to be sold at the above prices as opportunity arises but not to be sold by auction.
Malvern farm...................................................................................................................................................................2,500
Rink Stands......................................................................................................................................................................2,000
Le Roux............................................................................................................................................................................200
Nangle cattle....................................................................................................................................................................300
The balance with all other properties monies, etc., to go to my step-daughter Mary Evelyn Sanderson with the exception of the Hatcliffe Estate. (2)The money or properties to be given to the aforesaid Cecil Hatcliff Whittaker at the age of twenty-five and Mary Evelyn Sanderson at twenty-five.The income of said properties to be divided equally to my Wife, Cecil Hatcliff Whittaker and Mary Evelyn Sanderson.The Hatcliffe Estate (estimated value £30,000) with all livestock implements & c. I leave to my wife Georgina Clayton for her full use and benefit during her life time, but not to be let or the live stock to be allowed to be less than it is at present the mortgage if any remaining to be paid out of my monies in hand. At the death of My Wife the Hatcliffe Estate to be held in perpetuity for the use of Pioneers and descendants of pioneers (especially those descendants of pioneers who have been disabled during this present war) whom are in need of help.E. E. Homan and My Wife to be Executors.F. Clayton.

Schedule “D” (Section 2)

Pioneer corps

Adcock,RogerAlexander,ThomasBarter,John AugustineBiscoe,Edwards Carly Tyndale
WilliamFrancisCalebGeorgeBorrius,John Phillip
Aggett,Argall,MartinBeal,RobertBorrow,Henry John
WilliamJamesBarry,John WilliamBent,Eustace HenryBowen,George John
Armstrong,Baker,WalterBerrington,Evelyn D.Bowden,Montague Parker
OwenRichardHeadlandValentineBird,Arthur HatfieldBradley,Benjamin
Arnott,Banks,HenrySumnerBradley,Charles Kissock
SydneyBlakewayBirkley,WilliamBrand,Thomas Frederick
Nathaniel HenryBrett,James
PhillipDrysdale,John PatrickThomasNesbitt,Richard Henry
WilliamWoodhouseDerrickNicholson,Richard Granville
Burnett,AlbertDykes,Dawson LeighHenryOconnell,John
EdwardBallantineHoste,Henry F.Ogilvie,Ogilvie Hollings
Burnett,Durrell,Walter D.Human,ChristianO'Meara,Bulkey Ernest Adolphus
RobertGeorgeDennison,AlexanderHunter,FrederickOrr,Clair A.
WilliamHenryErasmus,AbelInskipp,Percy SidneyPalmer,John Walter
Camp,CharlesEdmonds,John ArnoldJay,Henry BrownriggPattisson,Arthur Joseph Todd
RobertEhlert,FrederickJameson,RobertPengelly,Henry Augustus
Campbell,Eliot,AlgernonJohnson,FrankPocock,Edwin Innes
AlexanderElliott,GeorgeWilliamFrederickPusey,George Henry
Campbell,Edgell,EdwardKing,William FlemingRoach,John James
JamesAdairRamsayKrohn,ArchibaldRowland,John Robert
Campbell,Everitt,FritzFrederickRudland,Thomas William
Chase,ArthurWilliamLangerman,FrederickSelley,William John
HenryFinucane,Edward F.Larson,OscarSelous,Frederick Courtney
Chiappini,E.Law,HoraceSeward,George Ernest
LorenzoFletcher,FrancisLea,ArthurShepperd,John H.
ThomasJamesFrancis,J. L.WilliamSlater,Edward
ChristophersoFrazer,AlexanderLogan,George AlfredSolomon,Hymen Alfred
ErnestFrost,ReginaldBenjaminSpreckley,John Anthony
Clay,Featherstonehaugh,Lovemore,Henry C.Stanford,Arthur French
WentworthHenryWestcottLust,JohnStevenson,Francis Lincoln
NorrisFry,Thomas EllertonMackay,WilliamSteward,Augustine
Clinton,Fry,IvonMcLachlan,AlexanderStier,William Keppel
WilliamJamesFarrell,EdwardMcLelland,RobertSuckling,Edward Horace
Colquhoun,O'ConnellHamiltonSurridge,Rev. Frank
FrederickFry,W. EllertonMacRobert,JohnTabuteau,Augustus J.
CrossbeyGaylard,George RufusMurieTaylor,Rowland
Corderoy,Gie,Michael C.Mahon,John DennisTregenza,Edward G.
JohnWilliamGraham,AlexanderMasters,CharlesTrenaman,Charles Robert
LundieGriffith,Hugh FenierStephenThomasVanEyk, Cornelius John
Coryndon,Grimmer,John R.Minshell,ThomasVenables,John William Ella
RobertThorneHall,GeorgeMoberley,WalterVialls,Charles Clement
Cowie,Halkett,AlexanderFrederickGeorgeVintcent,Louis Anthony
WardenHamilton,Harry RiceSoutheyMacleanWalker,Richard
Crawford,Hartman,Rev. FatherMoore,John FrederickWallace,James
JohnSidneyHarty,Joshua GoddardWilliamWarren,Albert Herbert
Cripps,LionelHarvey,John ThomasMorris,Herbert JohnWarren,Robert Joshua
Darling,JohnHay,John HenryMosenthal,Charles F.Watney,Peter Henry
Dater,AlbertHepworth,J. C.Nesbitt,AlexanderWhitmore,Edmund Herbert
Downing,Hill,William GeorgeThornhillWimble,Bentley
GeorgeDavidHiston,GeorgeNesbitt,Charles WarrenWyatt,Henry Frederick James

Schedule “E” (Section 2)

British South Africa Police

Pennefather E. G.Newbolt, K.Ziegenbein, C.Keane, R. K. C
Willoughby, JohnKennedy, H.Hannay, W. G.Green, A.
Heyman, H. M.Vaisey, W.Forbes, P. W.Mills, W. T.
Molyneux, W.Bailey, D.Slade, C. W. P.Voigt, F.
Capper, O.Carter, J.Mundell, M.Baxter, T.
Graham, M. D.Levitt, S.Bodle, W.Bolle, A.
Fiennes, F. W.Hurley, J.Hillier, J. H.Barrington, W.
Dunne, E.Dorning, H. B.Morkel, R. A.Brown, T.
Rand, R. F.Allan, J.Lyons, Montgomery,Blundell, A.
Goody, E.Auret, W.R. A.Carney, —
Stanley, G.Aylen, J.Bray, R.Curtois, F.
Harris, T.Brand, C.FitzGerald, E. W.Cochrane, H.
Brown, H.Barber, G.Vickers, J. D.Carter, A.
Paxton, T.Britton, J.Adcock, R. W.Clayton, F.
Hickey, R.Birney, J.Bell, B.Creighton, C.
Seymour, S.Brown, W.Dupreez, D. P.Dyas, W.
McMullin, J.Block, W.Davis, W.Doveton, W.
Enright, T.Saville, H.Herbert, E.Withers, G. B.
Frazer, W.Savage, W.Heberden, R. C.Harper, H. A.
Forrest, W.Slater, C.Hickey, F. L.Blundell, A.
Friend, G.St. Ledger, J.Hudson, H. J.Henry, M.
Finch, G.Tilney, J.James, H.Ross, W.
Foote, J.Viney, J.Jennings, M. J.Cooke, E. W.
Farmanner, H.Willemite, W.Jessiman, J. J.Madden, W. J.
Graham, H.White, T.Lewis, J.Abbot, W. A.
Gray, J.Trevor, J.Long, E.Abrams, E.
Grojohn, F.Turner, D. M.Man ning, G. A.Vander Byl, C. L.
Green, W.Thackerzy, E.Moore, J.Muirhead, A.
Grey, G.Veale, A.McGowan, J. J.Elin, H. D.
Glass, G.Vicary, J.McGillvray, J.Thompson, J. T.
Glover, C.Warner, J.McAdams, J.Easton, T. J.
Hallberg, H.Webber, B. J.McPartland, J.Martin, C. B.
Hughes, E.Williams, W.Mason, W. S.Tournaillon, E. H.
Jones, J.Williams, H.Moffat, F.Robinson, W. H.
Joliffe, W.White, F. J.Murphy, G. L.Abercrombie, J.
King, B.Wignall, T. J.Nettleton, G.Allan, J. R.
Kopping, A.Keith-Falconer, C.Knox, P.Barber, R.
Koester, H.Brackenbury, H. V.Krige, J.Bennett, H. J.
Durell, W. D.Chaplin, E.Le Cordeur, M.Black, A.
Else, W.Stewart, J. C.MacLaurin, A. J.Bigg, J. W.
Enright, G. D.Nesbitt, R. C.Manthey, J.Brabant, J. S.
Ehlert, F.Hobson, C. R.Martell, H.Burton, H. H.
Eliot, A. E. A.Bowles, H.Morgan, W.Casper, G. O.
Fermaner, G. W.Williams, H. G.Mitchell, J. B.Clark, D.
Fildes, R. J.Quorn, J. C.McRobert, J. M.Clark, J.
Fisher, D.Robertson, H.Nesbitt, H. W.Collins, G.
Flanagan, J.Suarton, C.O'Meara, B. E. A.Conway, J. M.
Fraser, J.Bottomley, D. P.Payne, F. D. A.Cozens, A.
Featherstonehaugh, H.Scott, FifeProctor, R.Day, J.
W.Smith, R. A. L.Purdon, F. A.Duncan, R. W.
Grimmer, J.Morkel, C. F.Purser, E. A.Duncan, J. L.
Harding, R.Kay, R.Rathfelder, F.Durden, C.
Heller, H.Jackson, H. J.Roland, A. C.Dyer, H. L.
Holmes, C. B.Abbor, J. J.Sanderson, R. H.Eksteen, J. W.
Jessop, E.Adams, T.Scott, H. N. FifeEbbage, W. R. L.
Kannemeyer, F.Arnold, A.Simpson, W. B.Forrestall, P.
Kennedy, J.Bartlett, S.Sinclair, A. L.Fredman, W.
Kerr, M. J.Blyth, W. J.Steir, W. K.Gain, G.
Knaiser, H.Burstall, F.Steward, G. E.Gates, L.
Kelley, P.Buchanan, J.Stedlar, C.Gibbon, G. W.
Krause, C.Burns, J.Trevor, R.Gill, T. G.
Laing, R.Campbell, P.Singleton, S.Grant, R. W. E.
Louw, J.Christison, T. J.Scott, J.Godwin, A.
McMullin, S.Clark, W. H.Sinclair, R. D.Gothe, N.
Mulligan, J.Cox, F.Smythe, J. E.Hay-Hill, J. T.
Mitchell, J.Culverhouse, J.Torbett, F.Head, E.
Marcus, S.Cornwall, W. L.Tuck, H.Heineman, J. A.
McLachlan, C.Coryndon, R. T.Turnbull, G. F.Hills, G. H.
Mathews, T.Davis, H.Thorn, C. J.Horwood, W. R.
Newitt, H.Donohoe, A.Tiquin, M.Hughes, A.
Nicholls, J.Douglas, H.Vennell, H. R.Huntley, D. H.
Orpen, C.Elliot, H. C. D.Vander Byl, G.Hutchinson, F.
Osborne, G.Fielding, H. C.Walsh, —Ingram, W. C.
O'Hara, B.Fichardt, E.Westphall, J.Kemp, S.
Phillips, A.Feather, J.Wiseman, R. R.Landy, J.
Palmer, J.Fowles, C.White, C.Lees, J. H.
Phillips, J.Gibb, H. C.Turner, E. C. C.MacPherson, C.
Redmond, H.Glover, J.Codrington, R. P. J.McLeod, W. J.
Richards, H.Griffiths H. G.Hicks-Beach, W.McLuckie, O.
Reid, J.Glasson G. H.Cunningham, W.Moll, R.
Reynolds, W.Hannen, B. J.Coope, J. C. J.Murney, F.
Sissing, C.Harrhy, E. W.Warren, F. J.Orpen F.
Symons, F.Hobson, C.Judge, C. E.Parnell, J. O.
Stewart, J.Hughes, J. S.Vincent, W.Pease, D.
Sharpe, C.Hall, F.Mundy, R.Nesbitt, C. S.
Newman, P. J.De Smidt, W.Fitzsimons, J.Moore, H.
Newton, J.Fletcher, R. Y.Goldsbury, J. L.Morony, H.
Patterson, R.Short, H.Grant, G.Murphy, J. J.
Player, G. J.Farmery, E. A.Hardy, T.Nixon, H.
Priestly, F.Devine, C. H.Hackwell, H.Nolan, C.
Ross, A.Fitzgerald, F.Hendrick, J.O'Shaughnessy, J.
Ross, G. P.McGuinness, C. A.Hulbert, H.O'Maker, R.
Rodriquez, —James, G.Hudson, D.Parker, A. R.
Robertson, A. E.Butler, H.Hunter, J.Promnitz F.
Rieland, C.Finucane, —Hyland, J. P.Robinson, G. M. H.
Russell, A. C.Bertrim, C. F.Jenkins, A.Rowley, A.
Spring, H. L.Butler, C. A.Johnson, W.Rautenbach, S.
Stewart, J. T.Almond, J.James, H.Ross, Wm.
Strutt, S.Barlow, G. F.James, W. H.Rall, J.
Swemmer, A. L.Barnes, T. W. F.Kielstroom, A. W.Seymour, G.
Taylor, J. B.Behn, O.Knight, W. B.Stewart, T.
Taylor, W.Bradburn, C.Konig, F. W.Schultz, H.
Taylor, F. L.Brown, H.Knight, H. T.Stanzlass, G.
Thomas, L.Butt, C.Lynch, W. P.Smee, J.
Timewell, W. J.Chalmers, J.Lloyd, W. R.Sullivan, T.
Vizard, G. F.Clowes, R. C. W.Lloyd, E. G.Snyman, J.
Valle, B. W.Dawes, H. V.Malherbe, W.Thorsen, M.
Wolhuter, G. H.De Villiers, J. J.Morley, W.Thomas, W. H.
Weale, W.Duncan, R. F.McAdam, J. C.Van Heerden, H.
Werrett, J. M.Dunn, W.Polnes, T.Van Wyk, N. L.
Whittle, C. W.Bredenkemp, H.Powrie, F.Wilson, C.
Williams, C. W.Bryne, J.Rayner, H.White, S.
Wilde-Brown, W. R.Burke, C. F.Roach, H.Whitehead, A. R.
Williams, J.Bridger, D.Rowe, W. J.White, W.
Wheatley, E. M.Bridger, J. D.Sampson, J.Whitehead, C. L.
Young, A. L.Brannan, F.Seale, E.Wright, F.
Leonard, A. G.Barber, P.Smallberger, C.Westbrook, T. P.
Bruce, F. W.Chamberlaine, C.Selby, P. H.Wold, J.
Grey, A. E.Cooke, W.Snowball, A.Young, E.
Hole, W.Cooke, J.Smith, R. C.Young, R. A.
Chinery, L. A.Dillon, D. C.Smith, R. F.Atkinson, W. G.
Kirkham, G.Egan, A.Smithyman, T. N. 
Dillon, C. H. C.Elske, C.McLaglan, R. 
Gordon, J. H.Fitzjohn, A. E.Moriarty, A. 

Schedule “F” (Section 2)

1893 Columns

Abbott,Ansell, CecilBath, WilliamBirkley, William Henry
WilliamArnold, James CarlisleBatley, Ralph CecilBirney, J. B.
Abercrombie,Arnold, M. H.Beahan, JohrBischoff, Louis
JamesAshley, WilliamBeal, RobertBiscoe, Edward Carey T
Acutt, CharlesAttwell, JamesBeesler, AdrianBissett, William
MortimerMortimerBehrman, J.Black, Abraham
Acutt,Aubert, Alfred DaltonBell, AndrewBlack, Richard
FrederickAustin, HenryBell, PeterBlerk, H. Van
CottonBagley, John CharlesBenhorst, ErnestBlewitt, Joseph
Adams, HenryBain, RobertBenton, GeorgeBlom, Henry
Adams,Baker, JohnEdmundBodle, Charles
WilliamBale, JohnBerggrist, RobertBodle, William
HaveringBamping, Walter JohnBernstein, HarryBolder, James
Allen, C. J.Barber, PercyBertlesen, F.Bolton, H. William
Allen, EdwardBarclay, ThomasBertlesen, L.Bone, William
Alexander, E.Barnard, M. W.Bester, Theunis J.Borman, Carl
W.Barnes, Arthur BertieBevan, E. H.Borrow, Henry John
Allison,BlackBews, CharlesBotha, A. H. S.
William H.Barnes, AugustusAlexanderBotha, John E.
Alrnan, JohnWilliam BlackBezuidenhout, H.Bottomley, D. P.
Amory,Barr, William HenryBezuidenhout, JacobusBowden, Frank Lake
RichardBarry, JohnBiller, FrankBowen, James C.
Anderson,Barton, Henry HalseBird, Robert HenryBowen, George
AlexanderBastard, Segar William Box, James
Boyd, P. W.Cardigan, GeorgeClark, A.Estermann, Abraham
Bouchier,HaroldClarke, FrankEyre, W. Gervas
RichardCarley, C.Cunningham, James S.Fitzgerald, Frederick
Brabant, JohnCarlsson, VictorDymott, WilliamFarrell, Edward O'Connell
SomersetCarney, BenjaminDawson, Frank JonesFitzgerald, Edward William
Bradburn,FrancisDavies, R. GrayFitz-Gibbon, Thomas Francis
CliffordCarr, JohnDawes, H. V.Farquhar, M. G.
Bradbury,Carr, WilliamDallamore, JamesFerreira, Gert
EdwinCarroll, JohnMitchellFelix, John James
Bradfield,Carruthers, JohnDonovan, C. H. W.Fraser, Robert Ross
EdwinCarruthers, RobertDollar, DuncanFry, Ivan
Bradshaw,OliverDaniels, JosephForestall, Peter
WilliamCary, C. W.Dewhurst, ReginaldFoster, Richard Hugh
Bremmer,Cary, W. A.Dunn, William CharlesFoley, David Francis
AndrewCase, William HerbertDenn, John AdamFitzPatrick, Thomas William
Bridges, PercyCasperenthus,De Meillon, RichardFirmin, Michael, L.
LeonardTheodoreJamesFrancis, Lloyd Matthews
Brickley,Chalk, Thomas ArthurDe Roos, AlbertFarley, Francis Charles
WilliamCollyer, Louis JamesDesvages, Jean LouisFaurie, Lawrence DeVilliers
Briscoe, J.Cornelius, CharlesJeromeFindlay, Alexander
Brissenden,AdamDevine, FrankFitzimmons, Charles
LouisCampbell, EdmundDillon, Denis CronlyFischer, Richard H.
Britton,ViversDonovan, TimothyFarrell, Ernest
William HenryClarke, WilliamDrew, AlfredFranks, Alfred
Brock, EdwardThomasDu Toit, HenryForrest, Albert John
Broome, W.Colquhoun, FrederickFrancoisFlemming, Samuel A.
R.CrossleyDurden, Charles JohnFlynn, Patrick
Brook, ArthurConneley, WilliamDunne, A. G.Francis, Charles
WoodfordThomasDu Plan, SamuelFeatherstonhaugh, William
Brown, HaroldColeman, ThomasMarkhamForbes, Patrick William
AlexanderComploier, PeterDempsey, JamesFinch, Alan G.
Brown, R. W.Cummings, Walter W.Davidson, OliverFife-Scott, Henry N.
Brown,Christl, FrankDavis, H. W.Ferguson, Francis William
WilliamChilton, GeorgeDufty, William HenryFichat, Sydney Carisle
Browne,Clarke, CharlesDe Jager, WilliamFarren, J.
GeorgeMoncrieffeDillard, DavidFlint, E.
HamiltonClassen, HenryDe Wet, John WilliamFletcher, Patrick
Browne, PercyClifford, PatrickDunn, Albert G.Forbes, Eustace Macleod
HoweJosephDor, JohnForbes, W.
Bruce,Clarke, WilliamDrysdale, JohnFoote, Joseph
AlexanderHerbertDonnelly, DanielFraser, J.
Bruce, OswaldCollier, WilliamDrysen, JohnFraser, John Alexander
RobertCohen, LionelDowe, AlexanderFraser, John
Bryant, ErnestCorbett, HenryDu Plessis, GertGarlick, Burleigh Richard
Buchanan,Crooks, CharlesDuncan, DuncanGiere, William Parker
JohnCompton, SydneyGrahamGibbon, George William
Buck,Curtis, E.Drysdale, JohnGiles, Albert Edward
RowlandCumming, ArthurDoveton, William F.Gladhill, John
Buike,RaymondDavis, GordonGorman, James
FrederickCumming, Henry R.Dykes, Lawson LeighGough, William
Bunce, JuliusChristison, ThomasBallantyneGreer, Stuart George
AugustusJamesDavidson, JamesGrant, Sylvester
Bundy,Chappe, Paul LafitteDavis, WilliamGray, Henry
ThomasCoryndon, Robert T.Davis, StutmanGracey, Robert
Bunn, ThomasCrewe, FredericDesterwig, A.Grant, James McGregor
Burgher,HardingDewis, LewisGray, William Fleming
AlfredCohen, JacobDe Vos, Philip WouterGruyges, Jan
Burmester,Crouchley, T. W.Donohoe, John J.Green, Joseph John
Hermann JohnCampbell, EdwardDrake, WilliamGrenfell, Claude George
Burn, WilliamO'SullivanBarnardGreenfield, Harry Moxon
Burnett,Coghlan, JohnDrummond, JamesGwynne, Philip
EdwardCorneliusDunman, SamuelGraham, William
Burnett,Constable, Harry PercyEvans, HenryGill, Thomas Watton
GeorgeConsilio, JosephEbbage, W. R. L.Gloag, Kenneth Blackwood
Burns, W. J.Colling, W. G.Edkins, EbenezerGordon, John Hugh
Burnham,Costello, TomCrouchGroepe, Christian
FrederickCohen, A.Edwards, Richard G.Grant, Joseph Christian
RussellConnel, JohnElliott, HenryGordon, George
Butcher,Cregan, HughEvans, AlfredGraham, George
William HenryChawner, HenryEksteen, John WilliamGisborne, Dudley Guy
Calcraft,WilliamEisenlohe, CarlGrimmer, John Robert
SamuelCreighton, Robert W.Everard, J. VinesGarrett, P.
Campbell,Cobbuis, ThomasEaton, GeorgeGeorge, Ernest
JohnCilliers, JohnEnright, Edwin GeorgeGlover, L. W.
AlexanderCook, Thomas W.Etherton, John W.Gooding, G.
LivingstoneCousins, John ThomasEdgelow, HerbertGrey, George
Caplin, H. S.Clark, John HenryEdgell, EdwardGreene, W. G.
Carden, JohnColes, William Clark, Thomas H.Ramsay Ehlert, FrederickGraham, Robert Gwillim, W. H.
Gifford,Howe, James MauriceKimberley, GeorgeMcGorlay, Patrick
MauriceHiggins, JamesKemp, ThomasMarx, William Henry
Gourlay,Hetherington, John B.Kennelly, WilliamMcPherson, William George
James MurrayHeck, HarryPatrickMills, Henry Broughton
Gray, HenryHenry, JohnKirton, ArgentMarais, Stephanus
WilliamHutchinson, JohnBlundellMadden, Henry G.
Gaynor, JohnHill, CharlesKeefe, C. P. LouisMcGin, Peter
WilliamHecht, John W.Kennedy, WilliamMcCaffery, Thomas
Gould, JosephHill, JohnKenyon, ThomasMcCormack, William
Gardner,Hillier, William HenryKing, Joseph GeorgeMeyers, Frederick
ThomasHutchinson, CharlesKent, GeorgeMorling, Walter
Gannyon,Henry, WilliamKidson, MichaelMurphy, Peter
WilliamHaigh, GeorgeKlintworth, JohannisMathysen, Robert
Gabriel, LeonHodgson, James R.Kruger, KarlMaynard, Carruthers Francois
Harris,Hallison, WilliamKjelstroom, A. W.McPhail, William
WilliamHoulston, WilliamKennedy, JamesMathew, Brugeman
BirkbeckHickey, FrankHutchinsonMorley, William
Hofmeyr,Henry, JohnKinloch, HarryMcColl, James C.
ArendHorton, GeorgeGrahamMcKenzie, MacIntyre
HermanusHeany, Maurice DavidKennedy, RobertMcCormack, Patrick
Hughes,Hacker, WilliamKenny, W. H.Middlemass, John
GeorgeHoney, WilfredKedian, ThomasMcColl, Patrick
Hamilton, H.Harrison, ThomasKerr, HughMolyneux, Arthur J. Charles
MenziesEvanKing, W. E.Miller, Frederick
Hay-Hill,Hampton, LeonardKronstein, LeonardMatthews, Fletcher
James TrevorHarper, Harry AdamLaing, David TyrieMattlysen, Petrus Jacobus
Harding,Hake, George GordonLlewellyn, HoelMarvell, Andrew
SidneyHarrington, GarrattLochner, Fank ElliotMauhaus, Carl Frederick William
CharlesHalforty, JamesLovemore, HectorMackenzie, Paul
Hogg, A. W.Hervey, Hubert JohnLivingstoneMarston, John
Hulbert, JohnAnthonyLingard, GeorgeMain, Andrew
HenryHewitt, GeorgeLafferty, JohnMader, Philip
Hanniford,Hopper, HarmanLandsberg, B.McDougall, Donald
John F.Hodges, WilliamLang, J.McGlynn, P. J.
Hook,Holder, L.Lowler, C. OscarMcGregor, M.
Theodore H.Illingworth, FrankLucas, J. H.McLaren, Alexander
Haden,Irving, ThomasLyne, W.McKinnon, Farquhar
ThomasIngram, PearlLendy, CharlesMcPhadden, Donald
WilliamIngram, SimpsonFrederickMiller, Richard
Halforty, JohnIbach, L. G.Lichfield, JamesMills, George
Henry, HughIreland, GeorgeWilliamMoller, Jacob Francois
Hoggan,Ivers, J. C.Lloyd, HarryMollar, Nicholas
WilliamJudd, William JosephLlewellynMoore, Percy Henry Evelyn
Howcroft,Judge, Charles EdwardLeech, FrankMobbs, George
ArthurJudge, John CharlesLandtman, WilliamMosenthal, Charles Frederick
Hyde, JohnJames, HenryLay, ThomasMuirhead, Robert Craig
Harris,Jackson, JohnLassen, CharlesMacpherson, Charles Glenely
ThomasFrederickClaudeMartin, Peter Barclay
EdwardJameson, JamesLewis, FrankMcDonald, Donald S.
Hanson,Jollie, John TawseLee, AlbertMcLattie, Frederick
VictorJames, PercyLeighton, FrankMorrison, Robert
Hall, FrankJansen, ArnoldLeverton, FrankMcDonald, Colin
VereAlexanderLingard, MarkMcCann, Walter
Hozenfratz,Johnson, Charles W.AlexanderMcIntyre, Peter
LouisJohnston, William J.Logan, ThomasMoberley, Walter Frederick George
Harrington,Jackson, CharlesLowe, EdwardMacDougall, J. P.
Hubert TylerJohnston, SamuelLong, WilliamMcGilvray, J. A.
Henderson,Johnstone, HenryLynch, Thomas JosephMallet, Frank O.
JamesWilliamLyall, JamesMay, Leonard Thomas Brander
Hendicks,James, WilliamLyon, RobertMack, J.
GeorgeJones, William HenryLynch, WilliamMartin, John
Herbert,Johnson, Chares G.PatrickMartin, William
Lorenz FrancisJeffery, JosephLuis, WilliamMackinder, M.
Hewitt,Jeffreys, HerbertLaarsen, EricMackenzie, George Sawers
WilliamJohnson, BenjaminLong, HarryMack, Frank
Hermphois,Jones, ThomasLewis, RobertMarsden, J.
CharlesJohnston, EdwardLewis, Arthur BoyesMatterson, T.
Hellet, HaroldJusto, PedroLatman, EdgarMcAdam, Michael
JohnKramer, FrederickWilliamMcRory, J.
Hickey,HenryLyons, DanielMeiklejohn, Matthew
GustavusKemp, David M.Lennox, WilliamMitchell, James Champion
Hiscock,Kent, Arthur EdwardLifschitz, SamuelMorrison, Edward Graddon
ReubenKossell, MaxLennock, GeorgeMountford, A.
Hiscock,Keys, GeorgeRichardMoney, Harold Dalton Watson Moore
Charles DavidKing, JohnMcIntyre, AngusMurray, J.
Hooper,Kiddle, JohnMichael, CharlesNesbitt, John Warren
Robert PoolKannemeyer, CharlesGeorgeNesbitt, Alec
Hannay, JohnWilliamMitchell, JamesNesbitt, Frederick
HenryKarle, CharlesFergusonNeale, George
Napier,Parsons, GeraldRademeyer, JohnSimson, W. L.
WilliamMoutrayHubertSlavin, John
Naylor,Pedersen, AndrewRatcliffe, Henry JamesSmuts, George
GeorgePike, William, W. T.Rattray, GeorgeSouthey, Gilmore
Nelson,Pinkerton, JamesRall, JuliusSteele, W.
Charles MartinPlumja, FranzRanger, Henry B.Storey, E.
Newby,Posselt, HenryRees. E. AttwoodSvendsen, H.
EdwardPosselt, WilliamRees, Alfred EdwardsSwemmer, A. L.
Nimmo,Platt, JohnReid, DavidSwinburne, Umfreville Perc
WalterPringle, John ChandosRender, HendrickShepherd, J. H.
Nilsen,Palmer, RobertRixon, Milner R. T.Seale, Edgar
CharlesMansbridgeRichards, JohnSlater, E.
Nolan, MartinPerry, WilliamRussell, LouisStraker, Martin
HoarePurcell, WilliamRouse, GeorgeSmith, Charles Harold
Nolan, GeorgePeacock, ArthurRule, ThomasStiles, Robert M.
Nutt, WilliamWilliamReid, ThomasSchumacher, W. Herman
Nelson, RobertPretorius, ZachariusRoberts, JohnSlade, George William
James WilliamPorter, JosephRichards, FrankSlater, Frank
Nicholson,Pollard, HenryRichards, Thomas J.Schultz, Julius
ArthurPapenfus, L. N.Roper, Thomas PatrickSandeman, Arthur John Fra
Nussey,Palca, JacobRiley, HenrySaunders, Robert
GeorgeParsons, W.Richardson, EdwardSchultz, Henry
Nettlefold,Payne, F. D. A.WilliamSheldrake, William
WilliamParrott, JohnRaubenheimer, GeorgeSheppard, Arthur
Nel, J. P.Pengelly, Hugh A.NicholasSheppard, William
Nias,Perks, John C.Rewis, HenrySingreen, Frank
FrederickPearson, E. F.Ryder, FrederickSmith, Lambert
SomersetPetratz, FrederickRoedek, FrederickSkuse, Frank
Nicholson,Pirie, GeorgeSampson, JohnSmith, Thomas Johnstone
AndrewPlatt, J. M.Stoddart, JamesSmith, Farquharson G. M.
Nolan, PatrickPlumer, RichardStier, William KeppelSmith, Walter Joseph
C.Purdon, Frank ArthurSchultz, George HenrySnook, Henry
Nunn, PercyPaget, GeraldStrike, JohnSpry, William Murray
CramptonPursell, Alfred JohnStack, Charles HenryStroyan, Robert Cormack
Ortner, EvanPirie, JohnStent, VereStapleton, Louis Henry
GeorgePender, John StuartSelous, FrederickStevens, Cecil Ernest
Oosthuisen,MenziesCourteneyStevens, Frederick
WilliamPease, DouglasSonnenberg, IsaacStorrier, Frederick
O'Brien, LouisCliffordSlight, George F.Summers, Frank James
DennisPrescott, BertramSchenck, HenrySwan, Thomas E.
O'Callaghan,Pauze, JohnSweet, SamuelSutherland, John
Patrick JosephQuested, Thomas W.Shed, WilliamTomes, Charles William
O'Connor,Robertson, AlexanderSchmidt, ErnestTregoning, William
JohnHaySmith, Charles H. G.Tannecliff, John
O'Leary, JohnRobertson, JohnSimons, Charles FrankTavanagh, George Osborne
JosephRorich, GeorgeStegmann, CharlesTamlin, Frank
Ogilvie,Rouse, Walter P. N.Smith, CharlesTristrail, John
WilliamRoberts, ErnestRamsayTinton, John
Ohrmann,Rochester, Walter T.Schmidt, PaulThomas, Harry
WilliamRossiter, ThomasSmidt, CharlesThompson, Thomas
Oliver, RobertRumball, ArthurAbrahamTimm, Joseph
O'Maker,GilbertSmith, Charles B.Todd, Robert
RobertRaaff, Pieter JohannesSlight, GeorgeThomas, Herbert
O'Neil,Ross, Henry GordonSandford, GeorgeTyle, Gerrit
EdwardRobertson, HenrySchmelzer, GeorgeTennant, J. D.
Openshaw,LionelAlfredThurgood, H.
JosephReid, WilliamSchultz, WilliamTanner, Thomas Errington
O'Regan,Ruskin, JohnShaw, Robert B.Tayor, Henry B.
ThomasRankine, AndrewSchroeder, JohnTaylor, F. J.
Ogilvie,BogieSmee, JamesTekona, Matteo
OgilvieReynolds, A. J.Scott, AlexanderThackwray, E.
HollingsReid, JohnSouthwell, CharlesThorsen, Martin
O'Connor,Ribstock, L. E.Spreckley, JohnThompson, Frederick
JosephRoss, Thomas A.AnthonyThomson, William Alexand
O'Connor,Roper, E.Snodgrass, RichardTolmay, P.
JohnRoney, GeorgeGrahamTuck, Henry St. John
Owens, W. O.Robinson, H. W.Steward, AugustineTwidwell, Frederick George
Parsons, JonasRutherford, C.Stewart, ThomasTaylor, George
Passmore,Reid, RobertSouthey, Charles H.Tyler, Charles William
GeorgeRixon, Theodore M.Steward, RichardTurnbull, John
Park, ThomasRobinson, WalterSt. Hill, G. H.Upton, William
Parkin, WalterHerringSykes, J. R.Van de Merwe, Henry
EdwardRabe, Andrew C.Squair, JamesVavasseur, Robert
Paddon, CecilRichards, CharlesSavile, MontaguVon Brandis, Adolf
Parsons,AlbertSacamine, ChristoVan Blerk, John Daniel
DudleyRowland, John JamesSchukala, JosephVan der Walt, G.
MoutrayRobertson, JamesScott, J. B.Vincent, David
 McGregorSeward, GeorgeVan Dosen, Albert
  Siebert, JuliusVan Londen
Vizard,Ware, Henry  
George FrankWilliams, Joseph  
Van der Riet,Vaughan  
W.Williams, George  
Vogel, FrankWright, F. E.  
LeonWerner, Henry Charles  
Wishart,Walters, A. (alias  
Williams,Watkins, Ernest M.  
HaroldWelby, Edward Earle  
Wilson, JustinWeston, H. G.  
BarrellWebb, Alfred  
Whyte, PercyWilliams, Owen  
Walsh, JohnGwynydd St. George  
Wilson, JohnWallace, James  
Wilson, AlfredWilliamson, John  
White,Windell, H. J.  
FrederickWarwick, J. A.  
JamesWhittaker, William  
Wilson,Wright, S. O.  
CharlesWebb, Edwin  
FrederickWright, Richard Lloyd  
Wise, GeorgeWatkins, Charles  
Warrington,Watson, Henry George  
GeorgeWatson, Thomas  
Weinthal, PaulColclough  
Whitworth,Wardle, James  
RobertWells, T.  
Wilsnaugh, H.White, K.  
WilliamWilliams, Thomas  
Williams,Withers, A.  
Alfred C.Williams, J  
Wilson, Albert   
Henry Robert   
Wright, John   
Warner, James   
Weale, M. E.   
Weldom, John   
Weir, Herbert M.   
Henry L.   
White, Charles   
Williams, H. H   
Wilson, Peter   
Woit, Richard   
Wood, Percy   
Woods, Arthur   
W. Percy   
Charles H.   
Frederick John   
Wilson, Allan   
White, Charles J   
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History of this document

31 December 2016 this version
02 August 1918